require_relative "../pager" module Balanced module Resource attr_accessor :attributes def initialize attributes = {} @attributes = attributes end # delegate the query to the pager module def find *arguments self.class.find *arguments end def save uri = @attributes.delete('uri') method = :post if uri.nil? uri = self.class.collection_path elsif !Balanced.is_collection(uri) method = :put end attributes_to_submit = self.sanitize @response = Balanced.send(method, uri, attributes_to_submit) reload @response end def sanitize to_submit = {} @attributes.each do |key, value| if not value.is_a? Balanced::Resource to_submit[key] = value end end to_submit end def warn_on_positional args msg = <<-WARNING Called from: #{caller[1]} ############################################################# # WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! # ############################################################# Using positional arguments is **DEPRECATED**. Please use the keyword options pattern instead. Version __0.7.0__ of the Ruby client will not support positional arguments. If you need help, please hop on #balanced or contact WARNING # warn if [...] otherwise, it's ok if it's: [], [{}] or [{...}] unless (args.size == 1 and args.last.is_a? Hash) or (args.size == 0) warn msg end end def response @response end private :response def destroy Balanced.delete @attributes[:uri] end def unstore destroy end def reload the_response = nil if the_response return if fresh = self.class.construct_from_response the_response.body else fresh = self.find(@attributes[:uri]) end fresh and copy_from fresh self end def copy_from other other.instance_variables.each do |ivar| instance_variable_set ivar, other.instance_variable_get(ivar) end end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) case method when /(.+)\=$/ attr = method.to_s.chop @attributes[attr] = args[0] else # This piece of code is a bit disgusting. We will clean it up soon, # but basically, we were creating closures using this code snippet # but those closures were transferred to the actual classes themselves # so you would have something like and this # will give the last closure added for a BankAccount even if it has # nothing to do with the actual class itself. # # This caused some weird errors, so the best thing to do was to just # move this piece of code and "dynamically" enable it for all # method requests that are essentially #{method}_uri. # # This solves the acute problem, for now. if @attributes.has_key? "#{method}_uri" value = @attributes["#{method}_uri"] # what if the server returns a _uri that we don't know how to # construct? Welp, we catch that NameError and return to super. begin values_class = Balanced.from_uri(value) rescue NameError super end # if uri is a collection -> this would definitely be if # it ends in a symbol then we should allow a lazy executor of # the query pager if Balanced.is_collection(value) pager = value, {} return pager.to_a else return values_class.find(value) end else super end end end def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def resource_name Utils.demodulize name end def collection_name Utils.pluralize Utils.underscore(resource_name) end def collection_path ["/v#{Balanced.config[:version]}", collection_name].compact.join '/' end def member_name Utils.underscore resource_name end # Returns the resource URI for a given class. # # @example A Balanced::Account resource # Balanced::Account.uri # => "/v1/marketplaces/TEST-MP72zVdg2j9IiqRffW9lczRZ/accounts" # # @return [String] the uri of the instance or the class def uri # the uri of a particular resource depends if there's a marketplace # created or not. if there's a marketplace, then all resources have their # own uri from there and the top level ones. if there's not a marketplace # # if there's an api key, then the merchant is available # if there's no api key, the only resources exposed are purely top level if self == Balanced::Merchant || self == Balanced::Marketplace || self == Balanced::ApiKey collection_path else unless Balanced::Marketplace.marketplace_exists? raise Balanced::StandardError, "#{} is nested under a marketplace, which is not created or configured." end Balanced::Marketplace.marketplace_uri + "/#{collection_name}" end end def construct_from_response payload payload = Balanced::Utils.hash_with_indifferent_read_access payload return payload if payload[:uri].nil? klass = Balanced.from_uri(payload[:uri]) instance = payload # instance_eigen = class << instance; self; end payload.each do |name, value| # here is where our interpretations will begin. # if the value is a sub-resource, lets instantiate the class # and set it correctly if value.instance_of? Hash and value.has_key? 'uri' value = construct_from_response value end # Get attribute instance.class.send(:define_method, name, proc{@attributes[name]}) # Set attribute instance.class.send(:define_method, "#{name}=", proc{ |value| @attributes[name] = value }) # Is attribute present? instance.class.send(:define_method, "#{name}?", proc{ !!@attributes[name] }) instance.send("#{name}=".to_s, value) end instance end def find *arguments scope = arguments.slice!(0) options = arguments.slice!(0) || {} case scope when :all then all(options) when :first then paginate(options).first else response = Balanced.get scope, options construct_from_response response.body end end def paginate options = {} uri, options end alias scoped paginate alias where paginate def all options = {} pager = paginate(options) pager.to_a end end end end