Release Notes

Facets 2.3 makes some nice internal reorganization, rather then just the split between core/ and more/, we have added class/ and mixin/. This helps a great deal in working with the library. If does not effect the end-user in anyway however —even so we felt it enough to warrent a minor version bump rather than just a tiny.

Amoung other changes with this release, cloneable.rb is now a true deep dup/clone mixin; tracepoint.rb returns to the library; and …

As of 2.2.1:

This release get rid of the underlying methods subdir. All method redirects are now in core, to ensure there are no more name clashes.

As of 2.2.0:

This release provides improved rdocs and prepares facets for use with RUby 1.9. It also adds Matthew Harris’ duration.rb library. Bug thanks to Matthew!

As of 2.1.0:

Major changes include a new and much-improved command.rb, a new BiCrypt class for simple two-way crypotgraphy, as well as attr_reader!, attr_writer! and attr_accessor! for flag attributes, plus alias_xxx methods for all attr_xxx methods.
