describe('Util', function() { describe('#extend', function() { var a; beforeEach(function() { a = { foo: 5, bar: 'asd' }; }); it('extends the first argument with the properties of the second', function() { L.Util.extend(a, { bar: 7, baz: 3 }); expect(a).to.eql({ foo: 5, bar: 7, baz: 3 }); }); it('accepts more than 2 arguments', function() { L.Util.extend(a, {bar: 7}, {baz: 3}); expect(a).to.eql({ foo: 5, bar: 7, baz: 3 }); }); }); describe('#bind', function() { it('returns the given function with the given context', function() { var fn = function() { return this; }; var fn2 = L.Util.bind(fn, { foo: 'bar' }); expect(fn2()).to.eql({ foo: 'bar' }); }); it('passes additional arguments to the bound function', function () { var fn = sinon.spy(), foo = {}, a = {}, b = {}; var fn2 = L.Util.bind(fn, foo, a, b); fn2(); expect(fn.calledWith(a, b)); }); }); describe('#stamp', function() { it('sets a unique id on the given object and returns it', function() { var a = {}, id = L.Util.stamp(a); expect(typeof id).to.eql('number'); expect(L.Util.stamp(a)).to.eql(id); var b = {}, id2 = L.Util.stamp(b); expect(id2); }); }); describe('#invokeEach', function () { it('calls the given method/context with each key/value and additional arguments', function () { var spy = sinon.spy(), ctx = {}; var result = L.Util.invokeEach({ foo: 'bar', yo: 'hey' }, spy, ctx, 1, 2, 3); expect(spy.firstCall.calledWith('foo', 'bar', 1, 2, 3)); expect(spy.secondCall.calledWith('yo', 'hey', 1, 2, 3)); expect(spy.firstCall.calledOn(ctx)); expect(spy.secondCall.calledOn(ctx)); expect(result); }); it('returns false if the given agument is not object', function () { var spy = sinon.spy(); expect(L.Util.invokeEach('foo', spy)); expect(spy.called); }); }); describe('#falseFn', function () { it('returns false', function () { expect(L.Util.falseFn()); }); }); describe('#formatNum', function () { it('formats numbers with a given precision', function () { expect(L.Util.formatNum(13.12325555, 3)).to.eql(13.123); expect(L.Util.formatNum(13.12325555)).to.eql(13.12326); }); }); describe('#getParamString', function() { it('creates a valid query string for appending depending on url input', function() { var a = { url: "", obj: {bar: 7, baz: 3}, result: "?bar=7&baz=3" }; expect(L.Util.getParamString(a.obj,a.url)).to.eql(a.result); var b = { url: "", obj: {bar: 7, baz: 3}, result: "&bar=7&baz=3" }; expect(L.Util.getParamString(b.obj,b.url)).to.eql(b.result); var c = { url: undefined, obj: {bar: 7, baz: 3}, result: "?bar=7&baz=3" }; expect(L.Util.getParamString(c.obj,c.url)).to.eql(c.result); }); }); describe('#requestAnimFrame', function () { it('calles a function on next frame, unless canceled', function (done) { var spy = sinon.spy(), spy2 = sinon.spy(), foo = {}; L.Util.requestAnimFrame(spy); L.Util.requestAnimFrame(function () { expect(this).to.eql(foo); done(); }, foo); L.Util.cancelAnimFrame(spy); }); }); describe('#limitExecByInterval', function() { it('limits execution to not more often than specified time interval', function (done) { var spy = sinon.spy(); var fn = L.Util.limitExecByInterval(spy, 20); fn(); fn(); fn(); expect(spy.callCount).to.eql(1); setTimeout(function () { expect(spy.callCount).to.eql(2); done(); }, 30); }); }); describe('#splitWords', function () { it('splits words into an array', function () { expect(L.Util.splitWords('foo bar baz')).to.eql(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); }); }); // TODO setOptions describe('#template', function () { it('evaluates templates with a given data object', function () { var tpl = 'Hello {foo} and {bar}!'; var str = L.Util.template(tpl, { foo: 'Vlad', bar: 'Dave' }); expect(str).to.eql('Hello Vlad and Dave!'); }); it('does not modify text without a token variable', function () { expect(L.Util.template('foo', {})).to.eql('foo'); }); it('throws when a template token is not given', function () { expect(function () { L.Util.template(tpl, {foo: 'bar'}); }).to.throwError(); }); }); });