- name: Set up db config template: src=database.yml.j2 dest={{be_app_path}}/config/database.yml # zzet.rbenv puts all the rbenv stuff in profile for some reason # so we gotta use login shells to do this stuff - name: Install bundle gems remote_user: "{{ deployer_user.name }}" command: chdir={{ be_app_path }} bash -lc "RAILS_ENV={{be_app_env}} bundle install --without test development --no-binstubs --deployment" - name: Ensure secrets.yml file present stat: path={{ be_app_path }}/config/secrets.yml register: secrets_file - name: Ask for secrets.yml debug: msg="You've got to upload secrets.yml to {{be_app_path}}/config to continue" when: secrets_file.stat.exists != true - name: Wait one day for secrets.yml to get put on the server wait_for: path={{be_app_path}}/config/secrets.yml state=present timeout=86400 when: secrets_file.stat.exists != true - name: Precompile Assets remote_user: "{{ deployer_user.name }}" command: chdir={{ be_app_path }} bash -lc "bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV={{be_app_env}}" when: precompile_assets