@no-clobber Feature: Run without errors In order to use pah, I need this to run without any error Scenario: Running pah with heroku When I run `pah myapp_on_heroku` interactively And I type "y" And I type "n" And I type "myapp.com" And I type "" And I type "jondoe@example.com, janedoe@example.com" Then the output should match: """ running heroku config:set SECRET_KEY_BASE=\w{120} --app myapponheroku """ Then the stdout should contain: """ running heroku domains:add myapp.com --app myapponheroku """ Then the stdout should contain: """ running heroku sharing:add jondoe@example.com --app myapponheroku running heroku sharing:add janedoe@example.com --app myapponheroku """ Then the stdout should contain: """ running heroku config:set TZ=America/Sao_Paulo --app myapponheroku """ Then the stdout should contain: """ running heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev --app myapponheroku """ Then the stdout should contain: """ running heroku addons:add pgbackups:auto-month --app myapponheroku """ Then the stdout should contain: """ running heroku addons:add logentries --app myapponheroku """ Then the stdout should contain: """ running heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter --app myapponheroku """ Then the stdout should contain: """ running heroku addons:add rollbar --app myapponheroku """ Then the stdout should contain: """ running heroku addons:add newrelic:stark --app myapponheroku """ Then the output should contain: """ CONGRATS! INSTALLATION COMPLETE! """ Scenario: Running pah without heroku When I run `pah myapp_without_heroku` interactively And I type "n" Then the stdout should contain: """ CONGRATS! INSTALLATION COMPLETE! """