# Generates model-independent application basics (see method names). require 'katapult/support/generator_goodies' require 'katapult/version' # For writing .ruby-version module Katapult module Generators class BasicsGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include Katapult::GeneratorGoodies WEBPACK_DIR = 'app/webpack' YARN_PACKAGES = %w[ autoprefixer autosize bootstrap-sass jquery jquery-ujs unpoly ] desc 'Generate basics like test directories and gems' source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) class_option :db_user, type: :string, default: '', description: 'The user to set in config/database.yml' class_option :db_password, type: :string, default: '', description: 'The password to set in config/database.yml' def add_basic_files template '.ruby-version' template '.gitignore', force: true template 'public/robots.txt', force: true template 'README.md', force: true end # Gems ################################################################### def enhance_gemfile # Need to transfer the katapult line, because in tests, katapult is # installed with a custom :path option @katapult = File.readlines('Gemfile').find{ |line| line =~ /^gem 'katapult'/ } template 'Gemfile', force: true end def bundle_install run 'bundle install --quiet' # Fix Bundler for parallel_tests run 'bundle config --local disable_exec_load true' # This is relevant for the server, so it may happen after bundling here. # By having Nokogiri use system libraries, it will get automatic updates # of the frequently broken libxml (i.e. when the system libxml updates). run 'bundle config --local build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries' end # Database ############################################################### def write_database_ymls @db_user = options.db_user @db_password = options.db_password template 'config/database.yml', force: true template 'config/database.sample.yml' end def create_databases # Need to unset RAILS_ENV variable for this sub command because # parallel_tests defaults to "test" only if the variable is not set (<-> # empty string value). However, because this is run from a Rails # generator, the variable is already set to "development". Cannot set to # "test" either because parallel_tests is only loaded in development. run 'unset RAILS_ENV; bundle exec rake db:drop db:create parallel:drop parallel:create' end # Configure Rails ######################################################## def install_application_layout remove_file 'app/views/layouts/application.html.erb' directory 'app/views/layouts' end # We're using Webpacker def remove_asset_pipeline_traces remove_dir 'app/assets' end def disable_migration_errors development = 'config/environments/development.rb' gsub_file development, /(migration_error =) :page_load/, '\1 false' end def setup_staging template 'config/environments/staging.rb' # Cheating in the "staging" secret between "test" and "production" secret = run('bundle exec rake secret', capture: true).chomp insert_into_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<~SECRET, after: "test:\n" secret_key_base: #{ secret } staging: SECRET end def configure_test_environment test_env = 'config/environments/test.rb' gsub_file test_env, /# Do not eager load code on boot.*config\.eager_load = false/m, 'config.eager_load = true' gsub_file test_env, / # Show full error.*\n config\.consider_all_requests_local\s.*$/, ' config.consider_all_requests_local = false' gsub_file test_env, / # Disable request forgery protection.*\n config\.action_controller\.allow_forgery_protection\s.*$\n/, '' gsub_file test_env, /config\.action_controller\.perform_caching\s.*$/, 'config.action_controller.perform_caching = true' end def configure_action_mailer app_con = 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' inject_into_file app_con, <<-CONFIG, before: /end\n\z/ before_action :make_action_mailer_use_request_host_and_protocol private def make_action_mailer_use_request_host_and_protocol ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:protocol] = request.protocol ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host] = request.host_with_port end CONFIG gsub_file 'app/mailers/application_mailer.rb', /(^\s+default from:).*$/, '\1 Rails.configuration.system_email' end def set_timezone # This results in correct indentation :) application <<-'LOAD_PATHS' config.time_zone = 'Berlin' config.active_record.default_timezone = :local config.active_record.time_zone_aware_attributes = false LOAD_PATHS gsub_file 'config/application.rb', /# config\.time_zone =.*$/, "config.time_zone = 'Berlin'" end def configure_system_email application "config.system_email = 'system@#{app_name}.com'\n" end def disable_asset_debugging # Faster gsub_file 'config/environments/development.rb', /config\.assets\.debug =.*$/, 'config.assets.debug = false' end def install_helpers directory 'app/helpers' end def install_errors_controller template 'app/controllers/errors_controller.rb' route 'resources :errors, only: :new' end def install_initializers directory 'config/initializers' end def install_ext directory 'lib/ext' end # Configure 3rd party #################################################### def setup_spring run 'bundle exec spring binstub --all' # Enhance Spring config config = 'config/spring.rb' inject_into_file config, <<-DIR, after: /\A%w\(\n/ lib/templates DIR prepend_to_file config, <<-MKDIR # Custom generator templates are put into lib/templates FileUtils.mkdir_p 'lib/templates' MKDIR # Parallel-fix binstubs Dir['bin/*'].each do |binstub| if File.read(binstub) =~ /load.*spring/ inject_into_file binstub, <<-PARALLEL, after: /\A.*\n/ running_in_parallel = ENV.has_key?('TEST_ENV_NUMBER') || ARGV.any? { |arg| arg =~ /^parallel:/ } PARALLEL gsub_file binstub, /^(\s*load .*spring.*)$/, '\1 unless running_in_parallel' end end end def setup_guard template 'Guardfile' environment "config.middleware.use Rack::LiveReload\n", env: :development environment "config.assets.digest = false # For Guard::Livereload\n", env: :development end def add_modularity_load_paths # This results in correct indentation :) application <<-'LOAD_PATHS' config.autoload_paths << "#{Rails.root}/app/controllers/shared" config.autoload_paths << "#{Rails.root}/app/models/shared" config.autoload_paths << "#{Rails.root}/app/util" config.autoload_paths << "#{Rails.root}/app/util/shared" LOAD_PATHS end def install_cucumber run 'spring stop' # Spring constantly causes trouble here generate 'cucumber:install' directory 'features/support' template 'config/cucumber.yml', force: true # Remove cucumber section from database.yml. Don't need this. gsub_file 'config/database.yml', /^cucumber.*\z/m, '' environment <<~ACTIVE_JOB, env: 'test' config.active_job.queue_adapter = :inline ACTIVE_JOB end def install_rspec generate 'rspec:install' directory 'spec' gsub_file '.rspec', "--warnings\n", '' # Don't show Ruby warnings template '.rspec_parallel' merge_rails_helper_into_spec_helper uncomment_lines 'spec/spec_helper.rb', /Dir.Rails.root.join.+spec.support/ gsub_file 'spec/spec_helper.rb', /^ config\.use_transactional_fixtures = true/, <<-CONTENT # RSpec's transaction logic needs to be disabled for DatabaseCleaner to work config.use_transactional_fixtures = false CONTENT end def install_capistrano # Create Capfile *before* installing Capistrano to prevent annoying # Harrow.io ad template 'Capfile', force: true run 'cap install' deploy_rb = File.read('config/deploy.rb') @version = deploy_rb[/^lock.*?([\d\.]+)/, 1] template 'config/deploy.rb', force: true template 'config/deploy/staging.rb', force: true template 'config/deploy/production.rb', force: true directory 'lib/capistrano/tasks' template 'lib/tasks/pending_migrations.rake' end def setup_webpacker remove_dir 'app/javascript' directory WEBPACK_DIR directory 'config/webpack' gsub_file 'config/webpacker.yml', /^( source_path:).*$/, '\1 ' + WEBPACK_DIR inject_into_file 'config/webpack/environment.js', <<~JQUERY, after: /\A.*\n/ # 1st line const webpack = require('webpack') environment.plugins.set('Provide', new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ $: 'jquery', jQuery: 'jquery' }) ) JQUERY yarn :add, *YARN_PACKAGES end def configure_autoprefixer template '.browserslistrc' end private def merge_rails_helper_into_spec_helper spec_helper = File.read 'spec/spec_helper.rb' spec_helper.gsub! /.*^RSpec\.configure.+?$/m, '' # Remove introduction gsub_file 'spec/rails_helper.rb', /end\n\z/, spec_helper FileUtils.mv 'spec/rails_helper.rb', 'spec/spec_helper.rb', force: true end end end end