# frozen_string_literal: true # require 'rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator' module RailsAppGenerator # AppGenerator is a wrapper for Rails::AppGenerator class AppGenerator < Rails::Generators::AppGenerator class_option :test , type: :string , default: 'rspec' class_option :add_irbrc , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_foreman , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_dotenv , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_docker , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_docker_compose , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_rubocop , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_annotate , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_continuous_integration , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_high_voltage , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_generators , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_lograge , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_pundit , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_services , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_sidekiq , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_views , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_errors , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_scaffold , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_factory_bot , type: :boolean, default: false class_option :add_shoulda , type: :boolean, default: false class << self # points to the original rails templates attr_writer :rails_template_path def rails_template_path @rails_template_path ||= gem_template_path('railties', 'lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates') end # points to the custom templates related to rails attr_writer :override_template_path def override_template_path @override_template_path ||= gem_template_path('rails_app_generator', 'templates') end # points to templates related to rails addons attr_writer :addon_template_path def addon_template_path @addon_template_path ||= gem_template_path('rails_app_generator', 'templates/addons/%s') end private def gem_template_path(gem_name, template_path) gem_path = gem_path(gem_name) File.join(gem_path, template_path) end def gem_path(gem_name) gem = Gem.loaded_specs[gem_name] return gem.full_gem_path if gem puts "gem not available for '#{gem_name}'" # THIS CODE DOES NOT REALLY WORK return Dir.pwd if Dir.pwd.end_with?('dev/kgems/rails_app_generator') # code smell: this is for my local development environment raise "'#{gem_name}' not available" end end def initialize(*args) super @force_copy = false # puts '----------------------------------------------------' # puts options # puts '----------------------------------------------------' # return unless options[:api] # self.options = options.merge( # skip_errors: true, # skip_high_voltage: true, # skip_stimulus: true, # skip_tailwind: true, # skip_views: true # ).freeze end # def rails_customization # puts 'rails customizations' # # invoke :customize_gemfile # # invoke :setup_development_environment # # invoke :setup_production_environment # # invoke :setup_secret_token # # invoke :configure_app # # invoke :copy_miscellaneous_files # # invoke :setup_database # # invoke :create_github_repo # # binding.pry # # invoke :generate_default # # invoke :create_heroku_apps # # invoke :generate_deployment_default # # invoke :remove_config_comment_lines # # invoke :remove_routes_comment_lines # # invoke :outro # end # def xxx_generate_default # puts 'xxx_generate_default' # # binding.pry # # run("spring stop > /dev/null 2>&1 || true") # generate("rails_app_generator:foo") # # generate("suspenders:runner") # # generate("suspenders:profiler") # # generate("suspenders:json") # # generate("suspenders:static") # # generate("suspenders:stylesheet_base") unless options[:api] # # generate("suspenders:testing") # # generate("suspenders:ci") # # generate("suspenders:js_driver") # # generate("suspenders:forms") unless options[:api] # # generate("suspenders:db_optimizations") # # generate("suspenders:factories") # # generate("suspenders:lint") # # generate("suspenders:jobs") # # generate("suspenders:analytics") # # generate("suspenders:inline_svg") # # generate("suspenders:advisories") # end def create_root_files super add_if(:irbrc) add_if(:foreman) add_if(:dotenv) add_if(:docker) add_if(:docker_compose) add_if(:rubocop) end # def create_test_files # return if options[:skip_test] # super if options[:test] == 'minitest' # # puts options[:testing_framework] # # add(:rspec) if options[:testing_framework] == 'rspec' # end def finish_template puts 'finish template' add_if(:annotate) add_if(:continuous_integration) add_if(:high_voltage) add_if(:generators) add_if(:lograge) add_if(:pundit) add_if(:services) add_if(:sidekiq) add(:views, :errors, :scaffold) if options[:add_views] add_if(:factory_bot) add_if(:shoulda) # invoke :rails_customization super end no_commands do # Template command examples # gac 'base rails 7 image created' # add_controller('home', 'index') # add_scaffold('people', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'age:integer', 'address:text') # route("root 'home#index'") # css_install('tailwind') # rails_command('db:migrate') # bundle_add('hotwire-rails') # rails_command('hotwire:install') # run('bin/importmap pin sortablejs') # run('npm install daisyui') # create_file 'app/assets/stylesheets/custom-bootstrap-import.scss' , read_template('custom-bootstrap-import.scss') # append_to_file 'app/assets/config/manifest.js' , read_template('manifest.js') # insert_into_file 'app/views/layouts/application.html.erb', read_template('application.html.erb'), # gsub_file 'app/views/layouts/application.html.erb', %(container mx-auto mt-28 px-5 flex), 'container mx-auto px-5' # template 'home.css', 'app/assets/stylesheets/home.css' # force_copy? # defaults to false # force_copy(true) # set to true # force_copy(false) # set to false # force_copy # aka force_copy(true) def force_copy? @force_copy ||= options[:force_copy] || false end def force_copy(value: true) @force_copy = value end # USED BY AFTER_TEMPLATE def gac(message) return unless active?(:git) git add: '.' git commit: " -m '#{message}'" end def add_controller(name, *args) generate(:controller, name, *args) end def add_scaffold(name, *args) generate(:scaffold, name, *args) end def add_migration(name, *args) generate(:migration, name, *args) end def db_migrate rails_command('db:migrate') end def add_stimulus(name, *args) generate(:stimulus, name, *args) end def bundle_add(name) run("bundle add #{name}") end # If you need to manually install tailwind (instead of using the --template option) # you can use css_install('tailwind') def css_install(name) gem 'cssbundling-rails' rails_command("css:install:#{name}") end def pin(name, *args) run("bin/importmap pin #{name} #{args.join(' ')}") end def pin_download(name, *args) args << '--download' unless args.include?('--download') pin(name, *args) end def copy_file(source, destination, **args) args = { force: true }.merge(args) if force_copy? super(source, destination, **args) end def read_template(template_file) path = find_in_source_paths(template_file) File.read(path) end def join_templates(*template_files, join: "\n\n") template_files.map { |template_file| read_template(template_file) }.join(join) end # Local template path is handy when you want template files used when working with the --template flag attr_accessor :local_template_path def source_paths paths = local_template_path ? [local_template_path] : [] paths << context.rails_override_template_path paths << context.rails_template_path paths end # Context wraps the configured options and can be made available to addons # TODO: should I add local_template_path to the context? def context @context ||= Context.new( self.class.rails_template_path, self.class.override_template_path, self.class.addon_template_path, options ) end def add(*addons) addons.each do |addon| addon = addon.to_s.capitalize.camelize addon = "RailsAppGenerator::AddOns::#{addon}" addon.constantize.apply(context) end end def add_if(addon) option_name = "add_#{addon}".to_sym add(addon) if options[option_name] end def skip_flag?(option_name) value = options["skip_#{option_name}".to_sym] return false if value.nil? value == true end def add_flag?(option_name) value = options["add_#{option_name}".to_sym] return false if value.nil? value == true end def active?(option_name) add_flag?(option_name) || !skip_flag?(option_name) end def uses?(addon) return false unless active?(addon) addon = AddOn.get(addon) Dependencies.new(addon, context).satisfied? end def gems all_gemfile_entries = gemfile_entries + addon_gemfile_entries all_gemfile_entries.map do |entry| FormattedGemEntry.new(entry.name, entry.version, entry.comment, entry.options, entry.commented_out) end end def addon_gemfile_entries AddOns.constants .select { |klass| AddOns.const_get(klass).is_a?(Class) } .flat_map { |klass| AddOns.const_get(klass).gem_entries } end end protected # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName def get_builder_class RailsAppGenerator::AppBuilder end # rubocop:enable Naming/AccessorMethodName end end