# = Environment variables # CFLAGS:: Arguments to the compiler. # LDFLAGS:: Arguments to the linker. #-- # Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati # See the file named LICENSE for details. require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'tempfile' require 'rbconfig' PROJECT_LIBS = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib') DYNAMIC_DOCS = 'ruby-vpi-dynamic.rb' $:.unshift PROJECT_LIBS require 'ruby-vpi' require 'ruby-vpi/rake' require 'ruby-vpi/util' task :default => :build # utility # Returns a temporary, unique path ready for # use. No file exists at the returned path. def generate_temp_path path = Tempfile.new($$).path rm_f path path end # propogate cleaning tasks recursively to lower levels %w[clean clobber].each do |t| task t do files = FileList['**/Rakefile'].exclude('_darcs') - %w[Rakefile] # allows propogation to lower levels when gem not installed ENV['RUBYLIB'] = PROJECT_LIBS files.each do |f| cd File.dirname(f) do sh 'rake', t end end end end # extension desc "Builds object files for all simulators." task :build directory 'obj' CLOBBER.include 'obj' ccFlags = ENV['CFLAGS'] ldFlags = ENV['LDFLAGS'] RubyVPI::SIMULATORS.each do |sim| taskName = "build_#{sim.id}" desc "Builds object files for #{sim.name}." task taskName => ['obj', 'ext'] do src = RubyVPI::Project[:name] + '.' + Config::CONFIG['DLEXT'] dst = File.expand_path(File.join('obj', "#{sim.id}.so")) unless File.exist? dst cd 'ext' do ENV['CFLAGS'] = [ccFlags, sim.compiler_args].compact.join(' ') ENV['LDFLAGS'] = [ldFlags, sim.linker_args].compact.join(' ') sh "rake SIMULATOR=#{sim.id}" mv src, dst sh 'rake clean' end end end task :build => taskName end # documentation desc "Build the documentation." task :doc # the user guide file 'doc/guide.html' => 'doc/guide.erb' do |t| sh "gerbil html #{t.prerequisites} > #{t.name}" end task :doc => 'doc/guide.html' CLOBBER.include 'doc/guide.html' # API reference directory 'doc/api' CLOBBER.include 'doc/api' desc "Build API reference." task :ref => ['doc/api/ruby', 'doc/api/c'] file DYNAMIC_DOCS => 'ext/vpi_user.h' do |t| File.open t.name, 'w' do |f| f.puts "# This module encapsulates all functionality provided by the C-language Application Programming Interface (API) of the Verilog Procedural Interface (VPI). See the ext/vpi_user.h file for details." f.puts "module VPI" body = File.read(t.prerequisites[0]) # constants body.scan %r{^#define\s+(vpi\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/\*+(.*?)\*+/} do |var, val, info| const = var.to_ruby_const_name f.puts '# ' << info f.puts "#{const}=#{val}" f.puts "# Returns the #{const} constant: #{info}" f.puts "def self.#{var}; end" end # functions body.scan /^XXTERN\s+(\S+\s+\*?)(\S+)\s+PROTO_PARAMS\(\((.*?)\)\);/m do |type, func, args| meth = func.gsub(/\W/, '') args = args.gsub(/[\r\n]/, ' ') [ [ /PLI_BYTE8(\s*)\*(\s*data)/ , 'Object\1\2' ], [ /PLI_BYTE8(\s*)\*?/ , 'String\1' ], [ /PLI_U?INT32(\s*)\*/ , 'Array\1' ], [ /PLI_U?INT32/ , 'Integer' ], [ /\b[ps]_/ , 'VPI::S_' ], [ 'vpiHandle' , 'VPI::Handle' ], [ /va_list\s+\w+/ , '...' ], [ /\bvoid(\s*)\*/ , 'Object\1' ], [ 'void' , 'nil' ], ].each do |(a, b)| args.gsub! a, b type.gsub! a, b end f.puts "# #{func}(#{args}) returns #{type}" f.puts "def self.#{meth}; end" end # VPI::Handle methods f.puts "class Handle" require 'lib/ruby-vpi/core/edge-methods.rb' RubyVPI::EdgeClass::DETECTION_METHODS.each do |m| f.puts "# #{m.info}" f.puts "def #{m.name}; end" end f.puts "end" f.puts "end" end end CLOBBER.include DYNAMIC_DOCS Rake::RDocTask.new 'doc/api/ruby' do |t| Rake::Task['doc/api'].invoke t.rdoc_dir = t.name Rake::Task[DYNAMIC_DOCS].invoke t.rdoc_files.include 'bin/{ruby-vpi,*.rb}', 'lib/**/*.rb', DYNAMIC_DOCS end desc 'Build API reference for C.' file 'doc/api/c' => 'doc/api' do |t| # doxygen outputs to this temporary destination tempDest = 'ext/html' cd File.dirname(tempDest) do sh "doxygen" end mv tempDest, t.name end # packaging spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = RubyVPI::Project[:name].downcase s.version = RubyVPI::Project[:version] s.summary = "Ruby interface to IEEE 1364-2005 Verilog VPI" s.description = "Ruby-VPI is a #{s.summary} and a platform for unit testing, rapid prototyping, and systems integration of Verilog modules through Ruby. It lets you create complex Verilog test benches easily and wholly in Ruby." s.homepage = RubyVPI::Project[:website] s.rubyforge_project = s.name s.files = FileList['**/*'].exclude('_darcs', DYNAMIC_DOCS) s.autorequire = s.name s.extensions << 'gem_extconf.rb' s.executables = s.name s.requirements << "POSIX threads library" s.requirements << "C language compiler" s.add_dependency 'rake', '>= 0.7.0' s.add_dependency 'rspec', '>= 1.0.0' s.add_dependency 'rcov', '>= 0.7.0' s.add_dependency 'xx' # needed by rcov s.add_dependency 'ruby-debug', '>= 0.5.2' s.add_dependency 'ruby-prof' end Rake::GemPackageTask.new(spec) do |pkg| pkg.need_tar = true end # installation desc "Configures the gem during installation." task :gem_config_inst do |t| # make documentation available to gem_server gemDir = File.dirname(__FILE__) gemName = File.basename(gemDir) docDir = File.join('..', '..', 'doc', gemName) mkdir_p docDir ln_s gemDir, File.join(docDir, 'rdoc') end # releasing desc 'Build release packages.' task :dist => [:clobber, :doc, :ref] do system 'rake package' end # utility desc 'Upload to project website.' task :upload => [:doc, :ref] do sh "rsync -av doc/ ~/www/lib/#{spec.name}" sh "rsync -av doc/api/ ~/www/lib/#{spec.name}/api/ --delete" end desc "Ensure that examples work with $SIMULATOR" task :test => :build do # ensures that current sources are tested instead of the installed gem ENV['RUBYLIB'] = PROJECT_LIBS sim = ENV['SIMULATOR'] || 'cver' FileList['examples/**/*.rake'].each do |runner| sh 'rake', '-f', runner, sim end end