/* --- description: A MooTools driver for the Ruby on Rails 3 unobtrusive JavaScript API. license: MIT-style authors: - Kevin Valdek - Oskar Krawczyk requires: core/1.4: '*' provides: - Rails 3 MooTools driver ... */ window.addEvent('domready', function(){ rails.csrf = { token: rails.getCsrf('token'), param: rails.getCsrf('param') }; rails.applyEvents(); }); (function($){ window.rails = { /** * If el is passed as argument, events will only be applied to * elements within el. Otherwise applied to document body. */ applyEvents: function(el){ el = $(el || document.body); var apply = function(selector, action, callback){ el.addEvent(action + ':relay(' + selector + ')', callback); }; apply('form[data-remote="true"]', 'submit', rails.handleRemote); apply('a[data-remote="true"], input[data-remote="true"]', 'click', rails.handleRemote); apply('a[data-method][data-remote!=true]', 'click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); if (rails.confirmed(this)){ var form = Element('form', { method: 'post', action: this.get('href'), styles: { display: 'none' } }).inject(this, 'after'); var methodInput = Element('input', { type: 'hidden', name: '_method', value: this.get('data-method') }); var csrfInput = Element('input', { type: 'hidden', name: rails.csrf.param, value: rails.csrf.token }); form.adopt(methodInput, csrfInput).submit(); } }); var noMethodNorRemoteConfirm = ':not([data-method]):not([data-remote=true])[data-confirm]'; apply('a' + noMethodNorRemoteConfirm + ',' + 'input' + noMethodNorRemoteConfirm, 'click', function(){ return rails.confirmed(this); }); }, getCsrf: function(name){ var meta = document.getElement('meta[name=csrf-' + name + ']'); return (meta ? meta.get('content') : null); }, confirmed: function(el){ var confirmMessage = el.get('data-confirm'); if(confirmMessage && !confirm(confirmMessage)){ return false; } return true; }, disable: function(el){ var button = el.get('data-disable-with') ? el : el.getElement('[data-disable-with]'); if (button){ var enableWith = button.get('value'); el.addEvent('ajax:complete', function(){ button.set({ value: enableWith, disabled: false }); }); button.set({ value: button.get('data-disable-with'), disabled: true }); } }, handleRemote: function(event){ event.preventDefault(); if(rails.confirmed(this)){ this.request = new Request.Rails(this); rails.disable(this); this.request.send(); } } }; Request.Rails = new Class({ Extends: Request, initialize: function(element, options){ this.el = element; this.parent(Object.merge({ method: this.el.get('method') || this.el.get('data-method') || 'get', url: this.el.get('action') || this.el.get('href') }, options)); this.addRailsEvents(); }, send: function(options) { this.el.fireEvent('ajax:before'); if (this.el.get('tag') === 'form'){ this.options.data = this.el; } this.parent(options); this.el.fireEvent('ajax:after', this.xhr); }, addRailsEvents: function(){ this.addEvent('request', function(){ this.el.fireEvent('ajax:loading', this.xhr); }); this.addEvent('success', function(){ this.el.fireEvent('ajax:success', this.xhr); }); this.addEvent('complete', function(){ this.el.fireEvent('ajax:complete', this.xhr); this.el.fireEvent('ajax:loaded', this.xhr); }); this.addEvent('failure', function(){ this.el.fireEvent('ajax:failure', this.xhr); }); } }); })(document.id);