import { alias, defineProperty, get, set, isWatching, addObserver, removeObserver, tagFor, } from '..'; import { meta } from '@ember/-internals/meta'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; let obj, count; function incrementCount() { count++; } moduleFor( '@ember/-internals/metal/alias', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { obj = { foo: { faz: 'FOO' } }; count = 0; } afterEach() { obj = null; } ['@test should proxy get to alt key'](assert) { defineProperty(obj, 'bar', alias('foo.faz')); assert.equal(get(obj, 'bar'), 'FOO'); } ['@test should proxy set to alt key'](assert) { defineProperty(obj, 'bar', alias('foo.faz')); set(obj, 'bar', 'BAR'); assert.equal(get(obj, 'foo.faz'), 'BAR'); } ['@test old dependent keys should not trigger property changes'](assert) { let obj1 = Object.create(null); defineProperty(obj1, 'foo', null, null); defineProperty(obj1, 'bar', alias('foo')); defineProperty(obj1, 'baz', alias('foo')); defineProperty(obj1, 'baz', alias('bar')); // redefine baz addObserver(obj1, 'baz', incrementCount); set(obj1, 'foo', 'FOO'); assert.equal(count, 1); removeObserver(obj1, 'baz', incrementCount); set(obj1, 'foo', 'OOF'); assert.equal(count, 1); } [`@test inheriting an observer of the alias from the prototype then redefining the alias on the instance to another property dependent on same key does not call the observer twice`](assert) { let obj1 = Object.create(null); obj1.incrementCount = incrementCount; meta(obj1).proto = obj1; defineProperty(obj1, 'foo', null, null); defineProperty(obj1, 'bar', alias('foo')); defineProperty(obj1, 'baz', alias('foo')); addObserver(obj1, 'baz', null, 'incrementCount'); let obj2 = Object.create(obj1); defineProperty(obj2, 'baz', alias('bar')); // override baz set(obj2, 'foo', 'FOO'); assert.equal(count, 1); removeObserver(obj2, 'baz', null, 'incrementCount'); set(obj2, 'foo', 'OOF'); assert.equal(count, 1); } ['@test an observer of the alias works if added after defining the alias'](assert) { defineProperty(obj, 'bar', alias('foo.faz')); addObserver(obj, 'bar', incrementCount); assert.ok(isWatching(obj, 'foo.faz')); set(obj, 'foo.faz', 'BAR'); assert.equal(count, 1); } ['@test an observer of the alias works if added before defining the alias'](assert) { addObserver(obj, 'bar', incrementCount); defineProperty(obj, 'bar', alias('foo.faz')); assert.ok(isWatching(obj, 'foo.faz')); set(obj, 'foo.faz', 'BAR'); assert.equal(count, 1); } ['@test object with alias is dirtied if interior object of alias is set after consumption']( assert ) { defineProperty(obj, 'bar', alias('foo.faz')); get(obj, 'bar'); let tag = tagFor(obj); let tagValue = tag.value(); set(obj, 'foo.faz', 'BAR'); assert.ok(!tag.validate(tagValue), 'setting the aliased key should dirty the object'); } ['@test setting alias on self should fail assertion']() { expectAssertion( () => defineProperty(obj, 'bar', alias('bar')), "Setting alias 'bar' on self" ); } ['@test destroyed alias does not disturb watch count'](assert) { defineProperty(obj, 'bar', alias('foo.faz')); assert.equal(get(obj, 'bar'), 'FOO'); assert.ok(isWatching(obj, 'foo.faz')); defineProperty(obj, 'bar', null); assert.notOk(isWatching(obj, 'foo.faz')); } ['@test setting on oneWay alias does not disturb watch count'](assert) { defineProperty(obj, 'bar', alias('foo.faz').oneWay()); assert.equal(get(obj, 'bar'), 'FOO'); assert.ok(isWatching(obj, 'foo.faz')); set(obj, 'bar', null); assert.notOk(isWatching(obj, 'foo.faz')); } ['@test redefined alias with observer does not disturb watch count'](assert) { defineProperty(obj, 'bar', alias('foo.faz').oneWay()); assert.equal(get(obj, 'bar'), 'FOO'); assert.ok(isWatching(obj, 'foo.faz')); addObserver(obj, 'bar', incrementCount); assert.equal(count, 0); set(obj, 'bar', null); assert.equal(count, 1); assert.notOk(isWatching(obj, 'foo.faz')); defineProperty(obj, 'bar', alias('foo.faz')); assert.equal(count, 1); assert.ok(isWatching(obj, 'foo.faz')); set(obj, 'foo.faz', 'great'); assert.equal(count, 2); } } );