✨"8,@ P P @ 0 AЌ+-+/+(CB)B(B(B(<0B+)+/B(B)Ќ+B++/+(ƒB)+(B+B)- % Td 0(LlamaKitxXLLVM 3.5svn2 J` <[@>s:FO8LlamaKit6Result7flatMapU__FGS0_Q__U__FFQd__GS0_Q__GS0_Q__Return a new result after applying a transformation (that itself returns a result) to a successful value. Flat mapping a failure returns a new failure without evaluating the transformE/// Return a new result after applying a transformation (that itself -/// returns a result) to a successful value. R/// Flat mapping a failure returns a new failure without evaluating the transform U.[s:FO8LlamaKit6Result5valueU__FGS0_Q__FT_GSqQ__#The successful value as an Optional(/// The successful value as an Optional wRs:O8LlamaKit6ResultAContainer for a successful value (T) or a failure with an NSErrorF/// Container for a successful value (T) or a failure with an NSError (%23s:F8LlamaKit7failureU__FTCSo7NSError_GOS_6ResultQ__5A failure `Result` returning `error` The default error is an empty one so that `failure()` is legal To assign this to a variable, you must explicitly give a type. Otherwise the compiler has no idea what `T` is. This form is preferred to Result.Failure(error) because it provides a useful default. For example:)/// A failure `Result` returning `error` C/// The default error is an empty one so that `failure()` is legal C/// To assign this to a variable, you must explicitly give a type. K/// Otherwise the compiler has no idea what `T` is. This form is preferred C/// to Result.Failure(error) because it provides a useful default. /// For example: )/// let fail: Result = failure() /// }3,s:F8LlamaKitoi2qqU__FTGOS_6ResultQ__KT_Q__Q_/// Failure coalescing %/// .Success(Box(42)) ?? 0 ==> 42 &/// .Failure(NSError()) ?? 0 ==> 0 (:'s:F8LlamaKitoi2eeUSs9Equatable__FTGOS_6ResultQ__GS1_Q___SbNote that while it is possible to use `==` on results that contain an Equatable type, Result is not itself Equatable. This is because T may not be Equatable, and there is no way in Swift to define protocol conformance based on your specialization.G/// Note that while it is possible to use `==` on results that contain G/// an Equatable type, Result is not itself Equatable. This is because L/// T may not be Equatable, and there is no way in Swift to define protocol ./// conformance based on your specialization. sTs:C8LlamaKit3BoxDue to current swift limitations, we have to include this Box in Result. Swift cannot handle an enum with multiple associated data (A, NSError) where one is of unknown size (A)M/// Due to current swift limitations, we have to include this Box in Result. l/// Swift cannot handle an enum with multiple associated data (A, NSError) where one is of unknown size (A) x47Us:FO8LlamaKit6Result5errorU__FGS0_Q__FT_GSqCSo7NSError_ The failing error as an Optional%/// The failing error as an Optional s5Gs:FO8LlamaKit6Result3mapU__FGS0_Q__U__FFQd__Q_GS0_Q__Return a new result after applying a transformation to a successful value. Mapping a failure returns a new failure without evaluating the transformO/// Return a new result after applying a transformation to a successful value. M/// Mapping a failure returns a new failure without evaluating the transform @ q- ;