require 'taps/monkey' require 'taps/multipart' require 'taps/utils' require 'taps/log' require 'json' module Taps class DataStream class CorruptedData < Exception; end attr_reader :db, :state def initialize(db, state) @db = db @state = { :offset => 0, :avg_chunksize => 0, :num_chunksize => 0, :total_chunksize => 0, }.merge(state) @complete = false end def log Taps.log end def error=(val) state[:error] = val end def error state[:error] || false end def table_name state[:table_name].to_sym end def to_hash state.merge(:klass => self.class.to_s) end def to_json to_hash.to_json end def string_columns @string_columns ||= Taps::Utils.incorrect_blobs(db, table_name) end def table @table ||= db[table_name] end def order_by(name=nil) @order_by ||= begin name ||= table_name Taps::Utils.order_by(db, name) end end def increment(row_count) state[:offset] += row_count end # keep a record of the average chunksize within the first few hundred thousand records, after chunksize # goes below 100 or maybe if offset is > 1000 def fetch_rows state[:chunksize] = fetch_chunksize ds = table.order(*order_by).limit(state[:chunksize], state[:offset]) log.debug "DataStream#fetch_rows SQL -> #{ds.sql}" rows = Taps::Utils.format_data(ds.all, :string_columns => string_columns) update_chunksize_stats rows end def max_chunksize_training 20 end def fetch_chunksize chunksize = state[:chunksize] return chunksize if state[:num_chunksize] < max_chunksize_training return chunksize if state[:avg_chunksize] == 0 return chunksize if state[:error] state[:avg_chunksize] > chunksize ? state[:avg_chunksize] : chunksize end def update_chunksize_stats return if state[:num_chunksize] >= max_chunksize_training state[:total_chunksize] += state[:chunksize] state[:num_chunksize] += 1 state[:avg_chunksize] = state[:total_chunksize] / state[:num_chunksize] rescue state[:chunksize] end def encode_rows(rows) Taps::Utils.base64encode(Marshal.dump(rows)) end def fetch log.debug "DataStream#fetch state -> #{state.inspect}" t1 = rows = fetch_rows encoded_data = encode_rows(rows) t2 = elapsed_time = t2 - t1 @complete = rows == { } [encoded_data, (@complete ? 0 : rows[:data].size), elapsed_time] end def complete? @complete end def fetch_remote(resource, headers) params = fetch_from_resource(resource, headers) encoded_data = params[:encoded_data] json = params[:json] rows = parse_encoded_data(encoded_data, json[:checksum]) @complete = rows == { } # update local state state.merge!(json[:state].merge(:chunksize => state[:chunksize])) unless @complete import_rows(rows) rows[:data].size else 0 end end # this one is used inside the server process def fetch_remote_in_server(params) json = self.class.parse_json(params[:json]) encoded_data = params[:encoded_data] rows = parse_encoded_data(encoded_data, json[:checksum]) @complete = rows == { } unless @complete import_rows(rows) rows[:data].size else 0 end end def fetch_from_resource(resource, headers) res = nil log.debug "DataStream#fetch_from_resource state -> #{state.inspect}" state[:chunksize] = Taps::Utils.calculate_chunksize(state[:chunksize]) do |c| state[:chunksize] = c res ={:state => self.to_json}, headers) end begin params = Taps::Multipart.parse(res) params[:json] = self.class.parse_json(params[:json]) if params.has_key?(:json) return params rescue JSON::Parser raise"Invalid JSON Received") end end def self.parse_json(json) hash = JSON.parse(json).symbolize_keys hash[:state].symbolize_keys! if hash.has_key?(:state) hash end def parse_encoded_data(encoded_data, checksum) raise"Checksum Failed") unless Taps::Utils.valid_data?(encoded_data, checksum) begin return Marshal.load(Taps::Utils.base64decode(encoded_data)) rescue Object => e unless ENV['NO_DUMP_MARSHAL_ERRORS'] puts "Error encountered loading data, wrote the data chunk to dump.#{}.dat""dump.#{}.dat", "w") { |f| f.write(encoded_data) } end raise end end def import_rows(rows) table.import(rows[:header], rows[:data]) state[:offset] += rows[:data].size end def self.factory(db, state) if defined?(Sequel::MySQL) && Sequel::MySQL.respond_to?(:convert_invalid_date_time=) Sequel::MySQL.convert_invalid_date_time = :nil end if state.has_key?(:klass) return eval(state[:klass]).new(db, state) end if Taps::Utils.single_integer_primary_key(db, state[:table_name].to_sym), state) else, state) end end end class DataStreamKeyed < DataStream attr_accessor :buffer def initialize(db, state) super(db, state) @state = { :primary_key => order_by(state[:table_name]).first, :filter => 0 }.merge(state) @buffer = [] end def primary_key state[:primary_key].to_sym end def buffer_limit if state[:last_fetched] and state[:last_fetched] < state[:filter] and self.buffer.size == 0 state[:last_fetched] else state[:filter] end end def calc_limit(chunksize) # we want to not fetch more than is needed while we're # inside sinatra but locally we can select more than # is strictly needed if defined?(Sinatra) (chunksize * 1.1).ceil else (chunksize * 3).ceil end end def load_buffer(chunksize) # make sure BasicObject is not polluted by subsequent requires Sequel::BasicObject.remove_methods! num = 0 loop do limit = calc_limit(chunksize) # we have to use local variables in order for the virtual row filter to work correctly key = primary_key buf_limit = buffer_limit ds = table.order(*order_by).filter { key > buf_limit }.limit(limit) log.debug "DataStreamKeyed#load_buffer SQL -> #{ds.sql}" data = ds.all self.buffer += data num += data.size if data.size > 0 # keep a record of the last primary key value in the buffer state[:filter] = self.buffer.last[ primary_key ] end break if num >= chunksize or data.size == 0 end end def fetch_buffered(chunksize) load_buffer(chunksize) if self.buffer.size < chunksize rows = buffer.slice(0, chunksize) state[:last_fetched] = if rows.size > 0 rows.last[ primary_key ] else nil end rows end def import_rows(rows) table.import(rows[:header], rows[:data]) end def fetch_rows chunksize = state[:chunksize] Taps::Utils.format_data(fetch_buffered(chunksize) || [], :string_columns => string_columns) end def increment(row_count) # pop the rows we just successfully sent off the buffer @buffer.slice!(0, row_count) end end end