module RunLoop # A class for reading and writing property list values. # # Why not use CFPropertyList? Because it is super wonky. Among its other # faults, it matches Boolean to a string type with 'true/false' values which # is problematic for our purposes. class PlistBuddy # Reads key from file and returns the result. # @param [String] key the key to inspect (may not be nil or empty) # @param [String] file the plist to read # @param [Hash] opts options for controlling execution # @option opts [Boolean] :verbose (false) controls log level # @return [String] the value of the key # @raise [ArgumentError] if nil or empty key def plist_read(key, file, opts={}) if key.nil? or key.length == 0 raise(ArgumentError, "key '#{key}' must not be nil or empty") end cmd = build_plist_cmd(:print, {:key => key}, file) res = execute_plist_cmd(cmd, opts) if res == "Print: Entry, \":#{key}\", Does Not Exist" nil else res end end # Checks if the key exists in plist. # @param [String] key the key to inspect (may not be nil or empty) # @param [String] file the plist to read # @param [Hash] opts options for controlling execution # @option opts [Boolean] :verbose (false) controls log level # @return [Boolean] true if the key exists in plist file def plist_key_exists?(key, file, opts={}) plist_read(key, file, opts) != nil end # Replaces or creates the value of key in the file. # # @param [String] key the key to set (may not be nil or empty) # @param [String] type the plist type (used only when adding a value) # @param [String] value the new value # @param [String] file the plist to read # @param [Hash] opts options for controlling execution # @option opts [Boolean] :verbose (false) controls log level # @return [Boolean] true if the operation was successful # @raise [ArgumentError] if nil or empty key def plist_set(key, type, value, file, opts={}) default_opts = {:verbose => false} merged = default_opts.merge(opts) if key.nil? or key.length == 0 raise(ArgumentError, "key '#{key}' must not be nil or empty") end cmd_args = {:key => key, :type => type, :value => value} if plist_key_exists?(key, file, merged) cmd = build_plist_cmd(:set, cmd_args, file) else cmd = build_plist_cmd(:add, cmd_args, file) end res = execute_plist_cmd(cmd, merged) res == '' end private # returns the path to the PlistBuddy executable # @return [String] path to PlistBuddy def plist_buddy '/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy' end # Executes cmd as a shell command and returns the result. # # @param [String] cmd shell command to execute # @param [Hash] opts options for controlling execution # @option opts [Boolean] :verbose (false) controls log level # @return [Boolean,String] `true` if command was successful. If :print'ing # the result, the value of the key. If there is an error, the output of # stderr. def execute_plist_cmd(cmd, opts={}) default_opts = {:verbose => false} merged = default_opts.merge(opts) puts cmd if merged[:verbose] res = nil # noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable Open3.popen3(cmd) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| err = std = if not err.nil? and err != '' res = err.chomp else res = std.chomp end end res end # Composes a PlistBuddy command that can be executed as a shell command. # # @param [Symbol] type should be one of [:print, :set, :add] # # @param [Hash] args_hash arguments used to construct plist command # @option args_hash [String] :key (required) the plist key # @option args_hash [String] :value (required for :set and :add) the new value # @option args_hash [String] :type (required for :add) the new type of the value # # @param [String] file the plist file to interact with (must exist) # # @raise [RuntimeError] if file does not exist # @raise [ArgumentError] when invalid type is passed # @raise [ArgumentError] when args_hash does not include required key/value pairs # # @return [String] a shell-ready PlistBuddy command def build_plist_cmd(type, args_hash, file) unless File.exist?(File.expand_path(file)) raise(RuntimeError, "plist '#{file}' does not exist - could not read") end case type when :add value_type = args_hash[:type] unless value_type raise(ArgumentError, ':value_type is a required key for :add command') end allowed_value_types = ['string', 'bool', 'real', 'integer'] unless allowed_value_types.include?(value_type) raise(ArgumentError, "expected '#{value_type}' to be one of '#{allowed_value_types}'") end value = args_hash[:value] unless value raise(ArgumentError, ':value is a required key for :add command') end key = args_hash[:key] unless key raise(ArgumentError, ':key is a required key for :add command') end cmd_part = "\"Add :#{key} #{value_type} #{value}\"" when :print key = args_hash[:key] unless key raise(ArgumentError, ':key is a required key for :print command') end cmd_part = "\"Print :#{key}\"" when :set value = args_hash[:value] unless value raise(ArgumentError, ':value is a required key for :set command') end key = args_hash[:key] unless key raise(ArgumentError, ':key is a required key for :set command') end cmd_part = "\"Set :#{key} #{value}\"" else cmds = [:add, :print, :set] raise(ArgumentError, "expected '#{type}' to be one of '#{cmds}'") end "#{plist_buddy} -c #{cmd_part} \"#{file}\"" end end end