### Copyright 2022 Pixar ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") ### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in ### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: ### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: ### ### 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade ### names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor ### and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of ### the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. ### ### You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is ### distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ### KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific ### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. ### ### # THe main module module Jamf # The connection class class Connection # This module defines methods used for interacting with the Classic API. # This includes creating the Faraday connection, sending HTTP requests and # handling responses module ClassicAPI # Get a Classic API resource via GET # # The first argument is the resource to get (the part of the API url # after the 'JSSResource/' ) The resource must be properly URL escaped # beforehand. Note: URL.encode is deprecated, use CGI.escape # # By default we get the data in JSON, and parse it into a ruby Hash # with symbolized Hash keys. # # If the second parameter is :xml then the XML version is retrieved and # returned as a String. # # To get the raw JSON string as it comes from the API, pass raw_json: true # # @param rsrc[String] the resource to get # (the part of the API url after the 'JSSResource/' ) # # @param format[Symbol] either ;json or :xml # If the second argument is :xml, the XML data is returned as a String. # # @param raw_json[Boolean] When GETting JSON, return the raw unparsed string # (the XML is always returned as a raw string) # # @return [Hash,String] the result of the get # def c_get(rsrc, format = :json, raw_json: false) validate_connected @c_cnx raise Jamf::InvalidDataError, 'format must be :json or :xml' unless Jamf::Connection::GET_FORMATS.include?(format) resp = @c_cnx.get(rsrc) do |req| req.headers[Jamf::Connection::HTTP_ACCEPT_HEADER] = format == :json ? Jamf::Connection::MIME_JSON : Jamf::Connection::MIME_XML # puts "Classic API Cookie is: #{req.headers['Cookie']}" end @last_http_response = resp unless resp.success? handle_classic_http_error resp return end return JSON.parse(resp.body, symbolize_names: true) if format == :json && !raw_json # the raw body, either json or xml resp.body end # c_get # backward compatibility alias get_rsrc c_get # Create a new Classic API resource via POST # # @param rsrc[String] the API resource being created, the URL part after 'JSSResource/' # # @param xml[String] the xml specifying the new object. # # @return [String] the xml response from the server. # def c_post(rsrc, xml) validate_connected @c_cnx # convert CRs & to xml&.gsub!(/\r/, ' ') # send the data resp = @c_cnx.post(rsrc) do |req| req.headers[Jamf::Connection::HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER] = Jamf::Connection::MIME_XML req.headers[Jamf::Connection::HTTP_ACCEPT_HEADER] = Jamf::Connection::MIME_XML req.body = xml end @last_http_response = resp unless resp.success? handle_classic_http_error resp return end resp.body end # c_post # backward compatibility alias post_rsrc c_post # Update an existing Classic API resource # # @param rsrc[String] the API resource being changed, the URL part after 'JSSResource/' # # @param xml[String] the xml specifying the changes. # # @return [String] the xml response from the server. # def c_put(rsrc, xml) validate_connected @c_cnx # convert CRs & to xml.gsub!(/\r/, ' ') # send the data resp = @c_cnx.put(rsrc) do |req| req.headers[Jamf::Connection::HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER] = Jamf::Connection::MIME_XML req.headers[Jamf::Connection::HTTP_ACCEPT_HEADER] = Jamf::Connection::MIME_XML req.body = xml end @last_http_response = resp unless resp.success? handle_classic_http_error resp return end resp.body end # backward compatibility alias put_rsrc c_put # Delete a resource from the Classic API # # @param rsrc[String] the resource to create, the URL part after 'JSSResource/' # # @return [String] the xml response from the server. # def c_delete(rsrc) validate_connected @c_cnx raise MissingDataError, 'Missing :rsrc' if rsrc.nil? # delete the resource resp = @c_cnx.delete(rsrc) do |req| req.headers[Jamf::Connection::HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER] = Jamf::Connection::MIME_XML req.headers[Jamf::Connection::HTTP_ACCEPT_HEADER] = Jamf::Connection::MIME_XML end @last_http_response = resp unless resp.success? handle_classic_http_error resp return end resp.body end # delete_rsrc # backward compatibility alias delete_rsrc c_delete # Upload a file. This is really only used for the # 'fileuploads' endpoint of the classic API, as implemented in the # Uploadable mixin module, q.v. # # @param rsrc[String] the API resource being uploadad-to, # the URL part after 'JSSResource/' # # @param local_file[String, Pathname] the local file to upload # # @return [String] the xml response from the server. # def upload(rsrc, local_file) validate_connected @c_cnx # the upload file object for faraday local_file = Pathname.new local_file upfile = Faraday::UploadIO.new( local_file.to_s, 'application/octet-stream', local_file.basename.to_s ) # send it and get the response resp = @c_cnx.post rsrc do |req| req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data' req.body = { name: upfile } end @last_http_response = resp unless resp.success? handle_classic_http_error resp return false end true end # upload ############################# private # create the faraday CAPI connection object def create_classic_connection Faraday.new(@c_base_url, ssl: ssl_options) do |cnx| cnx.authorization :Bearer, @token.token cnx.options[:timeout] = @timeout cnx.options[:open_timeout] = @open_timeout cnx.request :multipart cnx.request :url_encoded cnx.adapter Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp end end # Parses the given http response # and raises a Jamf::APIError with a useful error message. # # @return [void] # def handle_classic_http_error(resp) return if resp.success? case resp.status when 404 err = Jamf::NoSuchItemError msg = 'Not Found' when 409 err = Jamf::ConflictError # TODO: Clean this up resp.body =~ /<p>(The server has not .*?)(<|$)/m msg = Regexp.last_match(1) unless msg resp.body =~ %r{<p>Error: (.*?)</p>} msg = Regexp.last_match(1) end unless msg resp.body =~ /<p>(Unable to complete file upload.*?)(<|$)/m msg = Regexp.last_match(1) end when 400 err = Jamf::BadRequestError resp.body =~ %r{>Bad Request</p>\n<p>(.*?)</p>\n<p>You can get technical detail}m msg = Regexp.last_match(1) when 401 if resp.body.include? 'INVALID_TOKEN' err = Jamf::InvalidConnectionError msg = 'Connection token is not valid' else err = Jamf::AuthorizationError msg = 'You are not authorized to do that.' end when (500..599) err = Jamf::APIRequestError msg = 'There was an internal server error' else err = Jamf::APIRequestError msg = "There was a error processing your request, status: #{resp.status}" end raise err, msg end end # module end # class end # module Jamf