## 0.1.8 - Make it very clear when callbacks cause skips of ticks or runs. - Add logging when jobs/ticks are skipped. - Do not skip when callbacks return nil (only on false explicitly). ## 0.1.7 - Improve test coverage. - Fix a small serialization issue. ## 0.1.6 - Add Zhong.any_running? for monitoring that any Zhong node has checked in rencently - More code cleanup/refactoring. ## 0.1.5 - Improve the API. - Add scheduler test. - Add Zhong::Web to see job status, and enable/disable jobs. Activate it with: Rails.application.routes.draw do # ... require "zhong/web" mount Zhong::Web => "/zhong" # or wherever ## 0.1.4 - Fix several bugs related to time parsing. - In a totally unrelated change, add some tests around time parsing. ## 0.1.3 - Fix several memory leaks. - Add a proper error handler block. ## 0.1.2 - Fix bug with setting `at` like "**:35". ## 0.1.1 - Handle multiple `at`s (at: ["mon 8:00, tues 9:30"]). - Job callbacks (:before_tick, :after_tick, etc). ## 0.1.0 - First release.