{ "vcd_dnat": { "full_properties": { "edge_gateway": { "description": "The name of the edge gateway on which to apply the DNAT", "required": true }, "external_ip": { "description": "One of the external IPs available on your Edge Gateway", "required": true }, "internal_ip": { "description": "The IP of the VM to map to", "required": true }, "port": { "description": "The port number to map", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/vcd/r/dnat.html", "properties": [ "edge_gateway", "external_ip", "port", "internal_ip" ] }, "vcd_edgegateway_vpn": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "A description for the VPN", "required": true }, "edge_gateway": { "description": "The name of the edge gateway on which to apply the Firewall Rules", "required": true }, "encryption_protocol": { "description": "- E.g. AES256", "required": true }, "local_id": { "description": "- Local ID", "required": true }, "local_ip_address": { "description": "- Local IP Address", "required": true }, "local_subnets": { "description": "- List of Local Subnets see Local Subnets below for details.", "required": true }, "mtu": { "description": "- The MTU setting", "required": true }, "name": { "description": "The name of the VPN ", "required": true }, "peer_id": { "description": "- Peer ID", "required": true }, "peer_ip_address": { "description": "- Peer IP Address", "required": true }, "peer_subnets": { "description": "- List of Peer Subnets see Peer Subnets below for details.", "required": true }, "shared_secret": { "description": "- Shared Secret", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/vcd/r/edgegateway_vpn.html", "properties": [ "edge_gateway", "name", "description", "encryption_protocol", "local_ip_address", "local_id", "mtu", "peer_ip_address", "peer_id", "shared_secret", "local_subnets", "peer_subnets" ] }, "vcd_firewall_rules": { "full_properties": { "default_action": { "description": "Either \"allow\" or \"deny\". Specifies what to do should none of the rules match", "required": true }, "edge_gateway": { "description": "The name of the edge gateway on which to apply the Firewall Rules", "required": true }, "rule": { "description": "Configures a firewall rule; see Rules below for details.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/vcd/r/firewall_rules.html", "properties": [ "edge_gateway", "default_action", "rule" ] }, "vcd_network": { "full_properties": { "dhcp_pool": { "description": "A range of IPs to issue to virtual machines that don't", "required": false }, "dns1": { "description": "First DNS server to use. Defaults to", "required": false }, "dns2": { "description": "Second DNS server to use. Defaults to", "required": false }, "dns_suffix": { "description": "A FQDN for the virtual machines on this network", "required": false }, "edge_gateway": { "description": "The name of the edge gateway", "required": true }, "gateway": { "description": "The gateway for this network", "required": true }, "name": { "description": "A unique name for the network", "required": true }, "netmask": { "description": "The netmask for the new network. Defaults to", "required": false }, "static_ip_pool": { "description": "A range of IPs permitted to be used as static IPs for", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/vcd/r/network.html", "properties": [ "name", "edge_gateway", "netmask", "gateway", "dns1", "dns2", "dns_suffix", "dhcp_pool", "static_ip_pool" ] }, "vcd_snat": { "full_properties": { "edge_gateway": { "description": "The name of the edge gateway on which to apply the SNAT", "required": true }, "external_ip": { "description": "One of the external IPs available on your Edge Gateway", "required": true }, "internal_ip": { "description": "The IP or IP Range of the VM(s) to map from", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/vcd/r/snat.html", "properties": [ "edge_gateway", "external_ip", "internal_ip" ] }, "vcd_vapp": { "full_properties": { "catalog_name": { "description": "The catalog name in which to find the given vApp Template", "required": false }, "cpus": { "description": "The number of virtual CPUs to allocate to the vApp", "required": false }, "initscript": { "description": "A script to be run only on initial boot", "required": false }, "ip": { "description": "The IP to assign to this vApp. Must be an IP address or", "required": false }, "memory": { "description": "The amount of RAM (in MB) to allocate to the vApp", "required": false }, "metadata": { "description": "Key value map of metadata to assign to this vApp", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "A unique name for the vApp", "required": true }, "network_href": { "description": "The vCloud Director generated href of the network this vApp", "required": false }, "network_name": { "description": "Name of the network this vApp should join", "required": false }, "ovf": { "description": "Key value map of ovf parameters to assign to VM product section", "required": false }, "power_on": { "description": "A boolean value stating if this vApp should be powered on. Default to true", "required": false }, "template_name": { "description": "The name of the vApp Template to use", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/vcd/r/vapp.html", "properties": [ "name", "catalog_name", "template_name", "memory", "cpus", "initscript", "network_name", "network_href", "ip", "metadata", "ovf", "power_on" ] }, "vcd_vapp_vm": { "full_properties": { "catalog_name": { "description": "The catalog name in which to find the given vApp Template", "required": true }, "cpus": { "description": "The number of virtual CPUs to allocate to the vApp", "required": false }, "initscript": { "description": "A script to be run only on initial boot", "required": false }, "ip": { "description": "The IP to assign to this vApp. Must be an IP address or", "required": false }, "memory": { "description": "The amount of RAM (in MB) to allocate to the vApp", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "A unique name for the vApp", "required": true }, "power_on": { "description": "A boolean value stating if this vApp should be powered on. Default to true", "required": false }, "template_name": { "description": "The name of the vApp Template to use", "required": true }, "vapp_name": { "description": "The vApp this VM should belong to.", "required": true } }, "path": "/docs/providers/vcd/r/vapp_vm.html", "properties": [ "vapp_name", "name", "catalog_name", "template_name", "memory", "cpus", "initscript", "ip", "power_on" ] } }