-- 0.1.0 * Initial Public Release -- 0.1.1 * Removed /lib/data_mapper/extensions * Moved ActiveRecordImpersonation into DataMapper::Support module * Moved CallbackHelper methods into DataMapper::Base class * Moved ValidationHelper into DataMapper::Validations module * Removed LoadedSet since it's not necessary for it to reference the Database, so it's nothing more than an array now; Replaced with Array * Modified data_mapper.rb to load DataMapper::Support::Enumerable * Modified example.rb and performance.rb to require 'lib/data_mapper' instead of modifying $LOADPATH * Created SqlAdapter base-class * Refactored MysqlAdapter to use SqlAdapter superclass * Refactored Sqlite3Adapter to use SqlAdapter superclass * Moved /lib/data_mapper/queries to /lib/data_mapper/adapters/sql/queries * Moved Connection, Result and Reader classes along with Coersion and Quoting modules to DataMapper::Adapters::Sql module * Moved DataMapper::Adapters::Sql::Queries to ::Commands * Moved Mappings to SqlAdapter * Added monolithic DeleteCommand * Added monolithic SaveCommand * Added TableExistsCommand * Moved save/delete logic out of Session * Added create-table functionality to SaveCommand * Cleaned up Session; #find no longer supported, use #all or #first * Moved object materialization into LoadCommand * Migrated Sqlite3Adapter::Commands * Added Session#query support back in * Removed Connection/Reader/Result classes * Set DataMapper::Base#key on load to avoid double-hit against Schema * Added DataMapper::Support::Struct for increased Session#query performance * Added AdvancedHasManyAssociation (preview status) * Added benchmarks comparing ActiveRecord::Base::find_by_sql with Session#query -- 0.2.0 * AdvancedHasManyAssociation now functional for fetches * AdvancedHasManyAssociation renamed to HasNAssociation * HasManyAssociation refactored to use HasNAssociation superclass * Slight spec tweaks to accomodate the updates * HasOneAssociation refactored to use HasNAssociation superclass * Added HasAndBelongsToManyAssociation, using HasNAssociation as a basis; Need to add corresponding SQL generation code in AdvancedLoadCommand * Added spec for habtm query generation * HasNAssociation#foreign_key returns a DataMapper::Adapters::Sql::Mappings::Column instance instead of a raw String now * Added table, association, association_table and to_sql methods to HasNAssociation * Added associations_spec.rb * Added a forced table-recreation to spec_helper.rb so the tests could run with a clean version of the database, including any new columns added to the models * Added HasAndBelongsToManyAssociation#to_sql (all current specs pass now!) * Minor tweaks to Callbacks * Added CallbacksHelper to declare class-method ::callbacks on DataMapper::Base * Implemented before_validate and after_validate hooks in ValidationHelper * Minor documentation additions in callbacks.rb * Added callbacks_spec * Moved class-method declarations for built-in callbacks to the callbacks helper instead of DataMapper::Base * Renamed :before/after_validate callback to :before/after_validation to match ActiveRecord * Callbacks#add now accepts a Symbol which maps a callback to a method call on the targetted instance, also added a spec to verify this behavior * Documented callbacks.rb * Added DataMapper::Associations::Reference class * Documented DataMapper::Associations::Reference class * Upgraded BelongsToAssociation to new style * Added AssociationsSet to handle simple "last-in" for association bindings * Fixed extra spec loading * Added *Association#columns * Some refactoring in AdvancedLoadCommand regarding :include options * Added support for class-less Mappings::Table instances, with just a string name * HasAndBelongsToManyAssociation#join_table #left_foreign_key and #right_foreign_key reference actual Table or Column objects now * Added :shallow_include option for HABTM joins in AdvancedLoadCommand and corresponding spec * Added Commands::AdvancedConditions * Added ORDER, LIMIT, OFFSET and WHERE support to AdvancedLoadCommand * Renamed spec/has_many.rb to spec/has_many_spec.rb * Tweaked the loading of has_many relationships; big performance boost; got rid of an extra query * Added EmbeddedValue support, and accompanying spec * Fleshed out AdvancedConditions a bit; added conditions_spec.rb * Added more AdvancedConditions specs * Added Loader to handle multi-instanced rows * AdvancedLoadCommand replaced LoadCommand; down to 3 failing specs * All specs pass * Added :intercept_load finder option and accompanying spec * Modified :intercept_load block signature to |instance,columns,row| * HasAndBelongsToMany works, all specs pass * Fixed a couple bugs with keys; Added DataMapper::Base#key= method * Made DataMapper::Base#lazy_load! a little more flexible * Removed LoadCommand overwrites from MysqlAdapter * Default Database#single_threaded mode is true now * Removed MysqlAdapter#initialize, which only served to setup the connections, moved to SqlAdapter * Added SqlAdapter#create_connection and SqlAdapter#close_connection abstract methods * Added MysqlAdapter#create_connection and MysqlAdapter#close_connection concrete methods * Made SqlAdapter#connection a concrete method (instead of abstract), with support for single_threaded operation * Database#setup now takes a Hash of options instead of a block-initializer * Validation chaining should work for all association types * Save chaining should work for has_many associations * Added benchmarks for in-session performance to performance.rb * Removed block conditions; They're slower and don't offer any real advantages * Removed DeleteCommand * Removed SaveCommand * Removed TableExistsCommand * Session renamed to Context * Most command implementations moved to methods in SqlAdapter * Removed UnitOfWork module, instead moving a slightly refactored implementation into Base -- 0.2.1 * Added :float column support * Added association proxies: ie: Zoo.first.exhibits.animals * Columns stored in SortedSet * Swig files are no longer RDOCed * Added :date column support * BUG: Fixed UTC issues with datetimes * Added #to_yaml method * Added #to_xml method * Added #to_json method * BUG: Fixed HasManyAssociation::Set#inspect * BUG: Fixed #reload! * BUG: Column copy for STI moved into Table#initialize to better handle STI with multiple mapped databases * BUG: before_create callbacks moved in the execution flow since they weren't guaranteed to fire before * Threading enhancements: Removed single_threaded_mode, #database block form adjusted for thread-safety * BUG: Fixed String#blank? when a multi-line string contained a blank line (thanks pimpmaster!) * Performance enhancements: (thanks wycats!) -- 0.2.2 * Removed C extension bundles and log files from package