# frozen_string_literal: true Capybara::SpecHelper.spec '#assert_text' do it 'should be true if the given text is on the page' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session.assert_text('est')).to eq(true) expect(@session.assert_text('Lorem')).to eq(true) expect(@session.assert_text('Redirect')).to eq(true) expect(@session.assert_text(:Redirect)).to eq(true) expect(@session.assert_text('text with whitespace')).to eq(true) end it 'should take scopes into account' do @session.visit('/with_html') @session.within("//a[@title='awesome title']") do expect(@session.assert_text('labore')).to eq(true) end end it 'should raise if scoped to an element which does not have the text' do @session.visit('/with_html') @session.within("//a[@title='awesome title']") do expect do @session.assert_text('monkey') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, 'expected to find text "monkey" in "labore"') end end it 'should be true if :all given and text is invisible.' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session.assert_text(:all, 'Some of this text is hidden!')).to eq(true) end it 'should be true if `Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = true` and text is invisible.' do Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session.assert_text('Some of this text is hidden!')).to eq(true) end it 'should raise error with a helpful message if the requested text is present but invisible' do @session.visit('/with_html') el = @session.find(:css, '#hidden-text') expect do el.assert_text(:visible, 'Some of this text is hidden!') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, /it was found 1 time including non-visible text/) end it 'should raise error with a helpful message if the requested text is present but with incorrect case' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect do @session.assert_text('Text With Whitespace') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, /it was found 1 time using a case insensitive search/) end it 'should raise error with helpful message if requested text is present but invisible and with incorrect case', requires: [:js] do @session.visit('/with_html') el = @session.find(:css, '#uppercase') expect do el.assert_text('text here') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, /it was found 1 time using a case insensitive search and it was found 1 time including non-visible text/) end it 'should raise the correct error if requested text is missing but contains regex special characters' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect do @session.assert_text('[]*.') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, /expected to find text "\[\]\*\."/) end it 'should be true if the text in the page matches given regexp' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session.assert_text(/Lorem/)).to eq(true) end it "should be raise error if the text in the page doesn't match given regexp" do @session.visit('/with_html') expect do @session.assert_text(/xxxxyzzz/) end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, %r{\Aexpected to find text matching /xxxxyzzz/ in "This is a test\\nHeader Class(.+)"\Z}) end it 'should escape any characters that would have special meaning in a regexp' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect do @session.assert_text('.orem') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet) end it 'should wait for text to appear', requires: [:js] do Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 2 @session.visit('/with_js') @session.click_link('Click me') expect(@session.assert_text('Has been clicked')).to eq(true) end context 'with between' do it 'should be true if the text occurs within the range given' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session.assert_text('count', between: 1..3)).to eq(true) end it 'should be false if the text occurs more or fewer times than range' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect do @session.find(:css, '.number').assert_text(/\d/, between: 0..1) end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, 'expected to find text matching /\\d/ between 0 and 1 times but found 2 times in "42"') end end context 'with wait', requires: [:js] do it 'should find element if it appears before given wait duration' do Capybara.using_wait_time(0) do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#reload-list').click @session.find(:css, '#the-list').assert_text("Foo\nBar", wait: 0.9) end end it 'should raise error if it appears after given wait duration' do Capybara.using_wait_time(0) do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.find(:css, '#reload-list').click el = @session.find(:css, '#the-list', visible: false) expect do el.assert_text(:all, 'Foo Bar', wait: 0.3) end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet) end end end context 'with multiple count filters' do before do @session.visit('/with_html') end it 'ignores other filters when :count is specified' do o = { count: 5, minimum: 6, maximum: 0, between: 0..4 } expect { @session.assert_text('Header', o) }.not_to raise_error end context 'with no :count expectation' do it 'fails if :minimum is not met' do o = { minimum: 6, maximum: 5, between: 2..7 } expect { @session.assert_text('Header', o) }.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet) end it 'fails if :maximum is not met' do o = { minimum: 0, maximum: 0, between: 2..7 } expect { @session.assert_text('Header', o) }.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet) end it 'fails if :between is not met' do o = { minimum: 0, maximum: 5, between: 0..4 } expect { @session.assert_text('Header', o) }.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet) end it 'succeeds if all combineable expectations are met' do o = { minimum: 0, maximum: 5, between: 2..7 } expect { @session.assert_text('Header', o) }.not_to raise_error end end end end Capybara::SpecHelper.spec '#assert_no_text' do it 'should raise error if the given text is on the page at least once' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect do @session.assert_no_text('Lorem') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, /\Aexpected not to find text "Lorem" in "This is a test.*"\z/) end it 'should be true if scoped to an element which does not have the text' do @session.visit('/with_html') @session.within("//a[@title='awesome title']") do expect(@session.assert_no_text('monkey')).to eq(true) end end it 'should be true if the given text is on the page but not visible' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect(@session.assert_no_text('Inside element with hidden ancestor')).to eq(true) end it 'should raise error if :all given and text is invisible.' do @session.visit('/with_html') el = @session.find(:css, '#hidden-text', visible: false) expect do el.assert_no_text(:all, 'Some of this text is hidden!') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, 'expected not to find text "Some of this text is hidden!" in "Some of this text is hidden!"') end it 'should raise error if :all given and text is invisible.' do @session.visit('/with_html') el = @session.find(:css, '#some-hidden-text', visible: false) expect do el.assert_no_text(:visible, 'hidden') end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, 'expected not to find text "hidden" in "Some of this text is not hidden"') end it "should be true if the text in the page doesn't match given regexp" do @session.visit('/with_html') @session.assert_no_text(/xxxxyzzz/) end context 'with count' do it 'should be true if the text occurs within the range given' do @session.visit('/with_count') expect(@session.assert_text('count', count: 2)).to eq(true) end it 'should be false if the text occurs more or fewer times than range' do @session.visit('/with_html') expect do @session.find(:css, '.number').assert_text(/\d/, count: 1) end.to raise_error(Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, 'expected to find text matching /\\d/ 1 time but found 2 times in "42"') end end context 'with wait', requires: [:js] do it 'should not find element if it appears after given wait duration' do @session.visit('/with_js') @session.click_link('Click me') @session.find(:css, '#reload-list').click @session.find(:css, '#the-list').assert_no_text('Foo Bar', wait: 0.3) end end end