module Lono module Bundler extend Memoist # Looks like for zeitwerk module autovivification to work `bundle exec` must be called. # This allows zeitwork module autovivification to work even if the user has not called lono with `bundle exec lono`. # Bundler.setup is essentially the same as `bundle exec` # Reference: # def setup return unless gemfile? Kernel.require "bundler/setup" ::Bundler.setup # Same as Bundler.setup(:default) rescue LoadError => e handle_error(e) end def require return unless gemfile? Kernel.require "bundler/setup" ::Bundler.require(*bundler_groups) rescue LoadError => e handle_error(e) end def handle_error(e) puts e.message return if e.message.include?("already activated") puts <<~EOL.color(:yellow) WARNING: Unable to require "bundler/setup" There may be something funny with your ruby and bundler setup. You can try upgrading bundler and rubygems: gem update --system gem install bundler Here are some links that may be helpful: * Also, running bundle exec in front of your command may remove this message. EOL end def gemfile? ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] || File.exist?("Gemfile") end def bundler_groups [:default, Lono.env.to_sym] end extend self @@logger = nil def logger config.logger end def logger=(v) @@logger = v end def config Config.instance.config end # DSL is evaluated once lazily when it get used def dsl dsl = dsl end memoize :dsl @@update_mode = false def update_mode @@update_mode end alias_method :update_mode?, :update_mode def update_mode=(v) @@update_mode = v end end end LB = Lono::Bundler