# http://www.mudynamics.com # http://labs.mudynamics.com # http://www.pcapr.net require 'mu/testcase' require 'pcapr_local' require 'test/pcapr_local/testcase' module PcaprLocal class Xtractr class Test < ::PcaprLocal::Test::TestCase PCAP = File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "arp.pcap") HTTP_PCAP = File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "http_chunked.pcap") def test_basics do_setup config = { "index_dir" => @index_dir, "reaper_interval" => 60, "idle_timeout" => 60, } xtractr = Xtractr.new config config = { "db" => @db, "xtractr" => xtractr, "index_dir" => @index_dir, "pcap_dir" => @pcap_dir, "queue_delay" => 0, "interval" => 0, } scanner = Scanner.new config # Add pcaps and index them. count = 2 count.times do |n| FileUtils.cp PCAP, "#{@pcap_dir}/#{n}.pcap" end scanner.scan # Get an xtractr instance x0 = xtractr.xtractr_for('0.pcap') assert_kind_of Xtractr::Instance, x0 # Second request should yield cached instance x0_ = xtractr.xtractr_for('0.pcap') assert_same x0, x0_ # A xtractr instance for a second pcap x1 = xtractr.xtractr_for('1.pcap') assert_not_same x0,x1 x1.start index_dir1 = scanner.index_path '1.pcap' packets_db = File.join(index_dir1, 'packets.db') pids = `fuser #{packets_db}`.split assert pids.include?(x1.pid.to_s), "Expected to find xtractr process to have opened packets.db file open" # Xtractr instances have not been idle long enough to be reaped. xtractr.reap assert_nothing_raised do Process.kill 0, x1.pid end # Make instance appear idle, it should be reaped now. x1_pid = x1.pid x1.instance_variable_set :@last_use, 0.0 xtractr.reap assert_nil x1.pid assert_raises Errno::ESRCH do Process.kill 0, x1_pid end # Get another xtractr for same pcap and make sure it is function with a get request. x1 = xtractr.xtractr_for('1.pcap') status, headers, body = x1.get('/api/fields') assert_equal 200, status assert_equal({"connection"=>"close", "content-type"=>"text/plain", "server"=>"xtractr"}.to_a.sort, headers.to_a.sort) assert_json "[\"pkt.src\",\"pkt.dst\",\"pkt.id\",\"pkt.pcap\",\"pkt.time\",\"pkt.offset\",\"pkt.length\",\"pkt.service\",\"pkt.title\",\"arp.dst.hw.mac\",\"arp.hw.size\",\"arp.hw.type\",\"arp.isgratuitous\",\"arp.opcode\",\"arp.proto.size\",\"arp.proto.type\",\"arp.src.hw.mac\",\"eth.addr\",\"eth.dst\",\"eth.ig\",\"eth.lg\",\"eth.src\",\"eth.type\"]", body # Make instance appear idle, it should be reaped now. x1_pid = x1.pid x1.instance_variable_set :@last_use, 0.0 xtractr.reap assert_nil x1.pid assert_raises Errno::ESRCH do Process.kill 0, x1_pid end ensure xtractr.shutdown if xtractr end XTRACTR_VERSION = "4.5.41604" def test_index do_setup config = { "index_dir" => @index_dir, "reaper_interval" => 60, "idle_timeout" => 60, } xtractr = Xtractr.new config FileUtils.cp HTTP_PCAP, "#{@pcap_dir}/http.pcap" index_data = xtractr.index "#{@pcap_dir}/http.pcap", "#{@index_dir}/http.pcap" assert File.exist? "#{@index_dir}/http.pcap/packets.db" expected_index_data = { :services =>["http"], :about => { "packets" => 2, "hosts" => 2, "version" => XTRACTR_VERSION, "services" => 1, "duration" => 14, "flows" => 1 } } assert_equal expected_index_data[:services], index_data[:services] assert_equal expected_index_data[:about].to_a.sort, index_data[:about].to_a.sort ensure xtractr.shutdown if xtractr end def test_free_local_port seed = srand srand seed port1 = Xtractr::Instance.free_local_port server1 = TCPServer.open '', port1 # Reseed so first port chosen will be in use srand seed port2 = Xtractr::Instance.free_local_port assert_not_equal port1, port2 server2 = TCPServer.open '', port2 server1.close server2.close end def test_do_start do_setup max_start_time = Instance::MAX_START_TIME Instance.const_set :MAX_START_TIME, 1 config = { "index_dir" => @index_dir, "reaper_interval" => 60, "idle_timeout" => 60, } xtractr = Xtractr.new config FileUtils.cp HTTP_PCAP, "#{@pcap_dir}/http.pcap" index_data = xtractr.index "#{@pcap_dir}/http.pcap", "#{@index_dir}/http.pcap" xtractr_instance = Xtractr::Instance.new "#{@index_dir}/http.pcap", EXE_PATH xtractr_instance.instance_variable_set :@xtractr_path, `which false`.strip assert_raises Instance::XtractrStartupException do xtractr_instance.start end ensure if max_start_time Instance.const_set :MAX_START_TIME, max_start_time end end def test_get_and_post do_setup config = { "index_dir" => @index_dir, "reaper_interval" => 60, "idle_timeout" => 60, } xtractr = Xtractr.new config config = { "db" => @db, "xtractr" => xtractr, "index_dir" => @index_dir, "pcap_dir" => @pcap_dir, "queue_delay" => 0, "interval" => 0, } scanner = Scanner.new config FileUtils.cp HTTP_PCAP, "#{@pcap_dir}/http.pcap" scanner.scan # GET /api/about status, headers, body = xtractr.get('http.pcap', '/api/about') assert_equal 200, status assert_kind_of Hash, headers assert_equal 'text/plain', headers['content-type'] about = JSON.parse body assert_equal 1, about['flows'] assert_equal 2, about['packets'] # POST /api/content?type=text/html&name=content.1.0 post_body = "bytes=edgbhachhccaengbglchhccahdgjgnhagmgjgggjgfhdcahegigfcahahcgpgdgfhdhdcagpggcagdhcgfgbhegjgoghcahagbgdglgfhecagdgbhahehfhcgfhdcagghcgpgncagdgpgohegfgohecahegigbhecahjgphfcagbgmhcgfgbgehjcagigbhggfcocafjgphfcagdgbgocahfhdgfcaedgbhachhccaengbglchhccahegpcagdgpgnhahcgfhdhdcacihdgpgpgocbcjcmcagfgogdgpgegfcagbgogecagfgngcgfgecagbhcgcgjhehcgbhchjcagdgpgohegfgohecagjgohegpcahggbhcgjgphfhdcahahcgphegpgdgpgmcahdhehcgfgbgnhdcagbgogecahegigfgocagphfhehahfhecagogfhhcahagdgbhahdcacigphggfhccaejfahgdecagphccaejfahgdgcjcocafegigfhcgfchhdcagbcahdgjhkgfcagmgjgngjhecagpggcadcdfeleccagggphccahegigfcagdgpgohegfgohecahjgphfcahfhagmgpgbgecocafjgphfcagdgbgocahfhagmgpgbgecagfhihagmgpgjhehdcmcahggjhchfhdcmcahdhagbgncmcagngbgmhhgbhcgfcmcagfhegddlcagbgohjhegigjgoghcahegigbhecahjgphfcahagmgbgocagpgocahfhdgjgoghcahegpcahegfhdhecaeggjhcgfhhgbgmgmhdcmcaeefaejhdcagbgogecafffeenhdcocafhgfcagegpcagogphecahdhegphcgfcahegigfcagdgpgohegfgohecagpgocahegigfcahdgfhchggfhccagbgogecahegigfcaghgfgogfhcgbhegfgecahagdgbhacagjhdcahjgphfhchdcahegpcaglgfgfhacmcagggphcgfhggfhccoakejggcahjgphfcagigbhggfcagggfgfgegcgbgdglcagphccahdhfghghgfhdhegjgpgohdcagpgocagngbglgjgoghcahegigjhdcagcgfhehegfhccmcagegpcagmgfhecahfhdcaglgogphhcoak" status, headers, body = xtractr.post('http.pcap', '/api/content?type=text/html&name=content.1.0', post_body) assert_equal 200, status assert_kind_of Hash, headers assert_equal 'text/html', headers['content-type'] assert_equal "Cap'r Mak'r simplifies the process of creating packet captures from content that you already have. You can use Cap'r Mak'r to compress (soon!), encode and embed arbitrary content into various protocol streams and then output new pcaps (over IPv4 or IPv6). There's a size limit of 25KB for the content you upload. You can upload exploits, virus, spam, malware, etc; anything that you plan on using to test Firewalls, DPIs and UTMs. We do not store the content on the server and the generated pcap is yours to keep, forever.\nIf you have feedback or suggestions on making this better, do let us know.\n", body ensure xtractr.shutdown if xtractr end end end end