#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = ICalReport.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 # by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'taskjuggler/reports/ReportBase' require 'taskjuggler/ICalendar' class TaskJuggler # This Report derivative generates iCalendar files. class ICalReport < ReportBase # Create a new ICalReport with _report_ as description. def initialize(report) super end # Generate an intermediate version of the report data. def generateIntermediateFormat super # Prepare the task list. @taskList = PropertyList.new(@project.tasks) @taskList.setSorting(a('sortTasks')) @taskList = filterTaskList(@taskList, nil, a('hideTask'), a('rollupTask'), a('openNodes')) @taskList.sort! # Prepare the resource list. This is not yet used. @resourceList = PropertyList.new(@project.resources) @resourceList.setSorting(a('sortResources')) @resourceList = filterResourceList(@resourceList, nil, a('hideResource'), a('rollupResource'), a('openNodes')) @resourceList.sort! @query = @report.project.reportContexts.last.query.dup @ical = ICalendar.new("#{AppConfig.packageName}-#{@project['projectid']}") # Use the project start date of the current date (whichever is earlier) # for the calendar creation date. @ical.creationDate = [ @report.project['start'], TjTime.new ].min # Use the project 'now' date a last modification date. @ical.lastModified = @report.project['now'] # We only care about the first requested scenario. scenarioIdx = a('scenarios').first uidMap = {} @taskList.each do |task| todo = ICalendar::Todo.new( @ical, "#{task['projectid', scenarioIdx]}-#{task.fullId}", task.name, task['start', scenarioIdx], task['end', scenarioIdx]) # Save the ical UID of this TODO. uidMap[task] = todo.uid @query.property = task @query.attributeId = 'complete' @query.scenarioIdx = scenarioIdx @query.process todo.percentComplete = @query.to_num.to_i # We must convert the TJ priority range (1 - 1000) to iCalendar range # (0 - 9). todo.priority = (task['priority', scenarioIdx] - 1) / 100 # If there is a parent task and it's known already, we set the # relation in the TODO component. if task.parent && uidMap[task.parent] todo.relatedTo = uidMap[task.parent] end # If we have a task note, use this for the DESCRIPTION property. if (note = task.get('note')) note = note.to_s todo.description = note end # Check if we have a responsible resource with an email address. Since # ICalendar only knows one organizer we ignore all but the first. organizer = nil if !(responsible = task['responsible', scenarioIdx]).empty? && @resourceList.include?(organizer = responsible[0]) && organizer.get('email') todo.setOrganizer(organizer.name, organizer.get('email')) end # Set the assigned resources as attendees. attendees = [] task['assignedresources', scenarioIdx].each do |resource| next unless @resourceList.include?(resource) && resource.get('email') attendees << resource todo.addAttendee(resource.name, resource.get('email')) end # Generate an additional VEVENT entry for all leaf tasks that aren't # milestones. if task.leaf? && !task['milestone', scenarioIdx] event = ICalendar::Event.new( @ical, "#{task['projectid', scenarioIdx]}-#{task.fullId}", task.name, task['start', scenarioIdx], task['end', scenarioIdx]) event.description = note if note if organizer event.setOrganizer(organizer.name, organizer.get('email')) end attendees.each do |attendee| event.addAttendee(attendee.name, attendee.get('email')) end end # Generate VJOURNAL entries for all the journal entries of this task. @report.project['journal']. entriesByTask(task, a('start'), a('end'), a('hideJournalEntry')).each do |entry| journal = ICalendar::Journal.new( @ical, "#{task['projectid', scenarioIdx]}-#{task.fullId}", entry.headline, entry.date) journal.relatedTo = uidMap[task] journal.description = entry.summary.to_s + entry.details.to_s # Set the author of the journal entry as organizer. if (author = entry.author) && @resourceList.include?(author) && author.get('email') journal.setOrganizer(author.name, author.get('email')) end end end end # Convert the intermediate format into a DOS formated String. def to_iCal @ical.to_s end end end