# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe LittleMathPet do context "when a single number is given" do equations = { "8" => 8.0, "78.65" => 78.65, "-3.5" => -3.5, "30%" => 0.3 } equations.each do |equation, result| it "returns that number in float (#{equation} = #{result})" do LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc.should == result end end end context "when a simple equation is given" do equations = { "5+3" => 8.0, "7-5" => 2.0, "5-7" => -2.0, "5*3" => 15.0, "15/5" => 3.0, "-15/5" => -3.0, "2^3" => 8.0, "12+50%" => 18.0, "120*25%" => 30.0, "7 / 50%" => 14.0 } equations.each do |equation, result| it "solves the equation (#{equation} = #{result})" do LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc.should == result end end end context "when a more complex equation is given" do equations = { "5+3+10" => 18.0, "7-5-2" => 0.0, "5-7+6" => 4.0, "5*3/10" => 1.5, "15/5*2" => 6.0, "-15/5*7" => -21.0, "12+10+50%+20%" => 30, "-6 * 5" => -30, "6 * -5" => -30, "30 / -3" => -10, "-30 / -3" => 10, } equations.each do |equation, result| it "solves the equation (#{equation} = #{result})" do LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc.should == result end end equations = { "5*3+10" => 25.0, "10+3*5" => 25.0, "5-7/2" => 1.5, "-8/2^2" => -2.0, "(5+2)*2" => 14.0, "(5+2)+50%" => 10.5, } equations.each do |equation, result| it "respects the proper math order (#{equation} = #{result})" do LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc.should == equations[equation] end end end context "when an equation with multiple parenthesis is given" do equations = { "5 - (-3 - (-8 / 2))" => 4.0, "((7 - 2) * 6) / 2" => 15.0, } equations.each do |equation, result| it "respects the proper math order (#{equation} = #{result})" do LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc.should == equations[equation] end end end context "when a different grammar is used for the equation" do equations = { "5*3:10" => 1.5, "-8/2**2" => -2.0, "5 + 7" => 12.0, "[5+2] : 2" => 3.5, "100 + 40 %" => 140, "12 ÷ 4 + 5" => 8, "2 × 8 - 7" => 9, "2 × [8 - 7]" => 2, } equations.each do |equation, result| it "solves the equation (#{equation} = #{result})" do LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc.should == result end end end context "when using curly brackets" do equations = { "{5*3}:10" => 1.5, "-8/{2**2}" => -2.0, } equations.each do |equation, result| it "solves the equation (#{equation} = #{result})" do LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc.should == result end end end context "when something unknown is given as math" do equations = [ "five * 5", "something else", "+*+" ] equations.each do |equation| it "raises an exception (#{equation.inspect})" do begin LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc true.should == false rescue => e e.message.should =~ /Invalid math expression/ end end end end context "when a variable is given (x => 3)" do value = '3' equations = { "5+x+10" => 18.0, "7-5-x" => -1.0, "5*x/10" => 1.5, "15/5*x" => 9.0, "10+x*5" => 25.0, "x-7/2" => -0.5, "-9/x^2" => -1.0, "x*(2+3)/2" => 7.5 } equations.each do |equation, result| it "uses it in place of x (#{equation} = #{result})" do LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc(:x => value).should == result end end end context "when multiple variables are given (a => 2, b => 5)" do values = {:a => 2, :b => 5} equations = { "5+a+10/b" => 9.0, "7-5-a*b" => -8.0, "5^a/10/b" => 0.5, "b*(a+3)/2" => 12.5 } equations.each do |equation, result| it "uses them in place of the variables (#{equation} = #{result})" do LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc(values).should == result end end end context "when some variables are missing" do values = {:a => 2, :b => 5} equations = [ "5+a+10/x", "7-5-a*y", "c^a/10/b", "v*(e+3)/2" ] equations.each do |equation, result| it "raises an exception (#{equation.inspect})" do begin LittleMathPet.new(equation).calc.should == result true.should == false rescue => e e.message.should == 'Invalid math expression' end end end end end