require 'spec_helper' require 'net/ssh' module Beaker describe SshConnection do let( :user ) { 'root' } let( :ssh_opts ) { { keepalive: true, keepalive_interval: 2 } } let( :options ) { { :logger => double('logger').as_null_object } } let( :ip ) { "default.ip.address" } let( :vmhostname ){ "vmhostname" } let( :hostname) { "my_host" } let( :name_hash ) { { :ip => ip, :vmhostname => vmhostname, :hostname => hostname } } subject(:connection) { name_hash, user, ssh_opts, options } before :each do allow( subject ).to receive(:sleep) end it 'self.connect creates connects and returns a proxy for that connection' do # grrr expect( Net::SSH ).to receive(:start).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts ).and_return(true) connection_constructor = SshConnection.connect name_hash, user, ssh_opts, options expect( connection_constructor ).to be_a_kind_of SshConnection end it 'connect creates a new connection' do expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts).and_return(true) connection.connect end it 'connect caches its connection' do expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts ).once.and_return true connection.connect connection.connect end it 'attempts to connect by ip address if vmhostname connection fails' do expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts).and_return(false) expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( ip, user, ssh_opts).and_return(true).once expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( hostname, user, ssh_opts).never connection.connect end it 'attempts to connect by hostname, if vmhost + ipaddress have failed' do expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( ip, user, ssh_opts).and_return(false) expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts).and_return(false) expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( hostname, user, ssh_opts).and_return(true).once connection.connect end describe '#close' do it 'runs ssh close' do mock_ssh = expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { mock_ssh } connection.connect allow( mock_ssh).to receive( :closed? ).once.and_return(false) expect( mock_ssh ).to receive( :close ).once connection.close end it 'sets the @ssh variable to nil' do mock_ssh = expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { mock_ssh } connection.connect allow( mock_ssh).to receive( :closed? ).once.and_return(false) expect( mock_ssh ).to receive( :close ).once connection.close expect( connection.instance_variable_get(:@ssh) ).to be_nil end it 'calls ssh shutdown & re-raises if ssh close fails with an unexpected Error' do mock_ssh = allow( mock_ssh ).to receive( :close ) { raise StandardError } expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { mock_ssh } connection.connect allow( mock_ssh).to receive( :closed? ).once.and_return(false) expect( mock_ssh ).to receive( :shutdown! ).once expect{ connection.close }.to raise_error(StandardError) expect( connection.instance_variable_get(:@ssh) ).to be_nil end end describe '#execute' do it 'retries if failed with a retryable exception' do mock_ssh = expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { mock_ssh } connection.connect allow( subject ).to receive( :close ) expect( subject ).to receive( :try_to_execute ).ordered.once { raise Timeout::Error } expect( subject ).to receive( :try_to_execute ).ordered.once {'name', 'ls') } expect( subject ).to_not receive( :try_to_execute ) connection.execute('ls') end it 'raises an error if it fails both times' do mock_ssh = expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { mock_ssh } connection.connect allow( subject ).to receive( :close ) allow( subject ).to receive( :try_to_execute ) { raise Timeout::Error } expect{ connection.execute('ls') }.to raise_error Timeout::Error end end describe '#request_terminal_for' do it 'fails correctly by raising Net::SSH::Exception' do mock_ssh = expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { mock_ssh } connection.connect mock_channel = allow( mock_channel ).to receive( :request_pty ).and_yield(nil, false) expect{ connection.request_terminal_for mock_channel, 'ls' }.to raise_error Net::SSH::Exception end end describe '#register_stdout_for' do before :each do @mock_ssh = expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { @mock_ssh } connection.connect @data = '7 of clubs' @mock_channel = allow( @mock_channel ).to receive( :on_data ).and_yield(nil, @data) @mock_output = @mock_output_stdout = @mock_output_output = allow( @mock_output ).to receive( :stdout ) { @mock_output_stdout } allow( @mock_output ).to receive( :output ) { @mock_output_output } allow( @mock_output_stdout ).to receive( :<< ) allow( @mock_output_output ).to receive( :<< ) end it 'puts data into stdout & output correctly' do expect( @mock_output_stdout ).to receive( :<< ).with(@data) expect( @mock_output_output ).to receive( :<< ).with(@data) connection.register_stdout_for @mock_channel, @mock_output end it 'calls the callback if given' do @mock_callback = expect( @mock_callback ).to receive( :[] ).with(@data) connection.register_stdout_for @mock_channel, @mock_output, @mock_callback end end describe '#register_stderr_for' do let( :result ) {'hostname', 'command') } before :each do @mock_ssh = expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { @mock_ssh } connection.connect @data = '3 of spades' @mock_channel = allow( @mock_channel ).to receive( :on_extended_data ).and_yield(nil, 1, @data) end it 'puts data into stderr & output correctly' do expect( result.stderr ).to receive( :<< ).with(@data) expect( result.output ).to receive( :<< ).with(@data) connection.register_stderr_for @mock_channel, result end it 'calls the callback if given' do @mock_callback = expect( @mock_callback ).to receive( :[] ).with(@data) connection.register_stderr_for @mock_channel, result, @mock_callback end it 'skips everything if type is not 1' do allow( @mock_channel ).to receive( :on_extended_data ).and_yield(nil, '1', @data) @mock_callback = expect( @mock_callback ).to_not receive( :[] ) expect( result.stderr ).to_not receive( :<< ) expect( result.output ).to_not receive( :<< ) connection.register_stderr_for @mock_channel, result, @mock_callback end end describe '#register_exit_code_for' do let( :result ) {'hostname', 'command') } it 'assigns the output\'s exit code correctly from the data' do mock_ssh = expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { mock_ssh } connection.connect data = '10 of jeromes' mock_data = allow( mock_data ).to receive( :read_long ) { data } mock_channel = allow( mock_channel ).to receive( :on_request ).with('exit-status').and_yield(nil, mock_data) connection.register_exit_code_for mock_channel, result expect( result.exit_code ).to be === data end end describe 'process_stdin_for' do it 'calls the correct channel methods in order' do stdin = 'jean shorts' mock_channel = expect( mock_channel ).to receive( :send_data ).with(stdin).ordered.once expect( mock_channel ).to receive( :process ).ordered.once expect( mock_channel ).to receive( :eof! ).ordered.once connection.process_stdin_for mock_channel, stdin end end describe '#scp_to' do before :each do @mock_ssh = @mock_scp = allow( @mock_scp ).to receive( :upload! ) allow( @mock_ssh ).to receive( :scp ).and_return( @mock_scp ) expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { @mock_ssh } connection.connect end it 'calls scp.upload!' do expect( @mock_scp ).to receive( :upload! ).once connection.scp_to '', '' end it 'ensures the connection closes when scp.upload! errors' do expect( @mock_scp ).to receive( :upload! ).once.and_raise(RuntimeError) expect(connection).to receive(:close).once connection.scp_to '', '' end it 'returns a result object' do expect( connection.scp_to '', '' ).to be_a_kind_of Beaker::Result end end describe '#scp_from' do before :each do @mock_ssh = @mock_scp = allow( @mock_scp ).to receive( :download! ) allow( @mock_ssh ).to receive( :scp ).and_return( @mock_scp ) expect( Net::SSH ).to receive( :start ).with( vmhostname, user, ssh_opts) { @mock_ssh } connection.connect end it 'calls!' do expect( @mock_scp ).to receive( :download! ).once connection.scp_from '', '' end it 'ensures the connection closes when! errors' do expect( @mock_scp ).to receive( :download! ).once.and_raise(RuntimeError) expect(connection).to receive(:close).once connection.scp_from '', '' end it 'returns a result object' do expect( connection.scp_from '', '' ).to be_a_kind_of Beaker::Result end end end end