module Gibson require 'socket' require 'timeout' class Connection ## # Connection default options. DEFAULTS = { # The UNIX socket path, if this option is set a UNIX socket connection will be used. :socket => '/var/run/gibson.sock', # The ip address to connect to, if this option is set a TCP socket connection will be used. :address => nil, # The tcp port to connect to. :port => 10128, # The connection and I/O timeout in milliseconds. :timeout => 100, # If a TCP connection will be used, set this to true to use the SO_KEEPALIVE flag on the socket. :keepalive => false } ## # Create a new Connection instance with custom options. # If no options are specified, Connection.DEFAULTS will be used. # For instance: # # will create a connection to the default /var/run/gibson.sock UNIX socket. # :address => '' # will connect to localhost:10128 def initialize(opts = {}) @sock = nil @connected = false @options = DEFAULTS.merge(opts) end ## # Return true if connection is enstablished, otherwise false. def connected? @connected end ## # Attempt a connection with the specified options until @options[:timeout] # is reached. def connect Timeout.timeout(@options[:timeout]) do if @options[:address] != nil @sock = @options[:address], @options[:port] ) @sock.setsockopt( Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, true ) @sock.setsockopt( Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_KEEPALIVE, true ) if @options[:keepalive] else @sock = @options[:socket] ) end @connected = true end end ## # Close the connection. def close @sock.close if connected? end ## # Wait for the socket to be in a writable state for @options[:timeout] milliseconds. def wait_writable, [@sock], nil, @options[:timeout] ) || raise(Timeout::Error, "IO timeout") end ## # Wait for the socket to be in a readable state for @options[:timeout] milliseconds. def wait_readable [@sock], nil, nil, @options[:timeout] ) || raise(Timeout::Error, "IO timeout") end ## # Write data to the socket. def write(data) wait_writable @sock.write data end ## # Read specified amount of data from the socket. def read(n) wait_readable @sock.recv n end end end