# IDs, please [](https://codeclimate.com/github/gazay/ids_please) [](https://www.omniref.com/ruby/gems/ids_please) Grab some hidden in html data from social account page. Get social network IDs or screen names from links to social network accounts. Sometimes you need to get a social network account name from a link — to store a screen name in your database instead of parsing the link every time, or maybe to work with these accounts using social network APIs (as I do). Would be easier to have a library that extracts this kind of information from all known social networks for your pleasure. <a href="https://evilmartians.com/?utm_source=ids_please"> <img src="https://evilmartians.com/badges/sponsored-by-evil-martians.svg" alt="Sponsored by Evil Martians" width="236" height="54"> </a> ## Installation ```bash gem install ids_please ``` Or, put this in your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'ids_please' ``` ## Usage This gem works in two modes – you can get real data from social network by http request and page parsing and you can just parse link to social account to find username/id. Sometimes username from link can't be used with social network's API, in this case try to get real ID with grab mode. ### Grabbing data from social account's page This functionality works through real http requests, so if you feed it with many links – it can take a while. As Facebook shows data only from public pages and public groups – in most cases you can't gather data from any profile page. Same thing about private `instagram` accounts, profiles and private groups in `vk`. Also you should provide real urls with right protocols. For example you will not receive any data from `http://facebook.com/Microsoft`, but from `https://facebook.com/Microsoft` you'll receive all data as in example below: ```ruby ids = IdsPlease.new('https://instagram.com/microsoft/', 'https://facebook.com/Microsoft') ids.grab => {:instagram=> [IdsPlease::Grabbers::Instagram#70339427221180 @link=https://instagram.com/microsoft/, @network_id=524549267, @avatar=https://igcdn-photos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t51.2885-19/10729318_654650964633655_619168277_a.jpg, @display_name=Microsoft, @username=microsoft, @data={:bio=>"The official Instagram account of Microsoft. Celebrating people who break boundaries, achieve their goals, and #DoMore every day.", :website=>"http://msft.it/MSFTDoMore"}], :facebook=> [IdsPlease::Grabbers::Facebook#70339427168960 @link=https://facebook.com/Microsoft, @network_id=20528438720, @avatar=https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-1/394366_10151053222893721_1961351328_n.jpg?oh=f3efc47a669cf291221ca421eaf016fb&oe=55C61365&__gda__=1440162054_3bf920ed0b4c0c7873c4ec44affcec15, @display_name=Microsoft, @username=Microsoft, @data={:type=>"company", :description=>"Welcome to the official Microsoft Facebook page, your source for news and conversation about..."} ] } insta = ids.grabbed[:instagram].first insta.avatar => "https://igcdn-photos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t51.2885-19/10729318_654650964633655_619168277_a.jpg" ``` Social networks supported for grabbing at the moment: * [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com) * [Twitter](https://www.twitter.com) * [Instagram](http://instagram.com) * [Vkontakte](https://vk.com) ### Link parsing ```ruby ids = IdsPlease.new('https://twitter.com/gazay', 'http://facebook.com/alexey.gaziev') ids.parse puts ids.parsed[:twitter] # => ["gazay"] puts ids.parsed[:facebook] # => ["alexey.gaziev"] puts ids.original # => ["https://twitter.com/gazay", "http://facebook.com/alexey.gaziev"] ``` Or you can just check that the link is for a known social network: ```ruby ids = IdsPlease.new('https://twitter.com/gazay', 'http://some-unknown-network.com/gazay') ids.recognize puts ids.recognized # => {:twitter=>[#<URI::HTTP:0x007fea3bba7e30 URL:http://twitter.com/gazay>]} puts ids.unrecognized # => ["http://some-unknown-network.com/gazay"] ``` Social networks supported at the moment: * [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com) * [Twitter](https://twitter.com) * [Instagram](http://instagram.com) * [Soundcloud](http://soundcloud.com) * [GooglePlus](https://plus.google.com) * [Youtube](http://www.youtube.com) * [Tumblr](http://tumblr.com) * [Vimeo](http://vimeo.com) * [Pinterest](http://pinterest.com) * [Blogger](http://blogger.com) * [Reddit](http://reddit.com) * [Ameba](http://ameblo.jp) * [Linkedin](http://linkedin.com) * [Livejournal](http://livejournal.com) * [Hi5](http://hi5.com) * [Vkontakte](http://vk.com) * [Odnoklassniki](http://odnoklassniki.ru) * [Moikrug](https://moikrug.ru) ## Contributors * @gazay Special thanks to @ai, @yaroslav, @whitequark ## Notes Gem named under an impression of an awesome game called [Papers, please](http://papersplea.se/) ## License The MIT License