module Locomotive module Liquid module Filters module Text def underscore(input) input.to_s.gsub(' ', '_').gsub('/', '_').underscore end def dasherize(input) input.to_s.gsub(' ', '-').gsub('/', '-').dasherize end def encode(input) Rack::Utils.escape(input) end # alias newline_to_br def multi_line(input) input.to_s.gsub("\n", '
') end def concat(input, *args) result = input.to_s args.flatten.each { |a| result << a.to_s } result end # right justify and padd a string def rjust(input, integer, padstr = '') input.to_s.rjust(integer, padstr) end # left justify and padd a string def ljust(input, integer, padstr = '') input.to_s.ljust(integer, padstr) end def textile(input) end end ::Liquid::Template.register_filter(Text) end end end