module Timber module Frameworks # Module for Rails specific code, such as the Railtie and any methods that assist # with Rails setup. module Rails # Because of the crazy way Rails sorts it's initializers, it is # impossible for Timber to be inserted after Devise's omnitauth # middlewares. # See: # As such, we take a brute force approach here, ensuring we are inserted last # no matter what. This ensures that we come after authentication so that we can # properly set the user context. # # @private module MiddlewareStackProxyFix def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do attr_accessor :timber_operations alias old_merge_into merge_into # This method does not exist for older versions of rails begin alias old_plus + rescue NameError end def +(*args) result = old_plus(*args) result.timber_operations = timber_operations result end def merge_into(*args) if timber_operations @operations -= timber_operations @operations += timber_operations end old_merge_into(*args) end end end end ::Rails::Configuration::MiddlewareStackProxy.send(:include, MiddlewareStackProxyFix) # Installs Timber into your Rails app automatically. class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie config.timber = Config.instance config.before_initialize do Timber::Config.instance.logger = { ::Rails.logger } end # Must be loaded after initializers so that we respect any Timber configuration # set initializer(:timber, after: :load_config_initializers) do Integrations.integrate! # Install the Rack middlewares so that we capture structured data instead of # raw text logs. timber_operations = Integrations::Rack.middlewares.collect do |middleware_class| [:use, [middleware_class], nil] end config.app_middleware.timber_operations = timber_operations end end end end end