module DirtyPipeline class Base DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY = 5 * 60 # 5 minutes DEFAULT_CLEANUP_DELAY = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day RESERVED_STATUSES = [ Storage::FAILED_STATUS, Storage::PROCESSING_STATUS, Storage::RETRY_STATUS, Locker::CLEAN, ] class ReservedStatusError < StandardError; end class InvalidTransition < StandardError; end class << self def find_subject(*args) fail NotImplemented end attr_reader :transitions_map def inherited(child) child.instance_variable_set(:@transitions_map, end # PG JSONB column # { # status: :errored, # state: { # field: "value", # }, # errors: [ # { # error: "RuPost::API::Error", # error_message: "Timeout error", # created_at: 2018-01-01T13:22Z # }, # ], # events: [ # { # action: Init, # input: ..., # created_at: ..., # updated_at: ..., # attempts_count: 2, # }, # {...}, # ] # } attr_accessor :pipeline_storage, :retry_delay, :cleanup_delay def transition(action, from:, to:, name: action.to_s, attempts: 1) raise ReservedStatusError unless valid_statuses?(from, to) @transitions_map[name] = { action: action, from: Array(from).map(&:to_s), to: to.to_s, attempts: attempts, } end private def valid_statuses?(from, to) ((Array(to) + Array(from)) & RESERVED_STATUSES).empty? end end def enqueue(transition_name, *args) Shipping::PipelineWorker.perform_async( "enqueued_pipeline" => self.class.to_s, "find_subject_args" => find_subject_args, "transition_args" => args.unshift(transition_name), ) end def reset! storage.reset_pipeline_status! end def clear! storage.clear! end def cache["cache"] end attr_reader :subject, :error, :storage, :status def initialize(subject) @subject = subject @storage =, self.class.pipeline_storage) @locker =, @storage) @status = end def call(*args) Result() do after_commit = nil # transaction with support of external calls transaction(*args) do |destination, action, *targs| output = {} fail_cause = nil output, *after_commit = catch(:success) do fail_cause = catch(:fail_with_error) do Abort() if catch(:abort) do throw :success, action.(self, *targs) end end nil end if fail_cause ExpectedError(fail_cause) else Success(destination, output) end end Array(after_commit).each { |cb| } if after_commit end end private attr_reader :locker def find_subject_args end def retry_delay self.class.retry_delay || DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY end def cleanup_delay self.class.cleanup_delay || DEFAULT_CLEANUP_DELAY end def Result() status.wrap { yield } end def Retry(error, *args) storage.save_retry!(error) Shipping::PipelineWorker.perform_in( retry_delay, "enqueued_pipeline" => self.class.to_s, "find_subject_args" => find_subject_args, "retry" => true, ) end def ExpectedError(cause) status.error = cause storage.fail_event! status.succeeded = false end def Exception(error) storage.save_exception!(error) status.error = error status.succeeded = false end def Abort() status.succeeded = false throw :abort_transaction, true end def Success(destination, output) cache.clear storage.complete!(output, destination) status.succeeded = true end def try_again?(max_attempts_count) return unless max_attempts_count storage.last_event["attempts_count"].to_i < max_attempts_count end def find_transition(name) if (const_name = self.class.const_get(name) rescue nil) name = const_name.to_s end self.class.transitions_map.fetch(name.to_s).tap do |from:, **kwargs| next if from == Array(storage.status) next if from.include?(storage.status.to_s) raise InvalidTransition, "from `#{storage.status}` by `#{name}`" end end def schedule_cleanup Shipping::PipelineWorker.perform_in( cleanup_delay, "enqueued_pipeline" => self.class.to_s, "find_subject_args" => find_subject_args, "transition_args" => [Locker::CLEAN], ) end def transaction(*args) locker.with_lock(*args) do |transition, *transition_args| begin schedule_cleanup destination, action, max_attempts_count = find_transition(transition).values_at(:to, :action, :attempts) status.action_pool.unshift(action) subject.transaction(requires_new: true) do raise ActiveRecord::Rollback if catch(:abort_transaction) do yield(destination, action, *transition_args); nil end end rescue => error if try_again?(max_attempts_count) Retry(error) else Exception(error) end raise ensure if status.succeeded == false status.action_pool.each do |reversable_action| next unless reversable_action.respond_to?(:undo) reversable_action.undo(self, *transition_args) end end end end end end end