require 'token_master/error' require 'securerandom' module TokenMaster # `TokenMaster::Core` provides the core functionality of the TokenMaster gem. The `Core` module performs all of the logic of completing tokenable actions, and provides descriptive messages of the status or abilities of calls made. module Core class << self # Completes the tokenable action for a tokenable model instance using a token, setting `tokenable_completed_at` to the time at completion # @param [Object] klass the tokenable Class # @param [String, Symbol] key the tokenable action # @param token [String] the tokenable's token used to complete the action # @param params [Symbol=>String] keyword arguments required to complete the tokenable action # @raise [NotTokenableError] if the provided Class does not have the correct tokenable column # @raise [TokenNotFoundError] if a tokenable instance cannot be found by the given token # @raise [TokenCompletedError] if the tokenable action has already been completed, i.e., the tokenable instance has a timestamp in `tokenable_completed_at` # @raise [TokenExpiredError] if the token is expired, i.e., the date is beyond the token's `created_at` plus `token_lifetime` # @raise [MissingRequiredParamsError] if the params required by a tokenable are not provided # @return [Object] tokenable Class instance def do_by_token!(klass, key, token, **params) check_manageable! klass, key token_column = { token_col(key) => token } model = klass.find_by(token_column) check_token_active! model, key check_params! key, params model.update!( params.merge(completed_at_col(key) => ) model end # Completes the token action for a tokenable instance _without_ a token, setting the `tokenable_completed_at` to the time at completion.
Usually implemented when you want to complete multiple tokenable actions at once, e.g., a user completes the invite action by setting up passwords, by default also completes the confirm action # @example Force a Tokenable Action (Confirm) # user.force_confirm! => # # @param [Object] model the tokenable model instance # @param [String, Symbol] key the tokenable action # @param [Symbol=>String] params keyword arguments required to complete the tokenable action # @raise [NotTokenableError] if the provided Class does not have the correct tokenable column # @raise [MissingRequiredParamsError] if the params required by a tokenable are not provided # @return [Object] tokenable Class instance def force_tokenable!(model, key, **params) check_manageable! model.class, key check_params! key, params model.update!( params.merge(completed_at_col(key) => ) model end # Generates a tokenable action token, sets the token and the time of creation on the tokenable model instance # @param [Object] model the tokenable model instance # @param [String, Symbol] key the tokenable action # @param [Integer] token_length the length of the generated token, method will use configuration token_length if not provided otherwise # @raise [NotTokenableError] if the provided Class does not have the correct tokenable column # @return [String] token def set_token!(model, key, token_length = nil) check_manageable! model.class, key token_length ||= TokenMaster.config.get_token_length(key.to_sym) token = generate_token token_length model.update({ token_col(key) => token, created_at_col(key) =>, sent_at_col(key) => nil, completed_at_col(key) => nil }) false) token end # Accepts a block to pass on a generated token through a block, such as a mailer method, and sets `tokenable_sent_at` to the time the method is called # @example Send Reset Instructions # user.send_reset_instruction! { user.send_email } => # # @param [Object] model the tokenable model instance # @param [String, Symbol] key the tokenable action # @raise [NotTokenableError] if the provided Class does not have the correct tokenable column # @raise [TokenNotSetError] if the tokenable model instance does not have a token for the tokenable action # @raise [TokenSentError] if this has already been called for the instance and tokenable action, i.e., `tokenable_sent_at` is not `nil` # @return [Object] tokenable model instance def send_instructions!(model, key) check_manageable! model.class, key check_token_set! model, key check_instructions_sent! model, key yield if block_given? model.update(sent_at_col(key) => false) end # Calls set_token! and send_instructions! to generate a new token and send instructions again (accepts a block, such as a mailer method, for sending instructions).
Note, any previously generated token for the user will be invalid. # @example Resend Reset Instructions # user.resend_reset_instruction! { user.send_email } => # # @param [Object] model the tokenable model instance # @param [String, Symbol] key the tokenable action # @param [Integer] token_length the length of the generated token, method will use configuration token_length if not provided otherwise # @raise [NotTokenableError] if the provided Class does not have the correct tokenable column # @return [Object] tokenable model instance def resend_instructions!(model, key, token_length = nil) set_token!(model, key, token_length) send_instructions!(model, key) end # Provides the status of the tokenable action, whether the action has been completed, the token has been sent, the token is expired, or the token has only been created # @param [Object] model the tokenable model instance # @param [String, Symbol] key the tokenable action # @raise [NotTokenableError] if the provided Class does not have the correct tokenable column # @return [String] status of the tokenable action: # * completed # * sent # * expired # * created # * no token def status(model, key) check_manageable! model.class, key return 'completed' if completed?(model, key) return 'sent' if instructions_sent?(model, key) if token_set?(model, key) return 'expired' unless token_active?(model, key) return 'created' end 'no token' end private def token_col(key) "#{key}_token".to_sym end def created_at_col(key) "#{key}_created_at".to_sym end def sent_at_col(key) "#{key}_sent_at".to_sym end def completed_at_col(key) "#{key}_completed_at".to_sym end def token_lifetime(key) TokenMaster.config.get_token_lifetime(key.to_sym) end def check_manageable!(klass, key) raise Errors::NotTokenable, "#{klass} not #{key}able" unless manageable?(klass, key) end def manageable?(klass, key) return false unless klass.respond_to? :column_names column_names = klass.column_names %W( #{key}_token #{key}_created_at #{key}_completed_at #{key}_sent_at ).all? { |attr| column_names.include? attr } end def check_params!(key, params) required_params = TokenMaster.config.get_required_params(key.to_sym) raise Errors::MissingRequiredParams, 'You did not pass in the required params for this tokenable' unless required_params.all? do |k| params.keys.include? k end end def check_token_active!(model, key) raise Errors::TokenNotFound, "#{key} token not found" unless model raise Errors::TokenCompleted, "#{key} already completed" if completed?(model, key) raise Errors::TokenExpired, "#{key} token expired" unless token_active?(model, key) end def token_active?(model, key) model.send(token_col(key)) && model.send(created_at_col(key)) && <= (model.send(created_at_col(key)) + ((token_lifetime(key)) * 60 * 60 * 24)) end def check_instructions_sent!(model, key) raise Errors::TokenSent, "#{key} already sent" if instructions_sent?(model, key) end def instructions_sent?(model, key) model.send(sent_at_col(key)).present? end def token_set?(model, key) model.send(token_col(key)).present? end def check_token_set!(model, key) raise Errors::TokenNotSet, "#{key}_token not set" unless token_set?(model, key) end def completed?(model, key) model.send(completed_at_col(key)).present? end def generate_token(length) rlength = (length * 3) / 4 SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(rlength).tr('lIO0', 'sxyz') end end end end