module DataMapper module Validation # Alias for validate(:default) # # @api public def valid_for_default? # warn "#{self.class}#valid_for_default? is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (#{caller[0]})" valid?(:default) end module ClassMethods extend Deprecate # deprecate :validators, :validation_rules # This is a widely used API, wait a little before issuing warnings def validators validation_rules end end class ViolationSet extend Deprecate deprecate :clear!, :clear deprecate :errors, :violations def self.default_error_messages=(error_messages) MessageTransformer::Default.error_messages = error_messages end def self.default_error_message(violation_type, attribute_name, *violation_data) MessageTransformer::Default.error_message(violation_type, attribute_name, *violation_data) end end class ContextualRuleSet extend Deprecate deprecate :contexts, :rule_sets deprecate :clear!, :clear def execute(context_name, resource) # warn "#{self.class}#execute is deprecated. Use #{self.class}#validate instead." context(context_name).execute(resource) end # Given a new context create an instance method of # valid_for_? which simply calls validate(context) # if it does not already exist # # @api private def self.create_context_instance_methods(model, context) name = "valid_for_#{context}?" present = model.respond_to?(:resource_method_defined) ? model.resource_method_defined?(name) : model.instance_methods.include?(name) unless present model.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name} # def valid_for_signup? # warn "\#{self.class}##{name} is deprecated. Use #valid?(context_name) instead (\#{caller[0]})" valid?(:#{context}) # valid?(:signup) end # end RUBY end end end class Rule extend Deprecate deprecate :field_name, :attribute_name def humanized_field_name # warn "#{self.class}#humanized_field_name is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (#{caller[0]})" DataMapper::Inflector.humanize(attribute_name) end # Call the validator. "call" is used so the operation is BoundMethod # and Block compatible. This must be implemented in all concrete # classes. # # @param [Object] resource # The resource that the validator must be called against. # # @return [Boolean] # true if valid, otherwise false. # def call(resource) # warn "#{self.class}#call is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (#{caller[0]})" return true if valid?(resource) error_message = self.custom_message || MessageTransformer::Default.error_message( violation_type(resource), attribute_name, *violation_values(resource)) add_error(resource, error_message, attribute_name) false end class Block def call(resource) # warn "#{self.class}#call is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (#{caller[0]})" result, error_message = resource.instance_eval(&self.block) add_error(resource, error_message, attribute_name) unless result result end end class Method def call(resource) # warn "#{self.class}#call is deprecated and will be removed in a future version (#{caller[0]})" result, error_message = resource.__send__(method) add_error(resource, error_message, attribute_name) unless result result end end end class RuleSet extend Deprecate # This is present to provide a backwards-compatible codepath to # ContextualRuleSet#execute def execute(resource) rules = rules_for_resource(resource) { |rule| }.all? end end class Violation # TODO: Extract the correct custom message for a Rule's context # (in ContextualRuleSet#add). That change will break this interface. def [](context_name) # warn "Accessing custom messages by context name will be removed in a future version (#{caller[0]})" @custom_message[context_name] end end module Macros extend Deprecate deprecate :validates_absent, :validates_absence_of deprecate :validates_format, :validates_format_of deprecate :validates_present, :validates_presence_of deprecate :validates_length, :validates_length_of deprecate :validates_is_accepted, :validates_acceptance_of deprecate :validates_is_confirmed, :validates_confirmation_of deprecate :validates_is_number, :validates_numericality_of deprecate :validates_is_primitive, :validates_primitive_type_of deprecate :validates_is_unique, :validates_uniqueness_of def validates_numericality_of(*attribute_names) # warn "'Numericality' is not a word in the English language, please use validates_numericalness_of (#{caller[0]})" options = attribute_names.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? attribute_names.pop : {} validation_rules.add(Rule::Numericalness, attribute_names, options) end end module Inferred extend Deprecate # TODO: why are there 3 entry points to this ivar? # #disable_auto_validations, #disabled_auto_validations?, #auto_validations_disabled? # def disable_auto_validations # !infer_validations? # end # Checks whether auto validations are currently # disabled (see +disable_auto_validations+ method # that takes a block) # # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] # true if auto validation is currently disabled # # @api semipublic # def disabled_auto_validations? # !infer_validations? # end # deprecate :auto_validations_disabled?, :infer_validations? # deprecate :without_auto_validations, :without_inferred_validations end # module Inferred AutoValidations = Inferred ValidationErrors = ViolationSet ContextualValidators = ContextualRuleSet end # module Validation # Previously used similarly to Violation (I believe) class ValidationError < StandardError; end # Previous top-level namespace (1.0-1.1) Validations = Validation # Very old constant name (0.9?) Validate = Validation end # module DataMapper