require_relative "inline_simple" module IsoDoc::Function module Inline def link_parse(node, out) out.a **attr_code(href: node["target"], title: node["alt"]) do |l| if node.text.empty? l << node["target"].sub(/^mailto:/, "") else node.children.each { |n| parse(n, l) } end end end def callout_parse(node, out) out << " <#{node.text}>" end def prefix_container(container, linkend, _target) l10n(@xrefs.anchor(container, :xref) + ", " + linkend) end def anchor_linkend(node, linkend) if node["citeas"].nil? && node["bibitemid"] return @xrefs.anchor(node["bibitemid"] ,:xref) || "???" elsif node["target"] && !/.#./.match(node["target"]) linkend = @xrefs.anchor(node["target"], :xref) container = @xrefs.anchor(node["target"], :container, false) (container && get_note_container_id(node) != container && @xrefs.get[node["target"]]) && linkend = prefix_container(container, linkend, node["target"]) linkend = capitalise_xref(node, linkend) end linkend || "???" end def capitalise_xref(node, linkend) return linkend unless %w(Latn Cyrl Grek).include? @script return linkend&.capitalize if node["case"] == "capital" return linkend&.downcase if node["case"] == "lowercase" return linkend if linkend[0,1].match(/\p{Upper}/) prec = nearest_block_parent(node).xpath("./descendant-or-self::text()") & node.xpath("./preceding::text()") (prec.empty? || /(?!<[^.].)\.\s+$/.match( { |p| p.text }.join)) ? linkend&.capitalize : linkend end def nearest_block_parent(node) until %w(p title td th name formula li dt dd sourcecode pre).include?( node = node.parent end node end def get_linkend(node) contents = do |c| !%w{locality localityStack}.include? { |c| !c.text? || /\S/.match(c) } !contents.empty? and return, contents).to_xml link = anchor_linkend(node, docid_l10n(node["target"] || node["citeas"])) link + eref_localities(node.xpath(ns("./locality | ./localityStack")), link) # so not # 3.1 end def xref_parse(node, out) target = /#/.match(node["target"]) ? node["target"].sub(/#/, ".html#") : "##{node["target"]}" out.a(**{ "href": target }) { |l| l << get_linkend(node) } end def eref_localities(refs, target) ret = "" refs.each_with_index do |r, i| delim = "," delim = ";" if == "localityStack" && i>0 if == "localityStack" r.elements.each_with_index do |rr, j| ret += eref_localities0(rr, j, target, delim) delim = "," end else ret += eref_localities0(r, i, target, delim) end end ret end def eref_localities0(r, i, target, delim) if r["type"] == "whole" then l10n("#{delim} #{@wholeoftext_lbl}") else eref_localities1(target, r["type"],"./referenceFrom")),"./referenceTo")), delim, @lang) end end def suffix_url(url) return url if %r{^http[s]?://}.match(url) url.sub(/#{File.extname(url)}$/, ".html") end def eref_target(node) href = "#" + node["bibitemid"] url ="//bibitem[@id = '#{node['bibitemid']}']/"\ "uri[@type = 'citation']")) return href unless url href = suffix_url(url.text) anchor = node&.at(ns(".//locality[@type = 'anchor']"))&.text anchor and href += "##{anchor}" href end def eref_parse(node, out) linkend = get_linkend(node) href = eref_target(node) if node["type"] == "footnote" out.sup do |s| s.a(**{ "href": href }) { |l| l << linkend } end else out.a(**{ "href": href }) { |l| l << linkend } end end def origin_parse(node, out) if t ="./termref")) termrefelem_parse(t, out) else eref_parse(node, out) end end def termrefelem_parse(node, out) out << "Termbase #{node['base']}, term ID #{node['target']}" end def concept_parse(node, out) content = do |c| !%w{locality localityStack}.include? { |c| !c.text? || /\S/.match(c) } if content.empty? out << "[Term defined in " parse(node.first_element_child, out) out << "]" else content.each { |n| parse(n, out) } end end def stem_parse(node, out) ooml = if node["type"] == "AsciiMath" "#{@openmathdelim}#{}"\ "#{@closemathdelim}" elsif node["type"] == "MathML" then node.first_element_child.to_s else end out.span **{ class: "stem" } do |span| span.parent.add_child ooml end end def image_title_parse(out, caption) unless caption.nil? out.p **{ class: "FigureTitle", style: "text-align:center;" } do |p| p.b { |b| b << caption.to_s } end end end def image_parse(node, out, caption) attrs = { src: node["src"], height: node["height"] || "auto", width: node["width"] || "auto", title: node["title"], alt: node["alt"] } out.img **attr_code(attrs) image_title_parse(out, caption) end def smallcap_parse(node, xml) xml.span **{ style: "font-variant:small-caps;" } do |s| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, s) } end end def text_parse(node, out) return if node.nil? || node.text.nil? text = node.to_s text = text.gsub("\n", "
", "
 "). gsub(/[ ](?=[ ])/, " ") if in_sourcecode out << text end def error_parse(node, out) text = node.to_xml.gsub(//, ">") out.para do |p| p.b(**{ role: "strong" }) { |e| e << text } end end def variant_parse(node, out) if node["lang"] == @lang && node["script"] == @script node.children.each { |n| parse(n, out) } else return if found_matching_variant_sibling(node) return unless !"./preceding-sibling::xmlns:variant") node.children.each { |n| parse(n, out) } end end def found_matching_variant_sibling(node) prev = node.xpath("./preceding-sibling::xmlns:variant") foll = node.xpath("./following-sibling::xmlns:variant") found = false (prev + foll).each do |n| found = true if n["lang"] == @lang && n["script"] == @script end found end end end