"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.hasOwnDecorators = hasOwnDecorators; exports.hasDecorators = hasDecorators; exports.buildDecoratedClass = buildDecoratedClass; function _core() { const data = require("@babel/core"); _core = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _helperReplaceSupers() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/helper-replace-supers")); _helperReplaceSupers = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _helperFunctionName() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/helper-function-name")); _helperFunctionName = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function hasOwnDecorators(node) { return !!(node.decorators && node.decorators.length); } function hasDecorators(node) { return hasOwnDecorators(node) || node.body.body.some(hasOwnDecorators); } function prop(key, value) { if (!value) return null; return _core().types.objectProperty(_core().types.identifier(key), value); } function method(key, body) { return _core().types.objectMethod("method", _core().types.identifier(key), [], _core().types.blockStatement(body)); } function takeDecorators(node) { let result; if (node.decorators && node.decorators.length > 0) { result = _core().types.arrayExpression(node.decorators.map(decorator => decorator.expression)); } node.decorators = undefined; return result; } function getKey(node) { if (node.computed) { return node.key; } else if (_core().types.isIdentifier(node.key)) { return _core().types.stringLiteral(node.key.name); } else { return _core().types.stringLiteral(String(node.key.value)); } } function extractElementDescriptor(classRef, superRef, path) { const { node, scope } = path; const isMethod = path.isClassMethod(); if (path.isPrivate()) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError(`Private ${isMethod ? "methods" : "fields"} in decorated classes are not supported yet.`); } new (_helperReplaceSupers().default)({ methodPath: path, methodNode: node, objectRef: classRef, isStatic: node.static, superRef, scope, file: this }, true).replace(); const properties = [prop("kind", _core().types.stringLiteral(isMethod ? node.kind : "field")), prop("decorators", takeDecorators(node)), prop("static", node.static && _core().types.booleanLiteral(true)), prop("key", getKey(node))].filter(Boolean); if (isMethod) { const id = node.computed ? null : node.key; _core().types.toExpression(node); properties.push(prop("value", (0, _helperFunctionName().default)({ node, id, scope }) || node)); } else if (node.value) { properties.push(method("value", _core().template.statements.ast`return ${node.value}`)); } else { properties.push(prop("value", scope.buildUndefinedNode())); } path.remove(); return _core().types.objectExpression(properties); } function addDecorateHelper(file) { try { return file.addHelper("decorate"); } catch (err) { if (err.code === "BABEL_HELPER_UNKNOWN") { err.message += "\n '@babel/plugin-transform-decorators' in non-legacy mode" + " requires '@babel/core' version ^7.0.2 and you appear to be using" + " an older version."; } throw err; } } function buildDecoratedClass(ref, path, elements, file) { const { node, scope } = path; const initializeId = scope.generateUidIdentifier("initialize"); const isDeclaration = node.id && path.isDeclaration(); const isStrict = path.isInStrictMode(); const { superClass } = node; node.type = "ClassDeclaration"; if (!node.id) node.id = _core().types.cloneNode(ref); let superId; if (superClass) { superId = scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(node.superClass, "super"); node.superClass = superId; } const classDecorators = takeDecorators(node); const definitions = _core().types.arrayExpression(elements.map(extractElementDescriptor.bind(file, node.id, superId))); let replacement = _core().template.expression.ast` ${addDecorateHelper(file)}( ${classDecorators || _core().types.nullLiteral()}, function (${initializeId}, ${superClass ? superId : null}) { ${node} return { F: ${_core().types.cloneNode(node.id)}, d: ${definitions} }; }, ${superClass} ) `; let classPathDesc = "arguments.1.body.body.0"; if (!isStrict) { replacement.arguments[1].body.directives.push(_core().types.directive(_core().types.directiveLiteral("use strict"))); } if (isDeclaration) { replacement = _core().template.ast`let ${ref} = ${replacement}`; classPathDesc = "declarations.0.init." + classPathDesc; } return { instanceNodes: [_core().template.statement.ast`${initializeId}(this)`], wrapClass(path) { path.replaceWith(replacement); return path.get(classPathDesc); } }; }