# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright 2018 Tristan Robert # This file is part of ForemanFogProxmox. # ForemanFogProxmox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # ForemanFogProxmox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with ForemanFogProxmox. If not, see . require 'test_plugin_helper' require 'models/compute_resources/compute_resource_test_helpers' require 'unit/foreman_fog_proxmox/proxmox_test_helpers' module ForemanFogProxmox class ProxmoxTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ComputeResourceTestHelpers include ForemanFogProxmox::ProxmoxTestHelpers should validate_presence_of(:url) should validate_presence_of(:user) should validate_presence_of(:password) should validate_presence_of(:node_name) should allow_value('root@pam').for(:user) should_not allow_value('root').for(:user) should_not allow_value('a').for(:url) should allow_values('http://foo.com', 'http://bar.com/baz').for(:url) test "#associated_host matches any NIC" do mac = 'ca:d0:e6:32:16:97' host = FactoryBot.create(:host, :mac => mac) cr = FactoryBot.build_stubbed(:proxmox_cr) vm = mock('vm', :mac => mac) assert_equal host, (as_admin { cr.associated_host(vm) }) end test "#node" do node_name = 'pve' cr = FactoryBot.build_stubbed(:proxmox_cr) assert_equal node_name, (as_admin { cr.node.to_s }) end describe "destroy_vm" do it "handles situation when vm is not present" do cr = mock_cr_servers(ForemanFogProxmox::Proxmox.new, empty_servers) cr.expects(:find_vm_by_uuid).raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) assert cr.destroy_vm('abc') end end describe "find_vm_by_uuid" do it "raises Foreman::Exception when the uuid does not match" do cr = mock_node_servers(ForemanFogProxmox::Proxmox.new, empty_servers) assert_raises Foreman::Exception do cr.find_vm_by_uuid('100') end end it "raises RecordNotFound when the compute raises retrieve error" do exception = Fog::Proxmox::Errors::ServiceError.new(StandardError.new('VM not found')) cr = mock_node_servers(ForemanFogProxmox::Proxmox.new, servers_raising_exception(exception)) assert_raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do cr.find_vm_by_uuid('qemu_100') end end end describe "host_interfaces_attrs" do before do @cr = FactoryBot.build_stubbed(:proxmox_cr) end it "raises Foreman::Exception when physical identifier is empty" do physical_nic = FactoryBot.build(:nic_base_empty) host = FactoryBot.build(:host_empty, :interfaces => [physical_nic]) err = assert_raises Foreman::Exception do @cr.host_interfaces_attrs(host) end assert err.message.end_with?('Identifier interface[0] required.') end it "raises Foreman::Exception when physical identifier does not match net[k] with k integer" do physical_nic = FactoryBot.build(:nic_base_empty, :identifier => 'eth0') host = FactoryBot.build(:host_empty, :interfaces => [physical_nic]) err = assert_raises Foreman::Exception do @cr.host_interfaces_attrs(host) end assert err.message.end_with?('Invalid identifier interface[0]. Must be net[n] with n integer >= 0') end it "sets compute id with identifier, ip and ip6" do ip = IPAddr.new(1, Socket::AF_INET).to_s ip6 = Array.new(4) { '%x' % rand(16**4) }.join(':') + '::1' physical_nic = FactoryBot.build(:nic_base_empty, :identifier => 'net0', :ip => ip, :ip6 => ip6) host = FactoryBot.build(:host_empty, :interfaces => [physical_nic]) nic_attributes = @cr.host_interfaces_attrs(host).values.select(&:present?) nic_attr = nic_attributes.first assert_equal 'net0', nic_attr[:id] assert_equal ip, nic_attr[:ip] assert_equal ip6, nic_attr[:ip6] end end describe "host_compute_attrs" do before do @cr = FactoryBot.build_stubbed(:proxmox_cr) end it "raises Foreman::Exception when server ostype does not match os family" do operatingsystem = FactoryBot.build(:solaris) physical_nic = FactoryBot.build(:nic_base_empty, :identifier => 'net0', :primary => true) host = FactoryBot.build(:host_empty, :interfaces => [physical_nic], :operatingsystem => operatingsystem, :compute_attributes => { 'type' => 'qemu', 'config_attributes' => { 'ostype' => 'l26' } }) err = assert_raises Foreman::Exception do @cr.host_compute_attrs(host) end assert err.message.end_with?('Operating system family Solaris is not consistent with l26') end it "sets container hostname with host name" do physical_nic = FactoryBot.build(:nic_base_empty, :identifier => 'net0', :primary => true) host = FactoryBot.build(:host_empty, :interfaces => [physical_nic], :compute_attributes => { 'type' => 'lxc', 'config_attributes' => { 'hostname' => '' } }) @cr.host_compute_attrs(host) assert_equal host.name, host.compute_attributes['config_attributes']['hostname'] end end describe "vm_compute_attributes" do before do @cr = FactoryBot.build_stubbed(:proxmox_cr) end it "converts to hash a server" do vm, config_attributes, volume_attributes, interface_attributes = mock_server_vm vm_attrs = @cr.vm_compute_attributes(vm) assert !vm_attrs.has_key?(:config) assert vm_attrs.has_key?(:config_attributes) assert_equal config_attributes.reject { |key,value| [:disks,:interfaces].include?(key) || value.to_s.empty?}, vm_attrs[:config_attributes] assert !vm_attrs[:config_attributes].has_key?(:disks) assert vm_attrs.has_key?(:volumes_attributes) assert_equal volume_attributes, vm_attrs[:volumes_attributes]['0'] assert !vm_attrs[:config_attributes].has_key?(:interfaces) assert vm_attrs.has_key?(:interfaces_attributes) assert_equal interface_attributes, vm_attrs[:interfaces_attributes]['0'] end it "converts to hash a container" do vm, config_attributes, volume_attributes, interface_attributes = mock_container_vm vm_attrs = @cr.vm_compute_attributes(vm) assert !vm_attrs.has_key?(:config) assert vm_attrs.has_key?(:config_attributes) assert_equal config_attributes.reject { |key,value| [:mount_points,:interfaces].include?(key) || value.to_s.empty?}, vm_attrs[:config_attributes] assert !vm_attrs[:config_attributes].has_key?(:mount_points) assert vm_attrs.has_key?(:volumes_attributes) assert_equal volume_attributes, vm_attrs[:volumes_attributes]['0'] assert vm_attrs.has_key?(:interfaces_attributes) assert_equal interface_attributes, vm_attrs[:interfaces_attributes]['0'] end end describe 'save_vm' do before do @cr = FactoryBot.build_stubbed(:proxmox_cr) end it 'saves modified server config' do uuid = 'qemu_100' config = mock('config') config.stubs(:attributes).returns({ :cores => '' }) vm = mock('vm') vm.stubs(:config).returns(config) vm.stubs(:container?).returns(false) @cr.stubs(:find_vm_by_uuid).returns(vm) attr = { 'templated' => '0', 'config_attributes' => { 'cores' => '1', 'cpulimit' => '1' } } @cr.stubs(:parse_server_vm).returns({ 'vmid' => '100', 'type' => 'qemu', 'cores' => '1', 'cpulimit' => '1' }) expected_attr = { :cores => '1', :cpulimit => '1' } vm.expects(:update, expected_attr) @cr.save_vm(uuid,attr) end it 'saves modified container config' do uuid = 'lxc_100' config = mock('config') config.stubs(:attributes).returns({ :cores => '' }) vm = mock('vm') vm.stubs(:config).returns(config) vm.stubs(:container?).returns(true) @cr.stubs(:find_vm_by_uuid).returns(vm) attr = { 'templated' => '0', 'config_attributes' => { 'cores' => '1', 'cpulimit' => '1' } } @cr.stubs(:parse_container_vm).returns({ 'vmid' => '100', 'type' => 'qemu', 'cores' => '1', 'cpulimit' => '1' }) expected_attr = { :cores => '1', :cpulimit => '1' } vm.expects(:update, expected_attr) @cr.save_vm(uuid,attr) end end describe 'create_vm' do it 'raises Foreman::Exception when vmid is invalid' do args = { vmid: '100' } servers = mock('servers') servers.stubs(:id_valid?).returns(false) cr = mock_node_servers(ForemanFogProxmox::Proxmox.new, servers) err = assert_raises Foreman::Exception do cr.create_vm(args) end assert err.message.end_with?('invalid vmid=100') end it 'creates server' do args = { vmid: '100', type: 'qemu' } servers = mock('servers') servers.stubs(:id_valid?).returns(true) cr = mock_node_servers(ForemanFogProxmox::Proxmox.new, servers) cr.stubs(:convert_sizes).with(args) cr.stubs(:parse_server_vm).with(args).returns(args) servers.stubs(:create).with(args) vm = mock('vm') cr.stubs(:find_vm_by_uuid).with("#{args[:type]}_#{args[:vmid]}").returns(vm) cr.create_vm(args) end it 'creates container' do args = { vmid: '100', type: 'lxc' } servers = mock('servers') servers.stubs(:id_valid?).returns(true) containers = mock('containers') containers.stubs(:create).with(vmid: 100, type: 'lxc') cr = mock_node_servers_containers(ForemanFogProxmox::Proxmox.new, servers, containers) cr.stubs(:convert_sizes).with(args) cr.stubs(:parse_container_vm).with(args).returns(args) vm = mock('vm') cr.stubs(:find_vm_by_uuid).with("#{args[:type]}_#{args[:vmid]}").returns(vm) cr.create_vm(args) end it 'clones server' do args = { vmid: '100', type: 'qemu', image_id: '999', name: 'name' } servers = mock('servers') servers.stubs(:id_valid?).returns(true) cr = mock_node_servers(ForemanFogProxmox::Proxmox.new, servers) cr.stubs(:convert_sizes).with(args) cr.stubs(:parse_server_vm).with(args).returns(args) servers.stubs(:create).with(args) image = mock('image') clone = mock('clone') image.stubs(:clone).with(100) servers.stubs(:get).with(100).returns(clone) servers.stubs(:get).with('999').returns(image) clone.stubs(:update).with(name: 'name') vm = mock('vm') cr.stubs(:find_vm_by_uuid).with("#{args[:type]}_#{args[:vmid]}").returns(vm) cr.create_vm(args) end it 'clones container' do args = { vmid: '100', type: 'lxc', image_id: '999', name: 'name' } servers = mock('servers') servers.stubs(:id_valid?).returns(true) containers = mock('containers') containers.stubs(:create).with(vmid: 100, type: 'lxc') image = mock('image') clone = mock('clone') image.stubs(:clone).with(100) servers.stubs(:get).with(100).returns(clone) servers.stubs(:get).with('999').returns(image) clone.stubs(:update).with(name: 'name') cr = mock_node_servers_containers(ForemanFogProxmox::Proxmox.new, servers, containers) cr.stubs(:convert_sizes).with(args) cr.stubs(:parse_container_vm).with(args).returns(args) vm = mock('vm') cr.stubs(:find_vm_by_uuid).with("#{args[:type]}_#{args[:vmid]}").returns(vm) cr.create_vm(args) end end describe 'new_vm' do before do @cr = FactoryBot.build_stubbed(:proxmox_cr) end it 'new server with attr empty' do attr = {} vm = mock('vm') config = mock('config') config.stubs(:inspect).returns('config') vm.stubs(:config).returns(config) @cr.stubs(:new_server_vm).with(attr).returns(vm) assert_equal vm, @cr.new_vm(attr) end it 'new server with attr not empty' do attr = {'type' => 'qemu'} vm = mock('vm') config = mock('config') config.stubs(:inspect).returns('config') vm.stubs(:config).returns(config) @cr.stubs(:new_server_vm).with(attr).returns(vm) assert_equal vm, @cr.new_vm(attr) end it 'new container with attr not empty' do attr = {'type' => 'lxc'} vm = mock('vm') config = mock('config') config.stubs(:inspect).returns('config') vm.stubs(:config).returns(config) @cr.stubs(:new_container_vm).with(attr).returns(vm) assert_equal vm, @cr.new_vm(attr) end end end end