# What's Embulk? Embulk is a parallel bulk data loader that **helps data transfer between various storages, databases, NoSQL and cloud services**. **Embulk supports plugins** to add functions. You can [share the plugins](http://www.embulk.org/plugins/) to keep your custom scripts readable, maintainable, and reusable. [![Embulk](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/frsyuki/f322a77ee2766a508ba9/raw/e8539b6b4fda1b3357e8c79d3966aa8148dbdbd3/embulk-overview.png)](http://www.slideshare.net/frsyuki/embuk-making-data-integration-works-relaxed/12) [Embulk, an open-source plugin-based parallel bulk data loader](http://www.slideshare.net/frsyuki/embuk-making-data-integration-works-relaxed) at Slideshare # Document Embulk documents: http://www.embulk.org/docs/ ## Quick Start ### Linux & Mac & BSD Embulk is a Java application. Please make sure that [Java](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) is installed. Following 4 commands install embulk to your home directory: ```sh curl --create-dirs -o ~/.embulk/bin/embulk -L "http://dl.embulk.org/embulk-latest.jar" chmod +x ~/.embulk/bin/embulk echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.embulk/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc ``` Next step: [Running example in 4 commands](#running-example) ### Windows Embulk is a Java application. Please make sure that [Java](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html) is installed. You can download `embulk.bat` using this command on cmd.exe or PowerShell.exe: ``` PowerShell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest http://dl.embulk.org/embulk-latest.jar -OutFile embulk.bat}" ``` Next step: [Running example in 4 commands](#running-example) ### Running example `embulk example` command generates a sample CSV file so that you can try embulk quickly: ``` embulk example ./try1 embulk guess ./try1/example.yml -o config.yml embulk preview config.yml embulk run config.yml ``` Next step: [Using plugins](#using-plugins) ### Using plugins You can use plugins to load data from/to various systems and file formats. Here is the list of publicly released plugins: [list of plugins by category](http://www.embulk.org/plugins/). An example is [embulk-output-command](https://github.com/embulk/embulk-output-command) plugin. It executes an external command to output the records. To install plugins, you can use `embulk gem install ` command: ``` embulk gem install embulk-output-command embulk gem list ``` Embulk bundles some built-in plugins such as `embulk-encoder-gzip` or `embulk-formatter-csv`. You can use those plugins with following configuration file: ```yaml in: type: file path_prefix: "./try1/csv/sample_" out: type: command command: "cat - > task.$INDEX.$SEQID.csv.gz" encoders: - {type: gzip} formatter: type: csv ``` ### Resuming a failed transaction Embulk supports resuming failed transactions. To enable resuming, you need to start transaction with `-r PATH` option: ``` embulk run config.yml -r resume-state.yml ``` If the transaction fails, embulk stores state some states to the yaml file. You can retry the transaction using exactly same command: ``` embulk run config.yml -r resume-state.yml ``` If you give up on resuming the transaction, you can use `embulk cleanup` subcommand to delete intermediate data: ``` embulk cleanup config.yml -r resume-state.yml ``` ### Using plugin bundle `embulk mkbundle` subcommand creates a isolated bundle of plugins. You can install plugins (gems) to the bundle directory instead of ~/.embulk directory. This makes it easy to manage versions of plugins. To use the bundle, add `-b ` option to `guess`, `preview`, or `run` subcommand. `embulk mkbundle` also generates some example plugins to \/embulk/\*.rb directory. See the generated \/Gemfile file how to plugin bundles work. ``` embulk mkbundle ./embulk_bundle embulk guess -b ./embulk_bundle ... embulk run -b ./embulk_bundle ... ``` ## Use cases * [Scheduled bulk data loading to Elasticsearch + Kibana 4 from CSV files](http://www.embulk.org/docs/recipe/scheduled-csv-load-to-elasticsearch-kibana4.html) For further details, visit [Embulk documentation](http://www.embulk.org/docs/). ## Upgrading to the latest version Following command updates embulk itself to the latest released version. ```sh embulk selfupdate ``` Following command updates embulk itself to the specific released version. ```sh embulk selfupdate x.y.z ``` Older versions are available at [dl.embulk.org](http://dl.embulk.org). ## Embulk Development ### Build ``` ./gradlew cli # creates pkg/embulk-VERSION.jar ./gradlew gem # creates pkg/embulk-VERSION.gem ``` You can see JaCoCo's test coverage report at `${project}/build/reports/tests/index.html` You can see Findbug's report at `${project}/build/reports/findbug/main.html` # FIXME coverage information is not included somehow You can use `classpath` task to use `bundle exec ./bin/embulk` for development: ``` ./gradlew -t classpath # -x test: skip test ./bin/embulk ``` To deploy artifacts to your local maven repository at ~/.m2/repository/: ``` ./gradlew install ``` To compile the source code of embulk-core project only: ``` ./gradlew :embulk-core:compileJava ``` Task `dependencies` shows dependency tree of embulk-core project: ``` ./gradlew :embulk-core:dependencies ``` ### Documents Embulk uses Sphinx, YARD (Ruby API) and JavaDoc (Java API) for document generation. ``` brew install python pip install sphinx gem install yard ./gradlew site # documents are: embulk-docs/build/html ``` ### Release You need to add your bintray account information to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties ``` bintray_user=(bintray user name) bintray_api_key=(bintray api key) ``` Run following commands and follow its instruction: ``` ./gradlew set_version -Pto=$VERSION ``` ``` ./gradlew releaseCheck ./gradlew release git commit -am v$VERSION git tag v$VERSION ``` See also: * [Bintray](https://bintray.com) * [How to acquire bintray API Keys](https://bintray.com/docs/usermanual/interacting/interacting_editingyouruserprofile.html#anchorAPIKEY)