require "spec_helper" require "webmock/rspec" if ENV['VMC_V2_TEST_USER'] && ENV['VMC_V2_TEST_PASSWORD'] && ENV['VMC_V2_TEST_TARGET'] describe 'A new user tries to use VMC against v2', :ruby19 => true do include ConsoleAppSpeckerMatchers include VMC::Interactive let(:target) { ENV['VMC_V2_TEST_TARGET'] } let(:username) { ENV['VMC_V2_TEST_USER'] } let(:password) { ENV['VMC_V2_TEST_PASSWORD'] } let(:app) do fuzz = TRAVIS_BUILD_ID.to_s +".", "_") "hello-sinatra-#{fuzz}" end before do FileUtils.rm_rf File.expand_path(VMC::CONFIG_DIR) WebMock.allow_net_connect! Interact::Progress::Dots.start! end after do vmc %W(delete #{app} -f --no-script) Interact::Progress::Dots.stop! end it 'pushes a simple sinatra app using defaults as much as possible' do run("#{vmc_bin} target http://#{target}") do |runner| expect(runner).to say %r{Setting target to http://#{target}... OK} end run("#{vmc_bin} login") do |runner| expect(runner).to say %r{target: https?://#{target}} expect(runner).to say "Email>" runner.send_keys username expect(runner).to say "Password>" runner.send_keys password expect(runner).to say "Authenticating... OK" expect(runner).to say( "Organization>" => proc { runner.send_keys "1" expect(runner).to say /Switching to organization .*\.\.\. OK/ }, "Switching to organization" => proc {} ) expect(runner).to say( "Space>" => proc { runner.send_keys "1" expect(runner).to say /Switching to space .*\.\.\. OK/ }, "Switching to space" => proc {} ) end run("#{vmc_bin} app #{app}") do |runner| expect(runner).to say "Unknown app '#{app}'." end Dir.chdir("#{SPEC_ROOT}/assets/hello-sinatra") do run("#{vmc_bin} push") do |runner| expect(runner).to say "Name>" runner.send_keys app expect(runner).to say "Instances> 1" runner.send_keys "" expect(runner).to say "Custom startup command> " runner.send_keys "bundle exec ruby main.rb -p $PORT" expect(runner).to say "Memory Limit>" runner.send_keys "64M" expect(runner).to say "Creating #{app}... OK" expect(runner).to say "Subdomain> #{app}" runner.send_keys "" expect(runner).to say "1:" expect(runner).to say "Domain>" runner.send_keys "1" expect(runner).to say(/Creating route #{app}\..*\.\.\. OK/) expect(runner).to say(/Binding #{app}\..* to #{app}\.\.\. OK/) expect(runner).to say "Create services for application?> n" runner.send_keys "" # skip this if runner.expect "Bind other services to application?> n", 1 runner.send_keys "" end expect(runner).to say "Save configuration?> n" runner.send_keys "" expect(runner).to say "Uploading #{app}... OK" expect(runner).to say "Starting #{app}... OK" expect(runner).to say /(Using|Installing) Ruby/i, 10 expect(runner).to say "Your bundle is complete!", 30 expect(runner).to say "Checking #{app}..." expect(runner).to say "1/1 instances" expect(runner).to say "OK", 30 end end run("#{vmc_bin} delete #{app}") do |runner| expect(runner).to say "Really delete #{app}?>" runner.send_keys "y" expect(runner).to say "Deleting #{app}... OK" end end end else $stderr.puts 'Skipping v2 integration specs; please provide $VMC_V2_TEST_TARGET, $VMC_V2_TEST_USER, and $VMC_V2_TEST_PASSWORD' end