module YOWL # # Represents an Individual defined in the schema # class Individual < YOWL::LabelledDocObject private def initialize(resource, schema) super(resource, schema) if schema.options.verbose puts "Created Individual #{short_name}" end end public def Individual.withUri(resource, schema) if resource.anonymous? warn "WARNING: Ignoring Individual with uri #{resource.to_s}" return end individual = schema.individuals[resource.to_s] if individual return individual end individual =, schema) schema.individuals[resource.to_s] = individual return individual end public # # This label is a bit different than the one in the base class as this one # gets its prefix stripped, if there is one. # def label @label ||= init_label end private def init_label label = get_literal(YOWL::Namespaces::RDFS.label) if label return label end label = short_name label = label.sub(/(.*)\s*:/, "") label = label.gsub("_", " ") label.sub!(/^r29-/, "") # TODO: Make this configurable via setting in ontology classes.each do |klass| className = klass.short_name label.chomp!("-#{className}") className.sub!(/.*:/, '') label.chomp!("-#{className}") end return label end private def gvLabel tmp = label.gsub(", ", ",\n") return prefix ? "#{tmp}\n(#{prefix})" : tmp end public # # The prefix to be used for the URI of this Individual, if defined, nil if it isn't # def prefix @prefix ||= init_prefix end private def init_prefix name = short_name return name.include?(':') ? short_name.sub(/:\s*(.*)/, "") : nil end public def types if not defined?(@types) init_types end return @types end private def init_types @types = [] @schema.model.query(, RDF.type) ) do |statement| if statement.object == YOWL::Namespaces::OWL.NamedIndividual next end @types << statement.object if @schema.options.verbose puts "Found Type #{statement.object.to_s} for Individual #{label}" end end end public def classes if not defined?(@classes) init_classes end return @classes end private def init_classes @classes = [] types.each do |type| klass = @schema.classWithURI(type) if klass @classes << klass if @schema.options.verbose puts "Found Class #{klass.short_name} for Individual #{label}" end else puts "WARNING: Could not find Class definition for URI #{type.to_s}" end end end public def isSkosConceptScheme? conceptSchemeClassURI = YOWL::Namespaces::SKOS.ConceptScheme.to_s types.each do |type| #puts "isSkosConceptScheme #{type.to_s} #{conceptSchemeClassURI}" if type.to_s == conceptSchemeClassURI return true end end return false end public def isSkosConcept? puts "isSkosConcept #{@resource}" inScheme = get_literal(YOWL::Namespaces::SKOS.inScheme) if not inScheme.nil? return true end topConceptOf = get_literal(YOWL::Namespaces::SKOS.topConceptOf) if not topConceptOf.nil? return true end return false end public def isSkosConceptInScheme?(conceptScheme_) inScheme = get_literal(YOWL::Namespaces::SKOS.inScheme) if inScheme and inScheme.uri == conceptScheme_.uri puts "isSkosConceptInScheme #{@resource}: #{inScheme.uri}" return true end return false end public # # Return a collection of Associations representing ObjectProperties # where the current class is one of the Domain classes. # def associatedIndividuals if not defined?(@associatedIndividuals) init_associatedIndividuals end return @associatedIndividuals end private def init_associatedIndividuals() @associatedIndividuals = if @schema.options.verbose puts "Searching for associations of Individual #{short_name}" end sparql = < . } UNION { <#{uri}> a owl:NamedIndividual ; ?predicateB ?individual ; . ?individual a owl:NamedIndividual . } } sparql #if @schema.options.verbose # puts " - SPARQL: #{sparql}" #end solutions = SPARQL.execute(sparql, @schema.model, { :prefixes => @schema.prefixes }) if @schema.options.verbose puts " - Found #{solutions.count} associated Individuals" end solutions.each do |solution| individual = Individual.withUri(solution[:individual], @schema) if @schema.options.verbose puts " - Found Individual #{individual.short_name}" end @associatedIndividuals[individual.uri] = individual end return @associatedIndividuals end # # Return a collection of IndividualAssociations representing ObjectProperties # where the current Individual is the subject/resource. # def outboundAssociations() if defined?(@outboundAssociations) return @outboundAssociations end @outboundAssociations = if @schema.options.verbose puts "Searching for associations of individual #{short_name}" end sparql = < a owl:NamedIndividual ; ?predicate ?individual . ?individual a owl:NamedIndividual . } sparql #if @schema.options.verbose # puts " - SPARQL: #{sparql}" #end solutions = SPARQL.execute(sparql, @schema.model, { :prefixes => @schema.prefixes }) if @schema.options.verbose puts " - Found #{solutions.count} associated 'outbound' Individual Associations" end solutions.each do |solution| individual = Individual.withUri(solution[:individual], @schema) predicate = solution[:predicate] @outboundAssociations <<, @schema, self, individual) end if @schema.options.verbose puts " - Returning #{@outboundAssociations.size} associations for Individual #{short_name}" end return @outboundAssociations end # # Return a collection of IndividualAssociations representing ObjectProperties # where the current Individual is the object. # def inboundAssociations() if defined?(@inboundAssociations) return @inboundAssociations end @inboundAssociations = if @schema.options.verbose puts "Searching for 'inbound' associations of individual #{short_name}" end sparql = < . } sparql #if @schema.options.verbose # puts " - SPARQL: #{sparql}" #end solutions = SPARQL.execute(sparql, @schema.model, { :prefixes => @schema.prefixes }) if @schema.options.verbose puts " - Found #{solutions.count} associated 'inbound' Individual Associations" end solutions.each do |solution| individual = Individual.withUri(solution[:individual], @schema) predicate = solution[:predicate] @inboundAssociations <<, @schema, individual, self) end if @schema.options.verbose puts " - Returning #{@inboundAssociations.size} associations for Individual #{short_name}" end return @inboundAssociations end private def labelAsGraphvizRecord lbl = label.gsub("_", " ") if prefix and prefix == "r29" # TODO: make configurable prefix = nil end lbl = prefix.nil? ? lbl : "#{lbl} | #{prefix}" lbl = "#{lbl} |" classes.each do |klass| lbl += " #{klass.short_name} |" end lbl.chomp!(" |") #puts "---------#{lbl}------" return lbl end public # # Add the current Individual as a GraphViz node to the given collection of nodes # and to the given graph. Return the collection of nodes. # def addAsGraphvizNode (graph_, nodes_, edges_, level_, maxLevel_ = 0) if level_ < 1 return nodes_, edges_ end if @schema.options.verbose puts "- Processing Individual #{label}" end # # No need to add a node twice # if nodes_.has_key?(uri) return nodes_, edges_ end options = { :shape => :record, :style => "rounded,filled", :label => labelAsGraphvizRecord, :tooltip => uri, :peripheries => 1, :margin => "0.21,0.055", :fontcolor => :black, :fontsize => 8, :penwidth => 0.5, :color => :black, :fillcolor => "#FCFCFC", :href => "#individual_#{short_name}" } if level_ == maxLevel_ options[:color] = "red" options[:penwidth] = 1 end node = graph_.add_nodes(escaped_uri, options) nodes_[uri] = node node.URL = "#individual_#{short_name}" #if hasComment? # node.tooltip = comment #end #classes.each do |klass| # nodes_, edges_ = klass.addAsGraphvizNode(graph_, nodes_, edges_) # Class.newGraphVizEdge(graph_, node, nodes_[klass.uri], false) #end inboundAssociations.each do |association| nodes_, edges_ = association.addAsGraphVizEdge(graph_, nodes_, edges_, level_ - 1) end outboundAssociations.each do |association| nodes_, edges_ = association.addAsGraphVizEdge(graph_, nodes_, edges_, level_ - 1) end return nodes_, edges_ end public # # Generate a diagram for each Individual # def asSvg if @schema.options.verbose puts "Generating SVG for Individual #{short_name}" end g = GraphvizUtility.setDefaults(, :type => :digraph)) g[:rankdir] = "LR" g.node[:fixedsize] = false nodes = edges = nodes, edges = addAsGraphvizNode(g, nodes, edges, 5, 5) return GraphvizUtility.embeddableSvg(g) end end end