#!rake -*- ruby -*- # # sysexits rakefile # # Based on various other Rakefiles, especially one by Ben Bleything # # Copyright (c) 2007-2010 The FaerieMUD Consortium # # Authors: # * Michael Granger # BEGIN { require 'rbconfig' require 'pathname' basedir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname libdir = basedir + "lib" extdir = libdir + Config::CONFIG['sitearch'] $LOAD_PATH.unshift( basedir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( basedir.to_s ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( libdir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( libdir.to_s ) $LOAD_PATH.unshift( extdir.to_s ) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?( extdir.to_s ) } begin require 'readline' include Readline rescue LoadError # Fall back to a plain prompt def readline( text ) $stderr.print( text.chomp ) return $stdin.gets end end begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError module Gem class Specification; end end end require 'rbconfig' require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/packagetask' require 'rake/clean' # require 'rake/191_compat.rb' $dryrun = false ### Config constants BASEDIR = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.relative_path_from( Pathname.getwd ) BINDIR = BASEDIR + 'bin' LIBDIR = BASEDIR + 'lib' EXTDIR = BASEDIR + 'ext' DOCSDIR = BASEDIR + 'docs' PKGDIR = BASEDIR + 'pkg' DATADIR = BASEDIR + 'data' MANUALDIR = DOCSDIR + 'manual' PROJECT_NAME = 'sysexits' PKG_NAME = PROJECT_NAME.downcase PKG_SUMMARY = 'Exit status codes for system programs.' # Cruisecontrol stuff CC_BUILD_LABEL = ENV['CC_BUILD_LABEL'] CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS = ENV['CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS'] || 'artifacts' VERSION_FILE = LIBDIR + 'sysexits.rb' if VERSION_FILE.exist? && buildrev = ENV['CC_BUILD_LABEL'] PKG_VERSION = VERSION_FILE.read[ /VERSION\s*=\s*['"](\d+\.\d+\.\d+)['"]/, 1 ] + '.' + buildrev elsif VERSION_FILE.exist? PKG_VERSION = VERSION_FILE.read[ /VERSION\s*=\s*['"](\d+\.\d+\.\d+)['"]/, 1 ] end PKG_VERSION = '0.0.0' unless defined?( PKG_VERSION ) && !PKG_VERSION.nil? PKG_FILE_NAME = "#{PKG_NAME.downcase}-#{PKG_VERSION}" GEM_FILE_NAME = "#{PKG_FILE_NAME}.gem" # Universal VCS constants DEFAULT_EDITOR = 'vi' COMMIT_MSG_FILE = 'commit-msg.txt' FILE_INDENT = " " * 12 LOG_INDENT = " " * 3 EXTCONF = EXTDIR + 'extconf.rb' ARTIFACTS_DIR = Pathname.new( CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS ) TEXT_FILES = Rake::FileList.new( %w[Rakefile ChangeLog README* LICENSE] ) BIN_FILES = Rake::FileList.new( "#{BINDIR}/*" ) LIB_FILES = Rake::FileList.new( "#{LIBDIR}/**/*.rb" ) EXT_FILES = Rake::FileList.new( "#{EXTDIR}/**/*.{c,h,rb}" ) DATA_FILES = Rake::FileList.new( "#{DATADIR}/**/*" ) SPECDIR = BASEDIR + 'spec' SPECLIBDIR = SPECDIR + 'lib' SPEC_FILES = Rake::FileList.new( "#{SPECDIR}/**/*_spec.rb", "#{SPECLIBDIR}/**/*.rb" ) TESTDIR = BASEDIR + 'tests' TEST_FILES = Rake::FileList.new( "#{TESTDIR}/**/*.tests.rb" ) RAKE_TASKDIR = BASEDIR + 'rake' RAKE_TASKLIBS = Rake::FileList.new( "#{RAKE_TASKDIR}/*.rb" ) PKG_TASKLIBS = Rake::FileList.new( "#{RAKE_TASKDIR}/{191_compat,helpers,packaging,rdoc,testing}.rb" ) PKG_TASKLIBS.include( "#{RAKE_TASKDIR}/manual.rb" ) if MANUALDIR.exist? RAKE_TASKLIBS_URL = 'http://repo.deveiate.org/rake-tasklibs' LOCAL_RAKEFILE = BASEDIR + 'Rakefile.local' EXTRA_PKGFILES = Rake::FileList.new RELEASE_FILES = TEXT_FILES + SPEC_FILES + TEST_FILES + BIN_FILES + LIB_FILES + EXT_FILES + DATA_FILES + RAKE_TASKLIBS + EXTRA_PKGFILES RELEASE_FILES << LOCAL_RAKEFILE.to_s if LOCAL_RAKEFILE.exist? RELEASE_ANNOUNCE_ADDRESSES = [ "Ruby-Talk List ", ] COVERAGE_MINIMUM = ENV['COVERAGE_MINIMUM'] ? Float( ENV['COVERAGE_MINIMUM'] ) : 85.0 RCOV_EXCLUDES = 'spec,tests,/Library/Ruby,/var/lib,/usr/local/lib' RCOV_OPTS = [ '--exclude', RCOV_EXCLUDES, '--xrefs', '--save', '--callsites', #'--aggregate', 'coverage.data' # <- doesn't work as of ] ### Load some task libraries that need to be loaded early if !RAKE_TASKDIR.exist? $stderr.puts "It seems you don't have the build task directory. Shall I fetch it " ans = readline( "for you? [y]" ) ans = 'y' if !ans.nil? && ans.empty? if ans =~ /^y/i $stderr.puts "Okay, fetching #{RAKE_TASKLIBS_URL} into #{RAKE_TASKDIR}..." system 'hg', 'clone', RAKE_TASKLIBS_URL, "./#{RAKE_TASKDIR}" if ! $?.success? fail "Damn. That didn't work. Giving up; maybe try manually fetching?" end else $stderr.puts "Then I'm afraid I can't continue. Best of luck." fail "Rake tasklibs not present." end RAKE_TASKLIBS.include( "#{RAKE_TASKDIR}/*.rb" ) end require RAKE_TASKDIR + 'helpers.rb' include RakefileHelpers # Set the build ID if the mercurial executable is available if hg = which( 'hg' ) id = `#{hg} id -n`.chomp PKG_BUILD = "pre%03d" % [(id.chomp[ /^[[:xdigit:]]+/ ] || '1')] else PKG_BUILD = 'pre000' end SNAPSHOT_PKG_NAME = "#{PKG_FILE_NAME}.#{PKG_BUILD}" SNAPSHOT_GEM_NAME = "#{SNAPSHOT_PKG_NAME}.gem" # Documentation constants API_DOCSDIR = DOCSDIR + 'api' README_FILE = TEXT_FILES.find {|path| path =~ /^README/ } || 'README' RDOC_OPTIONS = [ '--tab-width=4', '--show-hash', '--include', BASEDIR.to_s, "--main=#{README_FILE}", "--title=#{PKG_NAME}", ] YARD_OPTIONS = [ '--use-cache', '--no-private', '--protected', '-r', README_FILE, '--exclude', 'extconf\\.rb', '--files', 'ChangeLog,LICENSE', '--output-dir', API_DOCSDIR.to_s, '--title', "#{PKG_NAME} #{PKG_VERSION}", ] # Release constants SMTP_HOST = "mail.faeriemud.org" SMTP_PORT = 465 # SMTP + SSL # Project constants PROJECT_HOST = 'deveiate.org' PROJECT_PUBDIR = '/usr/local/www/public/code/' PROJECT_DOCDIR = "#{PROJECT_PUBDIR}/#{PKG_NAME}" PROJECT_SCPPUBURL = "#{PROJECT_HOST}:#{PROJECT_PUBDIR}" PROJECT_SCPDOCURL = "#{PROJECT_HOST}:#{PROJECT_DOCDIR}" GEM_PUBHOST = 'rubygems.org' # Gem dependencies: gemname => version DEPENDENCIES = { } # Developer Gem dependencies: gemname => version DEVELOPMENT_DEPENDENCIES = { 'rake' => '>= 0.8.7', 'rcodetools' => '>=', 'rcov' => '>=', 'rdoc' => '>= 2.4.3', 'RedCloth' => '>= 4.0.3', 'rspec' => '>= 1.2.6', 'ruby-termios' => '>= 0.9.6', 'text-format' => '>= 1.0.0', 'tmail' => '>=', 'diff-lcs' => '>= 1.1.2', } # Non-gem requirements: packagename => version REQUIREMENTS = { } # RubyGem specification GEMSPEC = Gem::Specification.new do |gem| gem.name = PKG_NAME.downcase gem.version = PKG_VERSION gem.summary = PKG_SUMMARY gem.description = [ "Have you ever wanted to call exit() with an error condition, but", "weren't sure what exit status to use? No? Maybe it's just me, then.", "", "Anyway, I was reading manpages late one evening before retiring to ", "bed in my palatial estate in rural Oregon, and I stumbled across ", "sysexits(3). Much to my chagrin, I couldn't find a 'sysexits' for", "Ruby! Well, for the other 2 people that actually care about style(9) ", "as it applies to Ruby code, now there is one!", ].join( "\n" ) gem.post_install_message = [ "Happy exiting!", ].join( "\n" ) gem.authors = "Michael Granger" gem.email = ["ged@FaerieMUD.org"] gem.homepage = 'http://rubygems.org/gems/sysexits' gem.has_rdoc = true gem.rdoc_options = RDOC_OPTIONS gem.extra_rdoc_files = TEXT_FILES - [ 'Rakefile' ] gem.bindir = BINDIR.relative_path_from(BASEDIR).to_s gem.executables = BIN_FILES.select {|pn| File.executable?(pn) }. collect {|pn| File.basename(pn) } gem.require_paths << EXTDIR.relative_path_from( BASEDIR ).to_s if EXTDIR.exist? if EXTCONF.exist? gem.extensions << EXTCONF.relative_path_from( BASEDIR ).to_s end gem.files = RELEASE_FILES gem.test_files = SPEC_FILES # signing key and certificate chain gem.signing_key = '/Volumes/Keys/ged-private_gem_key.pem' gem.cert_chain = [File.expand_path('~/.gem/ged-public_gem_cert.pem')] DEPENDENCIES.each do |name, version| version = '>= 0' if version.length.zero? gem.add_runtime_dependency( name, version ) end REQUIREMENTS.each do |name, version| gem.requirements << [ name, version ].compact.join(' ') end end $trace = Rake.application.options.trace ? true : false $dryrun = Rake.application.options.dryrun ? true : false $include_dev_dependencies = false # Load any remaining task libraries RAKE_TASKLIBS.each do |tasklib| next if tasklib.to_s =~ %r{/helpers\.rb$} begin trace " loading tasklib %s" % [ tasklib ] import tasklib rescue ScriptError => err fail "Task library '%s' failed to load: %s: %s" % [ tasklib, err.class.name, err.message ] trace "Backtrace: \n " + err.backtrace.join( "\n " ) rescue => err log "Task library '%s' failed to load: %s: %s. Some tasks may not be available." % [ tasklib, err.class.name, err.message ] trace "Backtrace: \n " + err.backtrace.join( "\n " ) end end # Load any project-specific rules defined in 'Rakefile.local' if it exists import LOCAL_RAKEFILE if LOCAL_RAKEFILE.exist? ##################################################################### ### T A S K S ##################################################################### ### Default task task :default => [:clean, :local, :spec, :apidocs, :package] ### Task the local Rakefile can append to -- no-op by default task :local ### Task: clean CLEAN.include 'coverage', '**/*.orig', '**/*.rej' CLOBBER.include 'artifacts', 'coverage.info', 'ChangeLog', PKGDIR ### Task: changelog file 'ChangeLog' do |task| log "Updating #{task.name}" changelog = make_changelog() File.open( task.name, 'w' ) do |fh| fh.print( changelog ) end end ### Task: cruise (Cruisecontrol task) desc "Cruisecontrol build" task :cruise => [:clean, 'spec:quiet', :package] do |task| raise "Artifacts dir not set." if ARTIFACTS_DIR.to_s.empty? artifact_dir = ARTIFACTS_DIR.cleanpath + (CC_BUILD_LABEL || Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d-%T')) artifact_dir.mkpath coverage = BASEDIR + 'coverage' if coverage.exist? && coverage.directory? $stderr.puts "Copying coverage stats..." FileUtils.cp_r( 'coverage', artifact_dir ) end $stderr.puts "Copying packages..." FileUtils.cp_r( FileList['pkg/*'].to_a, artifact_dir ) end desc "Update the build system to the latest version" task :update_build do log "Updating the build system" run 'hg', '-R', RAKE_TASKDIR, 'pull', '-u' log "Updating the Rakefile" sh 'rake', '-f', RAKE_TASKDIR + 'Metarakefile' end