Feature: Showing man pages for available commands In order to know which how to use genomer plugins A user can use the man command To show the man page for specified plugin Scenario: Running genomer man with no commands When I run the genomer command with the arguments "man" Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain: """ genomer man COMMAND run `genomer help` for a list of available commands """ @disable-bundler Scenario: Getting the man page for a plugin Given I run the genomer command with the arguments "init project" And I cd to "project" And I append to "Gemfile" with: """ gem 'genomer-plugin-simple', :path => '../../../genomer-plugin-simple' """ When I run the genomer command with the arguments "man simple" Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "GENOMER-SIMPLE(1)" @disable-bundler Scenario: Getting the man page for a plugin subcommand Given I run the genomer command with the arguments "init project" And I cd to "project" And I append to "Gemfile" with: """ gem 'genomer-plugin-simple', :path => '../../../genomer-plugin-simple' """ When I run the genomer command with the arguments "man simple subcommand" Then the exit status should be 0 And the output should contain "GENOMER-SIMPLE-SUBCOMMAND(1)" @disable-bundler Scenario: Trying to get a man page for an unknown plugin Given I run the genomer command with the arguments "init project" And I cd to "project" And I append to "Gemfile" with: """ gem 'genomer-plugin-simple', :path => '../../../genomer-plugin-simple' """ When I run the genomer command with the arguments "man unknown" Then the exit status should be 1 And the output should contain: """ Error. Unknown command or plugin 'unknown.' run `genomer help` for a list of available commands """ @disable-bundler Scenario: Trying to get a man page for an unknown subcommand Given I run the genomer command with the arguments "init project" And I cd to "project" And I append to "Gemfile" with: """ gem 'genomer-plugin-simple', :path => '../../../genomer-plugin-simple' """ When I run the genomer command with the arguments "man simple unknown" Then the exit status should be 1 And the output should contain: """ Error. No manual entry for command 'simple unknown' """