Changelog ========= ### 1.0.0 Don't log as ERROR (let the host decide if is an error or not) - Decrease the logger level from "error" to "warn" when status == 2 - Bump version to v1.0.0. ### 0.2.0 Make sure default personalizations (TIMESTAMP and EMAIL_TEMPLATE are uppercase) ### 0.1.6 Add more details when an error response is processed. ### 0.1.5 Removing some error loggers. ### 0.1.4 Misc ### 0.1.4 Fixing EOF error ### 0.1.3 Misc - Don't use SSL by default: `http.use_ssl = false`. - Return the full response and log the response stats to logger. - Indentation fixes - Return full XML response. ### 0.1.2 Other typo with 0.1.1. ### 0.1.1 Typo with the new SAVE_COLUMNS feature. ### 0.1.0 - Including `` inside the XML request. > To save the personalization values in the Engage database, > you must create the fields in your database and use the SAVE_COLUMN element > for that XML tag. ``` numeric CAMPAIGN id TRANS-1234 false false false ACCOUNT_ID HTML ACCOUNT_ID 807 TRANSACT_MAIL_BODY Click this link: link

]]> ``` ### 0.0.8 - Removing log4r and use Rails.logger instead (fix for isssue #1) ### 0.0.7 - If Rails.logger exists use it, if not switch to log4r. ### 0.0.6 - Start using log4r instead of (now logs are namespaced) - Minor changes to README and documentation. Added Changelog and silverpop api. - Adding name spaced exceptions to handle custom errors. ### 0.0.5 - Start using job.configure { } to change the Silverpop gateway url. - Start using Pry instead of IRB. - Start using Awesome Print instead of inspect. ### 0.0.4 - Minor changes to README and documentation. ### 0.0.3 - First usable version. Seems to be working. ### 0.0.2 - Adding a few clasess, still a mess. ### 0.0.1 - Empty gem using bundler's boilerplate. TODO ---- - Include Yard for documentation - Let change the gateway from the Class, instead from the instance