require 'spec_helper' describe Codeqa::RunnerDecorator do let(:errors){ } let(:decorator) do checker = double(Codeqa::Checker, :errors => errors, :name => 'test', :hint => 'testtest') runner = double(Codeqa::Runner, :failures => [checker], :sourcefile =>'foo.rb', 'foo'), :success? => false) end it 'should format error as line if number given' do errors.add(77, 'test message') expect(decorator.details_to_s).to eq(<<-EOF) \e[31m------- test -------\e[0m \e[31mtesttest\e[0m Line: \e[33m77\e[0m|test message EOF end it 'should format error as position if array given' do errors.add([22, 77], 'test message') expect(decorator.details_to_s).to eq(<<-EOF) \e[31m------- test -------\e[0m \e[31mtesttest\e[0m Pos: \e[33m22,77\e[0m|test message EOF end it 'should simply print error content if no context is given' do errors.add(nil, 'test message') expect(decorator.details_to_s).to eq(<<-EOF) \e[31m------- test -------\e[0m \e[31mtesttest\e[0m test message EOF end it 'should format error as source if :source token given' do errors.add(:source, 'test message') expect(decorator.details_to_s).to eq(<<-EOF) \e[31m------- test -------\e[0m \e[31mtesttest\e[0m \e[33m 1\e[0m|test message EOF end it 'should correctly format multiline source' do errors.add(:source, "test message\nline two\nthird\n\nfifth") expect(decorator.details_to_s).to eq(<<-EOF) \e[31m------- test -------\e[0m \e[31mtesttest\e[0m \e[33m 1\e[0m|test message \e[33m 2\e[0m|line two \e[33m 3\e[0m|third \e[33m 4\e[0m| \e[33m 5\e[0m|fifth EOF end # it 'should run provide the errors if the checker failed' do # source = source_with('def syntax_error', 'ruby.rb') # runner = # expect(runner.success?).to be false # decorator = # expect(decorator.to_s).to match(/syntax/) # end # it 'should run list the ran checkers' do # source = source_with('def foo; end', 'ruby.rb') # runner = # expect(runner.success?).to be true # decorator = # expect(decorator.to_s).to match(/Passed tests.+strange chars/) # end end