require 'muack/test' describe Muack::Mock do describe 'Muack.verify==true' do after do Muack.verify.should.eq true end would 'proxy with regular method' do mock(Str).reverse Str.reverse.should.eq 'ooM' end would 'proxy with private method' do mock(Obj).private.peek_return(&:reverse) Obj.__send__(:private).should.eq 'irp' end would 'proxy multiple times' do 2.times{ mock(Str).reverse } 2.times{ Str.reverse.should.eq 'ooM' } end would 'proxy multiple times with super method' do 2.times{ mock(Str).class } 2.times{ Str.class.should.eq String } end would 'proxy with super method for multiple arguments' do args = %w[o u] mock(Str).tr(*args)*args).should.eq 'Muu' end would 'return modifier itself for any modifier methods' do mock(Str).to_s.peek_return{ |s| s.reverse }.times(2). with_any_args.with_any_args 2.times{ Str.to_s.should.eq 'ooM' } end would 'proxy and call the original method' do mock(Obj).method_missing(:inspect).peek_return{ |str| str.reverse } Obj.inspect.should.eq 'jbo' end would 'proxy and call the original method for multiple arguments' do args = %w[o u] mock(Obj).aloha(*args) mock(Obj).aloha Obj.aloha(*args).should.eq args Obj.aloha.should.eq [0, 1] end would 'proxy and call the original method for keyargs' do mock(Obj).bonjour(a: :b, b: :a) mock(Obj).bonjour Obj.bonjour(a: :b, b: :a).should.eq %i[b a] Obj.bonjour.should.eq [0, 1] end would 'proxy and call the original method for fake keyargs' do args = {a: :b, b: :a} mock(Obj).ciao(args) mock(Obj).ciao Obj.ciao(args).should.eq %i[b a] Obj.ciao.should.eq [0, 1] end would 'proxy and call the block with super' do mock(Str).class.peek_return{ |k| } Str.class.should.eq 'gnirtS' end would 'mock proxy and call, mock proxy and call' do mock(Obj).class.peek_return{ |k| } Obj.class.should.eq 'slC' mock(Obj).class.peek_return{ |k| } Obj.class.should.eq 'CLS' end would 'stub proxy and call, stub proxy and call' do stub(Obj).kind_of?(Object).peek_return{ |b| !b } Obj.kind_of?(Object).should.eq false stub(Obj).kind_of?(String).peek_return{ |b| b.to_s } Obj.kind_of?(String).should.eq 'false' end would 'stub proxy with any times' do stub(Obj).class.peek_return{ |k| } 3.times{ Obj.class.should.eq 'cls' } end would 'stub proxy and spy' do stub(Obj).class.peek_return{ |k| } Obj.class.should.eq 'cls' spy(Obj).class end end describe 'Muack.verify==false' do after do Muack.reset end would 'raise Expected error if passing unexpected argument' do mock(Str).reverse Str.reverse.should.eq 'ooM' e = should.raise(Muack::Expected){ Str.reverse } e.expected .should.eq '"Moo".reverse()' e.expected_times.should.eq 1 e.actual_times .should.eq 2 e.message .should.eq "\nExpected: \"Moo\".reverse()\n " \ "called 1 times\n but was 2 times." end end end