# yard-rails * [github.com/cpence/yard-rails](http://github.com/cpence/yard-rails/) * [github.com/cpence/yard-rails/issues](http://github.com/cpence/yard-rails/issues) * Charles Pence (charles at charlespence.net) ## Description A YARD plugin for parsing the custom Ruby syntax added by Rails. If you are using YARD >= 0.6, you will need to enable the plugin manually. Add the following line to your `.yardopts` file: --plugin yard-rails For older versions of YARD, all plugins are loaded automatically. ## Features Parses the following statements: attr_accessible :attr cattr_reader :attr cattr_writer :attr cattr_accessor :attr mattr_reader :attr mattr_writer :attr mattr_accessor :attr If you know of more Rails-specific DSL that should be included in this plugin, feel free to create an issue here on GitHub, and I'll be happy to include it. ## Requirements * [yard](http://yardoc.org) >= 0.4.0 ## Install $ sudo gem install yard-rails ## License See LICENSE.txt for license information. ## Thanks Thanks to Postmodern's `yard-dm` gem, which provided much of the framework I've used to package `yard-rails`.