module Mailboxer module Models autoload :Messageable, 'mailboxer/models/messageable' end mattr_accessor :default_from @@default_from = "" mattr_accessor :uses_emails @@uses_emails = true mattr_accessor :mailer_wants_array @@mailer_wants_array = false mattr_accessor :search_enabled @@search_enabled = false mattr_accessor :search_engine @@search_engine = :solr mattr_accessor :email_method @@email_method = :mailboxer_email mattr_accessor :name_method @@name_method = :name #mattr_accessor :notification_mailer mattr_accessor :message_mailer class << self def setup yield self end def protected_attributes? Rails.version < '4' || defined?(ProtectedAttributes) end end end # reopen ActiveRecord and include all the above to make # them available to all our models if they want it require 'mailboxer/engine' require 'mailboxer/concerns/configurable_mailer'