== Dates, Times, and Javascript Date Picker

== Default JQuery Date Picker

By default Surveyor uses the JQuery-UI date picker (http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/)
for all date and time fields (denoted by :date, :time, or :datetime for the answer in the survey).

== Using Rails Date Helpers

It is possible (and relatively easy) to use the default Rails
date helpers (http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/DateHelper.html)
instead of the javascript date picker.

To do so you would need to override two methods in the SurveyorHelperMethods. Currently the
rc_to_attr and rc_to_as handle how the form fields are displayed. The formtastic input method
(https://github.com/justinfrench/formtastic) used in the _answer.html.haml partial
calls the rc_to_attr method to get the attribute for the answer object
and then calls the rc_to_as method to get the value to set the :as parameter.

    ff.input rc_to_attr(a.response_class), :as => rc_to_as(a.response_class)

    def rc_to_attr(type_sym)
      case type_sym.to_s
      when /^answer$/ then :answer_id
      else "#{type_sym.to_s}_value".to_sym

    def rc_to_as(type_sym)
      case type_sym.to_s
      when /(integer|float|date|time|datetime)/ then :string
      else type_sym

First, we would need to set that the attribute to be used is the :datetime_value attribute on the
answer. (By default we use the custom date_value and time_value methods which wrap the :datetime_value
on the answer to work with the string representation of those values). To do this we would need to
change the rc_to_attr method so that either the date or time types return the :datetime_value attribute

    def rc_to_attr(type_sym)
      case type_sym.to_s
      when /^date|time$/ then :datetime_value
      when /^(string|text|integer|float|datetime)$/ then "#{type_sym.to_s}_value".to_sym
      else :answer_id

Second, we would need to update the rc_to_as method so that the date, time, and/or datetime
answer types would return those values rather than string as they do by default

    def rc_to_as(type_sym)
      case type_sym.to_s
      when /(integer|float)/ then :string
      else type_sym

Of course, you could mix and match which attribute types could be show with the Rails Date Helper
methods and which ones could use the javascript date picker.

== JQuery Tools Date Input

If you would like to use JQuery Tools dateinput instead (http://jquerytools.org/demos/dateinput/index.html)
you would need to edit the
vendor/assets/javascripts/surveyor/jquery.surveyor.js file.

Replace the jquery-ui datepicker lines:

    	dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
    	changeMonth: true,
    	changeYear: true

with those for the jquery tools dateinput

    jQuery('li input.date').dateinput({
        format: 'dd mmm yyyy'

(note that you may need to add the following to make the jquery tools dateinput widget to work properly)

    jQuery('li.date input').change(function(){
        if ( $(this).data('dateinput') ) {
            var date_obj = $(this).data('dateinput').getValue();
            this.value = date_obj.getFullYear() + "-" + (date_obj.getMonth()+1) + "-" +
                date_obj.getDate() + " 00:00:00 UTC";