require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') module Boson class MethodInspectorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase test "non commands module can't set anything" do eval "module Blah; end" MethodInspector.current_module = Blah Inspector.enable Blah.module_eval("desc 'test'; def test; end; options :a=>1; def test2; end") Inspector.disable[:desc].empty?.should == true[:options].empty?.should == true end context "commands module with" do def parse(string) Inspector.enable ::Boson::Commands::Zzz.module_eval(string) Inspector.disable end before(:all) { eval "module ::Boson::Commands::Zzz; end" } before(:each) { MethodInspector.mod_store.delete(::Boson::Commands::Zzz) } test "desc sets descriptions" do parsed = parse "desc 'test'; def m1; end; desc 'one'; desc 'more'; def m2; end" parsed[:desc].should == {"m1"=>"test", "m2"=>"more"} end test "options sets options" do parse("options :z=>'b'; def zee; end")[:options].should == {"zee"=>{:z=>'b'}} end test "render_options sets render_options" do parse("render_options :z=>true; def zee; end")[:render_options].should == {"zee"=>{:z=>true}} end test "config sets config" do parse("config :z=>true; def zee; end")[:config].should == {"zee"=>{:z=>true}} end test "not all method attributes set causes method_locations to be set" do MethodInspector.stubs(:find_method_locations).returns(["/some/path", 10]) parsed = parse "desc 'yo'; def yo; end; options :yep=>1; def yep; end; " + "render_options :a=>1; config :a=>1; desc 'z'; options :a=>1; def az; end" parsed[:method_locations].key?('yo').should == true parsed[:method_locations].key?('yep').should == true parsed[:method_locations].key?('az').should == false end test "no find_method_locations doesn't set method_locations" do MethodInspector.stubs(:find_method_locations).returns(nil) parse("def bluh; end")[:method_locations].key?('bluh').should == false end test "options calls scrape_with_eval" do ArgumentInspector.expects(:scrape_with_eval).returns([['arg1']]) parse("desc 'desc'; options :some=>:opts; def doy(arg1); end")[:method_args]['doy'].should == [['arg1']] end test "options in file calls scrape_with_eval" do MethodInspector.expects(:inspector_in_file?).returns(true) ArgumentInspector.expects(:scrape_with_eval).returns([['arg1']]) parse("desc 'desc'; def doz(arg1); end")[:method_args]['doz'].should == [['arg1']] end end end end