module Sidekiq module Hierarchy class Workflow extend Forwardable attr_reader :root def initialize(root) @root = root end class << self alias_method :find, :new def find_by_jid(root_jid) find(Job.find(root_jid)) end end delegate [:jid, :[], :[]=, :exists?] => :@root def ==(other_workflow) other_workflow.instance_of?(self.class) && self.jid == other_workflow.jid end def workflow_set WorkflowSet.for_status(status) end def delete wset = workflow_set # save it for later root.delete # deleting nodes is more important than a dangling reference wset.remove(self) if wset # now we can clear out from the set end # Walks the tree in DFS order (for optimal completion checking) # Returns an Enumerator; use #to_a to get an array instead def jobs to_visit = [root] do |y| while node = to_visit.pop y << node # sugar for yielding a value to_visit += node.children end end end ### Status def status case self[Job::WORKFLOW_STATUS_FIELD] when Job::STATUS_RUNNING :running when Job::STATUS_COMPLETE :complete when Job::STATUS_FAILED :failed else :unknown end end def update_status(from_job_status) old_status = status return if [:failed, :complete].include?(old_status) # these states are final if [:enqueued, :running, :requeued].include?(from_job_status) new_status, s_val = :running, Job::STATUS_RUNNING elsif from_job_status == :failed new_status, s_val = :failed, Job::STATUS_FAILED elsif from_job_status == :complete && jobs.all?(&:complete?) new_status, s_val = :complete, Job::STATUS_COMPLETE end return if !new_status || new_status == old_status # don't publish null updates self[Job::WORKFLOW_STATUS_FIELD] = s_val Sidekiq::Hierarchy.publish(Notifications::WORKFLOW_UPDATE, self, new_status, old_status) end def running? status == :running end def complete? status == :complete end def failed? status == :failed end ### Calculated metrics def enqueued_at root.enqueued_at end def run_at root.run_at end # Returns the time at which all jobs were complete; # nil if any jobs are still incomplete def complete_at if complete? end # Returns the earliest time at which a job failed; # nil if none did def failed_at if failed? end ### Serialisation def as_json(options={}) root.as_json(options) end def to_s Sidekiq.dump_json(self.as_json) end end end end