require 'spec_helper' describe GitReflow::GitServer::PullRequest do let(:pr_response) {'pull_requests/external_pull_request.json').to_json_hashie } let(:pr) { } let(:github) { stub_github_with({ user: 'reenhanced', repo: 'repo', pull: pr_response }) } let!(:github_api) { github.connection } let(:git_server) { {} } let(:user) { 'reenhanced' } let(:password) { 'shazam' } let(:enterprise_site) { '' } let(:enterprise_api) { '' } describe ".minimum_approvals" do subject { MockPullRequest.minimum_approvals } before { allow(GitReflow::Config).to receive(:get).with('constants.minimumApprovals').and_return('2') } it { should eql '2' } end describe ".approval_regex" do subject { MockPullRequest.approval_regex } it { should eql MockPullRequest::DEFAULT_APPROVAL_REGEX } context "with custom approval regex set" do before { allow(GitReflow::Config).to receive(:get).with('constants.approvalRegex').and_return('/dude/') } it { should eql'/dude/') } end end %w{commit_author comments last_comment reviewers approvals}.each do |method_name| describe "##{method_name}" do specify { expect{ pr.send(method_name.to_sym) }.to raise_error("MockPullRequest##{method_name} method must be implemented") } end end describe "#good_to_merge?(options)" do subject { pr.good_to_merge? } context "with no status" do context "and approved" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approved?).and_return(true) } it { should be_truthy } end context "but not approved" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approved?).and_return(false) } it { should be_falsy } end end context "with build status" do context "of 'success'" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:build_status).and_return('success') } context "and approved" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approved?).and_return(true) } it { should be_truthy } end context "but not approved" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approved?).and_return(false) } it { should be_falsy } end end context "NOT of 'success'" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:build_status).and_return('failure') } context "and approved" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approved?).and_return(true) } it { should be_falsy } end context "and not approved" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approved?).and_return(false) } it { should be_falsy } end end end context "force merge?" do subject { pr.good_to_merge?(force: true) } context "with no successful build" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:build_status).and_return(nil) } it { should be_truthy } end context "with no approval" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approved?).and_return(false) } it { should be_truthy } end context "with neither build success or approval" do before do allow(pr).to receive(:build_status).and_return(nil) allow(pr).to receive(:approved?).and_return(false) end it { should be_truthy } end end end describe "#approved?" do subject { pr.approved? } context "no approvals required" do before do allow(MockPullRequest).to receive(:minimum_approvals).and_return('0') allow(pr).to receive(:has_comments?).and_return(false) allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return([]) end it { should be_truthy } end context "all commenters must approve" do before { allow(MockPullRequest).to receive(:minimum_approvals).and_return(nil) } context "and there are comments" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:comments).and_return(['Cool.', 'This is nice.']) } context "and there are no reviewers pending a resposne" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers_pending_response).and_return([]) } it { should be_truthy } end context "but there are reviewers pending a resposne" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers_pending_response).and_return(['octocat']) } it { should be_falsy } end end context "and there are no comments" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:comments).and_return([]) } context "and there are approvals" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['Sally']) } context "and there are no reviewers pending a resposne" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers_pending_response).and_return([]) } it { should be_truthy } end context "but there are reviewers pending a resposne" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers_pending_response).and_return(['octocat']) } it { should be_falsy } end end context "and there are no approvals" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return([]) } it { should be_falsy } end end end context "custom minimum approval set" do before { allow(MockPullRequest).to receive(:minimum_approvals).and_return('2') } context "with comments" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:comments).and_return(['Sally']) } context "and approvals is greater than minimum" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['Sally', 'Joey', 'Randy']) } it { should be_truthy } end context "and approvals is equal to minimum" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['Sally', 'Joey']) } it { should be_truthy } end context "but approvals is less than minimum" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['Sally']) } it { should be_falsy } end end context "without_comments" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:comments).and_return([]) } context "and approvals is greater than minimum" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['Sally', 'Joey', 'Randy']) } it { should be_truthy } end context "and approvals is equal to minimum" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['Sally', 'Joey']) } it { should be_truthy } end context "but approvals is less than minimum" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['Sally']) } it { should be_falsy } end end end end describe "#rejection_message" do subject { pr.rejection_message } context "and the build is not successful" do before do allow(pr).to receive(:build_status).and_return('failure') allow(pr).to receive(:build).and_return( 'failure', description: 'no dice', url: '')) allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers).and_return([]) allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return([]) end it { eql("no dice:") } context "but it is blank" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:build_status).and_return(nil) } it { is_expected.to_not eql("no dice:") } end end context "and the build is successful" do context "but approval minimums haven't been reached" do before do allow(pr).to receive(:approval_minimums_reached?).and_return(false) allow(MockPullRequest).to receive(:minimum_approvals).and_return('3') end it { eql("You need approval from at least 3 users!") } end context "and approval minimums have been reached" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approval_minimums_reached?).and_return(true) } context "but all comments haven't been addressed" do before do allow(pr).to receive(:all_comments_addressed?).and_return(false) allow(pr).to receive(:last_comment).and_return("nope") end it { eql("The last comment is holding up approval:\nnope") } end context "and all comments have been addressed" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:all_comments_addressed?).and_return(true) } context "but there are still pending reviews" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers_pending_response).and_return(['sally', 'bog']) } it { eql("You still need a LGTM from: sally, bog") } end context "and there are no pending reviews" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers_pending_response).and_return([]) } it { eql("Your code has not been reviewed yet.") } end end end end end describe "#approval_minimums_reached?" do subject { pr.approval_minimums_reached? } before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['sally', 'bog']) } context "minimum approvals not set" do before { allow(MockPullRequest).to receive(:minimum_approvals).and_return('') } it { eql true } end context "minimum approvals not met" do before { allow(MockPullRequest).to receive(:minimum_approvals).and_return('3') } it { eql false } end context "minimum approvals met" do before { allow(MockPullRequest).to receive(:minimum_approvals).and_return('2') } it { eql true } end end describe "#all_comments_addressed?" do subject { pr.all_comments_addressed? } before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['sally', 'bog']) } context "minimum approvals not set" do before do allow(MockPullRequest).to receive(:minimum_approvals).and_return('') allow(pr).to receive(:last_comment).and_return('nope') end it { eql true } end context "minimum approvals set" do before { allow(MockPullRequest).to receive(:minimum_approvals).and_return('2') } context "last comment approved" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:last_comment).and_return('lgtm') } it { eql true } end context "last comment not approved" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:last_comment).and_return('nope') } it { eql false } end end end describe "#display_pull_request_summary" do subject { pr.display_pull_request_summary } before do allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers).and_return([]) allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return([]) allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers_pending_response).and_return([]) end it "displays relevant information about the pull request" do expect{ subject }.to have_output("branches: #{pr.feature_branch_name} -> #{pr.base_branch_name}") expect{ subject }.to have_output("number: #{pr.number}") expect{ subject }.to have_output("url: #{pr.html_url}") expect{ subject }.to have_said("No one has reviewed your pull request.\n", :notice) end context "with build status" do let(:build) { "failure", description: "no dice", url: "") } before { allow(pr).to receive(:build).and_return(build) } specify { expect{ subject }.to have_said("Your build status is not successful: #{build.url}.\n", :notice) } context "and build status is 'success'" do before { allow(build).to receive(:state).and_return('success') } specify { expect{ subject }.to_not have_output("Your build status is not successful") } end end context "with reviewers" do before do allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers).and_return(['tito', 'ringo']) allow(pr).to receive(:last_comment).and_return('nope') end specify { expect{ subject }.to have_output("reviewed by: #{"tito".colorize(:red)}, #{"ringo".colorize(:red)}") } specify { expect{ subject }.to have_output("Last comment: nope") } context "and approvals" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['tito']) } specify { expect{ subject }.to have_output 'tito'.colorize(:green) } specify { expect{ subject }.to have_output 'ringo'.colorize(:red) } end context "and pending approvals" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers_pending_response).and_return(['tito', 'ringo']) } specify { expect{ subject }.to_not have_output "You still need a LGTM from: tito, ringo" } end context "and no pending approvals" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:reviewers_pending_response).and_return([]) } specify { expect{ subject }.to_not have_output "You still need a LGTM from" } end end end context "#merge!" do let(:commit_message_for_merge) { "This changes everything!" } let(:inputs) do { base: "base_branch", title: "title", message: "message" } end let(:lgtm_comment_authors) { ["simonzhu24", "reenhanced"] } let(:merge_response) { { message: "Failure_Message" } } subject { pr.merge! inputs } before do allow(GitReflow).to receive(:append_to_merge_commit_message) allow(pr).to receive(:commit_message_for_merge).and_return(commit_message_for_merge) end context "and can deliver" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:deliver?).and_return(true) } specify { expect{ subject }.to have_said "Merging pull request ##{pr.number}: '#{pr.title}', from '#{pr.feature_branch_name}' into '#{pr.base_branch_name}'", :notice } it "updates both feature and destination branch and squash-merges feature into base branch" do expect(GitReflow).to receive(:update_current_branch) expect(GitReflow).to receive(:fetch_destination).with(pr.base_branch_name) expect(GitReflow).to receive(:append_to_merge_commit_message).with(pr.commit_message_for_merge) expect { subject }.to have_run_commands_in_order [ "git checkout #{pr.base_branch_name}", "git pull origin #{pr.base_branch_name}", "git merge --squash #{pr.feature_branch_name}" ] end context "and successfully commits merge" do specify { expect{ subject }.to have_said "Pull request ##{pr.number} successfully merged.", :success } context "and cleaning up feature branch" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:cleanup_feature_branch?).and_return(true) } specify { expect{ subject }.to have_said "Nice job buddy." } it "pushes the base branch and removes the feature branch locally and remotely" do expect { subject }.to have_run_commands_in_order [ "git push origin #{pr.base_branch_name}", "git push origin :#{pr.feature_branch_name}", "git branch -D #{pr.feature_branch_name}" ] end end context "but not cleaning up feature branch" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:cleanup_feature_branch?).and_return(false) } specify { expect{ subject }.to_not have_run_command "git push origin #{pr.base_branch_name}" } specify { expect{ subject }.to_not have_run_command "git push origin :#{pr.feature_branch_name}" } specify { expect{ subject }.to_not have_run_command "git branch -D #{pr.feature_branch_name}" } specify { expect{ subject }.to have_said "Cleanup halted. Local changes were not pushed to remote repo.", :deliver_halted } specify { expect{ subject }.to have_said "To reset and go back to your branch run \`git reset --hard origin/#{pr.base_branch_name} && git checkout #{pr.feature_branch_name}\`" } end context "and NOT squash merging" do let(:inputs) do { base: "base_branch", title: "title", message: "message", merge_method: "merge" } end specify { expect{ subject }.to have_run_command "git merge #{pr.feature_branch_name}" } specify { expect{ subject }.to_not have_run_command "git merge --squash #{pr.feature_branch_name}" } end end context "but has an issue commiting the merge" do before do allow(GitReflow).to receive(:run_command_with_label) allow(GitReflow).to receive(:run_command_with_label).with('git commit', with_system: true).and_return(false) end specify { expect{ subject }.to have_said "There were problems commiting your feature... please check the errors above and try again.", :error } end end context "but cannot deliver" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:deliver?).and_return(false) } specify { expect{ subject }.to have_said "Merge aborted", :deliver_halted } end end context "#commit_message_for_merge" do subject { pr.commit_message_for_merge } let(:lgtm_comment_authors) { ["simonzhu24", "reenhanced"] } let(:output) { lgtm_comment_authors.join(', @') } let(:first_commit_message) { "Awesome commit here." } before do allow(GitReflow).to receive(:get_first_commit_message).and_return(first_commit_message) allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return [] end specify { expect(subject).to include "\nMerges ##{pr.number}\n" } specify { expect(subject).to_not include "\nLGTM given by: " } context "with description" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:description).and_return("Bingo.") } specify { expect(subject).to include "Bingo." } specify { expect(subject).to_not include first_commit_message } end context "with no description" do before do allow(pr).to receive(:description).and_return('') end specify { expect(subject).to include first_commit_message } end context "with approvals" do before { allow(pr).to receive(:approvals).and_return(['sally', 'joey']) } specify { expect(subject).to include "\nLGTM given by: @sally, @joey\n" } end context "with custom merge commit message template" do before { allow(GitReflow).to receive(:merge_commit_template).and_return("Super cool changes") } specify { expect(subject).to include "Super cool changes" } specify { expect(subject).to_not include "\nMerges ##{pr.number}\n" } end end context "#cleanup_feature_branch?" do subject { pr.cleanup_feature_branch? } context "and always cleanup config is set to 'true'" do before { allow(GitReflow::Config).to receive(:get).with('reflow.always-cleanup').and_return('true') } it { should be_truthy } end context "and always cleanup config is not set" do before do allow(GitReflow::Config).to receive(:get).with('reflow.always-cleanup').and_return('false') end context "and user chooses to cleanup" do before { expect(pr).to receive(:ask).with('Would you like to push this branch to your remote repo and cleanup your feature branch? ').and_return('yes') } it { should be_truthy } end context "and user chooses not to cleanup" do before { expect(pr).to receive(:ask).with('Would you like to push this branch to your remote repo and cleanup your feature branch? ').and_return('no') } it { should be_falsy } end end end context "#deliver?" do subject { pr.deliver? } context "and always deliver config is set to 'true'" do before { allow(GitReflow::Config).to receive(:get).with('reflow.always-deliver').and_return('true') } it { should be_truthy } end context "and always deliver config is not set" do before do allow(GitReflow::Config).to receive(:get).with('reflow.always-deliver').and_return('false') end context "and user chooses to deliver" do before { expect(pr).to receive(:ask).with('This is the current status of your Pull Request. Are you sure you want to deliver? ').and_return('yes') } it { should be_truthy } end context "and user choose not to cleanup" do before { expect(pr).to receive(:ask).with('This is the current status of your Pull Request. Are you sure you want to deliver? ').and_return('no') } it { should be_falsy } end end end end