require 'rspec' require 'tries' require 'redis' require 'sidekiq' require 'timecop' require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext' require_relative '../lib/services' PROJECT_ROOT ='../..', __FILE__)) SUPPORT_DIR ='../support', __FILE__)) TEST_SERVICES_PATH ='spec', 'support', 'test_services.rb')) CALL_PROXY_DESTINATION = PROJECT_ROOT.join('lib', 'services', 'call_proxy.rb') CALL_PROXY_SOURCE = SUPPORT_DIR.join('call_proxy.rb') SIDEKIQ_PIDFILE = SUPPORT_DIR.join('') WAIT = 0.5 START_TIMEOUT = 5 SIDEKIQ_TIMEOUT = 20 Dir[SUPPORT_DIR.join('**', '*.rb')].each { |f| require f } Services.configure do |config| config.redis = end Sidekiq.configure_client do |config| config.redis = { redis: 'redis://localhost:6379/0', namespace: 'sidekiq', size: 1 } end Sidekiq.configure_server do |config| config.redis = { redis: 'redis://localhost:6379/0', namespace: 'sidekiq' } end RSpec.configure do |config| config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true config.filter_run :focus config.order = 'random' config.before :suite do # Start Sidekiq sidekiq_options = { concurrency: 10, daemon: true, timeout: SIDEKIQ_TIMEOUT, verbose: true, require: __FILE__, logfile: SUPPORT_DIR.join('log', 'sidekiq.log'), pidfile: SIDEKIQ_PIDFILE } system "bundle exec sidekiq #{options_hash_to_string(sidekiq_options)}" # Copy call proxy FileUtils.cp CALL_PROXY_SOURCE, CALL_PROXY_DESTINATION # Wait for Sidekiq to start i = 0 while !File.exist?(SIDEKIQ_PIDFILE) puts 'Waiting for Sidekiq to start...' sleep WAIT i += WAIT raise "Sidekiq didn't start in #{i} seconds." if i >= START_TIMEOUT end end config.after :suite do # Stop Sidekiq system "bundle exec sidekiqctl stop #{SIDEKIQ_PIDFILE} #{SIDEKIQ_TIMEOUT}" # Delete call proxy FileUtils.rm CALL_PROXY_DESTINATION i = 0 while File.exist?(SIDEKIQ_PIDFILE) puts 'Waiting for Sidekiq to stop...' sleep WAIT i += WAIT raise "Sidekiq didn't stop in #{i} seconds." if i >= SIDEKIQ_TIMEOUT + 1 end end config.after :each do wait_for_all_jobs_to_finish end end def options_hash_to_string(options) { |k, v| "--#{k} #{v}" }.join(' ') end