module Adminpanel module Base extend ActiveSupport::Concern #instance methods # static(class) methods module ClassMethods def mount_images(relation) has_many relation, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for relation, allow_destroy: true end # implementing cache by default. def belongs_to(name, scope = nil, options = {}) super(name, scope, options.reverse_merge!({touch: true})) end def form_attributes [] end # The name that is going to be shown in the new button and that is going # to be pluralized (if not overwritten) to generate collection_name def display_name 'please overwrite self.display_name' end # The word that is going to be shown in the side menu, routes and # breadcrumb. def collection_name display_name.pluralize(I18n.default_locale) end def get_attribute_label(field) form_attributes.each do |attribute| attribute.each do |name, properties| if name == field return properties['label'] end end end return "field #{field} 'label' property not found :(" end def display_attributes(type) display_attributes = [] form_attributes.each do |attribute| attribute.each do |name, properties| if ( properties['show'].nil? || properties['show'] == 'true' || ( properties['show'] == type && properties['type'] != 'adminpanel_file_field' #file fields get only displayed in form ) ) display_attributes << attribute end end end return display_attributes end def has_images? form_attributes.each do |fields| fields.each do |attribute, properties| if properties['type'] == 'adminpanel_file_field' return true end end end return false end def get_image_relationship form_attributes.each do |fields| fields.each do |attribute, properties| if properties['type'] == 'adminpanel_file_field' return attribute end end end return false end def relationships_of(type_property) classes_of_relation = [] form_attributes.each do |fields| fields.each do |attribute, properties| if properties['type'] == type_property classes_of_relation << properties['model'].classify.constantize end end end return classes_of_relation end def icon 'truck' end def gallery_children nil end def routes_options { path: collection_name.parameterize } end def has_route?(route) if (!exclude?(route)) && include_route(route) true else false end end def fb_share? false end def twitter_share? false end def member_routes [] end def collection_routes [] end def is_sortable? false end private def exclude?(route) if routes_options[:except].nil? false elsif routes_options[:except].include?(route) true else false end end def include_route(route) if routes_options[:only].nil? || routes_options[:only].include?(route) true else false end end end end end