hobo_bootstrap ==============
This is a theme for Hobo 1.4 (http://www.hobocentral.net) that implements the Bootstrap library (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/). [![index][1]][1] [![login][2]][2] Install instructions ====================
Add this to your Gemfile gem "hobo_bootstrap", :git => "git://github.com/Hobo/hobo_bootstrap.git" gem 'will_paginate-bootstrap' group :assets do # ... Other stuff ... # gem 'compass_twitter_bootstrap', :git => 'git://github.com/wyuenho/compass-twitter-bootstrap' gem 'compass-rails' end {.ruby} Run bundle to get the gems bundle Rename front.css to front.scss so you can bootstrap and hobo_bootstrap like this: /* * This is the stylesheet manifest file for the front subsite (which * is your whole application if you don't have any subsites). Files * or plugins referenced from here or placed in the front/ directory * will be included. * *= require_self *= require application *= require hobo_rapid *= require hobo_jquery *= require hobo_jquery_ui *= require jquery-ui/redmond *= require hobo_bootstrap *= require hobo_bootstrap_docs *= require hobo_bootstrap_responsive *= require_tree ./front */ @import "compass_twitter_bootstrap"; {.css} Load bootstrap javascripts in app/assets/front.js, for example: //= require bootstrap-all {.javascript} Alternatively, you could require bootstrap-collapse and bootstrap-alert, since those are the only two javascript components that this theme currently requires. However, we do plan on supporting more in the future. Change the theme in app/views/taglibs/front_site.dryml: {.dryml} Two main menu options =====================
By default, hobo_bootstrap puts every option in the top menu, like this: [![top_menu][3]][3] But you can also use a sub menu, like the one in the bootstrap documentation: [![sub_menu][4]][4] In order to enable the sub meny, add these lines to your front_site.dryml: {.dryml} Responsive template ===================
This theme includes the bootstrap responsive CSS, which makes it work nicely with mobile phones. For example: [![responsive][5]][5] Complex forms =============
By default, forms only have one column. But many you need more complex forms. Take a look at these examples: **Two columns example** [![two_columns][6]][6] {.dryml} **Three columns, aside and double sized fields** [![three_columns_complex][7]][7] Hola! Soy el aside :)
{.dryml} Demo app ========
I have been using a demo application to test this theme (the screenshots come from it). It has: * Examples of complex forms (1/2/3 columns, aside, double sized fields...) * Rspec "human driven" tests for the responsive CSS (they automatically resize your window and wait for you to clic on "OK" if it looks fine) * Examples of Jquery File Upload (http://blueimp.github.com/jQuery-File-Upload/). You can download and take a look at it on https://github.com/suyccom/sgagility Notes =====
Right now, you still need to keep "hobo_clean" in your Gemfile if you want to use the Ajax search enabled by default in Hobo. [1]: https://github.com/Hobo/hobo_bootstrap/raw/master/screenshots/index.png [2]: https://github.com/Hobo/hobo_bootstrap/raw/master/screenshots/login.png [3]: https://github.com/Hobo/hobo_bootstrap/raw/master/screenshots/top_menu.png [4]: https://github.com/Hobo/hobo_bootstrap/raw/master/screenshots/sub_menu.png [5]: https://github.com/Hobo/hobo_bootstrap/raw/master/screenshots/responsive.png [6]: https://github.com/Hobo/hobo_bootstrap/raw/master/screenshots/two_columns.png [7]: https://github.com/Hobo/hobo_bootstrap/raw/master/screenshots/three_columns_complex.png